My drives are lost!!


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
I apologize for the painfully long post... but all of this needs to be covered just so you all know the sheer superhuman unbearable anguish I have gone through!

Ok so..... Up until recently I only had an 80 gig WD HDD in my comp since i was too poor to afford anything else. This was a refurbished drive that I had recieved from WD on an RMA i might add. I then found and old 30 gig WD laying around my house (from an old comp....) and put it my machine as tghe Windows drive. So I had the 30 set to Master and 80 was the Slave. It all worked fine for a while and then I started getting the dreaded CLICK! of the drive arm hitting the side of the drive casing. The same sound a drive makes when it shuts down.... bad. So i thought to myself 'Self, do you think it is possible that my overclock is causing trouble?' 'It is distinctly possible' self resplies. So i step back my FSB to 200 so the RAM is no longer over stock.... and there was much rejoicing... for about 3 days until CLICK! again the 30 started to make itself apparent. So I stepped back the ram AND the multi this time and was running like 190 by 10 or something. And it was slow but there was much rejoicing for about 5 hours..... CLICK!

So I removed the drive and was in the midst of transferring files to DVD so when I went back to only have the 80 I wouldnt have to delete things.... until salvation came in the form of a Platinum (never heard of the brand) 60 gig drive that my friend was getting rid of. So I put it in my machine as the Master and intalled XP to it. ANd it was good.... until I finished installing XP to it and my Videos Partition on my 80 (slave) was drive C and my Windows Partition on the 6t0 (master) was drive D.... so I hunted down another friend who has more storage than he knows what to do with and transferred all my files over to him and then re-partitioned my drives and made the 80 master and the 60 slave. This was 3 days ago.

Then about 8 hours ago.... CLICK.... and my machine locked and then never came out of it.... i just flipped the switch on the PSU... and then turned the machine back on.... my mobo wouldnt get past the splash screen. So I cleared the CMOS and tried again and I recieved a strange POST code error... OA which involves the Keyboard of all things. So I turn off the computer and unplug my drives and then plug them back in hoping that will fix my problem. No... it gets past IDE detection on the POST just fine but then hangs on 0A for EVER.... so I grab an old 250 or so Watt PSU and plug in just the 20 pin and my two HDDs into it think perhaps my 450W Raidmax PSu that came with my case may not be up to snuff. Nope.... still stuck on 0A. So I grab on old DFI AD77 mobo and do a swap. And I turn on the comp.... I get a blue screen from XP because I changed mobos so I go into Windows Setup and run an unattended setup on my machine. Windows installs fine and then on the 3rd reboot or so I get a DISK BOOT ERROR message an d so I shut down my comp and restart... it then takes me into Windows setup where it only displays my slave drive.... I have tried switching out the IDE cables and it will work for a while and then crap out again.. any ideas??

I again apologize for the long post... but now you know my pain so any thing you can do to apply some computer morphine or neosporin would be much appreciated....


Jun 19, 2001
do u have another computer where u can run some kind of drive fitness util on?


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
uhh define drive fitness utility.... is it like Arnold Schwarzenagger presents Drive Defragmenter?? Or maybe Billy Blanks HDD Tae-Bo? Sorry... I am a little mad due to the fact that I cant use my comp.... anyway what progs would you suggest?


Senior member
Jun 2, 2004
OUCH...I feel your pain. :(

Personally, I suggest Diskeeper. You can goto their site and get a free trial one for 30 days and see if your HD are in good health at all. Another small thing...try to use another IDE cable and see if that helps. Your cables might be corrupt and it might be shortening out...btw, does your mobo have agp-pci lock when you OCing your system?


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Originally posted by: firerock
OUCH...I feel your pain. :(

Personally, I suggest Diskeeper. Are you talking about SMART at all?? cuz if so.. everytime I can get into Windows I check SMART through Everest and it comes back ok.... You can goto their site and get a free trial one for 30 days and see if your HD are in good health at all . Another small thing...try to use another IDE cable and see if that helps. I went through like 4 different IDE cables including a brand-new one that came with my firends drive he bought 2 weeks ago... They all work for a little while and the problems start all over again... just like before Your cables might be corrupt and it might be shortening out...btw, does your mobo have agp-pci lock when you OCing your system?The first mobo did... not so sure about the second mobo but Im not OCing the second mobo.... in fact I am running at 166*6 so.... severe underclock

Well I'll try all that.... thanks for the suggestions... I jsut need for my friend to wake up so i can drop my drives in his comp...


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2001
I'm not pointing the finger or anything, but the instant your drives started clicking was the time to get the data off and replace them.


Jun 19, 2001
when i say drive fitness, i mean the util that u can download from the hd mfr. they usually offer some kind of util u can download that tests the integrity of the drive.


Jan 6, 2001
Your power supply is junk and surely did not help out your hard drives. I would highly suggest replacing it with a quality 350w or larger Antec, enermax, etc.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Originally posted by: Dopefiend
I'm not pointing the finger or anything, but the instant your drives started clicking was the time to get the data off and replace them.

See I can't afford to replace the drives so I am stuck between a rock and a hard place in that regard....

Your power supply is junk and surely did not help out your hard drives. I would highly suggest replacing it with a quality 350w or larger Antec, enermax, etc.

Yeah I do indeed...