Never saw anything like it! My computer has been shutting down spontaneously.
Custom built at a local shop. ABIT KT7-RAID, Athlon Tbird 900, 256RAM, 98SE, 300W powersupply, what else?
Today I slid it out from under the desk to put the cover back on, which has been off for a week or so since I had to pull the NIC too many times and got tired of removing the cover. Another story. After a week with no NIC problems, decided to replace the cover. As I slid it back under, it just conked out! Died right there, whirred down to silence. I thought maybe the cord had been pulled? The cord was in tight, and the other end in the CyberPower UPS was good. I wiggled the plug on the computer end again, and hey! it came on, then died again after a few seconds. Oh no!! What's wrong here? A couple of more times on and off by wiggling, then I found that merely moving the box around could do it. On and off without touching the switch. Various manipulations of the case (it's not a perfectly rigid box, of course, you can flex it a small amount , even with gentle moves). Curious! And scary. I wondered if the UPS was a problem, but the same syptoms happened when plugged straight into the wall.
Finally got it to stay on, left it the rest of the day without touching it at all, called and found the guy who built it was out. Then this evening it just died again without my touching a thing. And then I noticed that it didn't just fall over dead at once, it closed the one open program, did the doodle-doodle sound in the floppy drive like it does when it shuts down with C-A-D, the screen went blank, and it shut off. It didn't just die, IT SHUT ITSELF OFF!!!
I tried a few more times, and it's true -- if it's got all the way booted up and running, it doesn't die, it shuts off. I didn't notice that at first because I was under the desk at the time.
The UPS has the automatic shut-down software that turns it off if no action from the user after 5 minutes of running on battery. Maybe that's involved?
I've got many months left on the one free year of tech support at the shop, but I hope to not have to turn it in and lose the use of it for days. I need it for school many ours a day and have no real alternative. All my crucial software is on it.
This is scary. Any help?
Custom built at a local shop. ABIT KT7-RAID, Athlon Tbird 900, 256RAM, 98SE, 300W powersupply, what else?
Today I slid it out from under the desk to put the cover back on, which has been off for a week or so since I had to pull the NIC too many times and got tired of removing the cover. Another story. After a week with no NIC problems, decided to replace the cover. As I slid it back under, it just conked out! Died right there, whirred down to silence. I thought maybe the cord had been pulled? The cord was in tight, and the other end in the CyberPower UPS was good. I wiggled the plug on the computer end again, and hey! it came on, then died again after a few seconds. Oh no!! What's wrong here? A couple of more times on and off by wiggling, then I found that merely moving the box around could do it. On and off without touching the switch. Various manipulations of the case (it's not a perfectly rigid box, of course, you can flex it a small amount , even with gentle moves). Curious! And scary. I wondered if the UPS was a problem, but the same syptoms happened when plugged straight into the wall.
Finally got it to stay on, left it the rest of the day without touching it at all, called and found the guy who built it was out. Then this evening it just died again without my touching a thing. And then I noticed that it didn't just fall over dead at once, it closed the one open program, did the doodle-doodle sound in the floppy drive like it does when it shuts down with C-A-D, the screen went blank, and it shut off. It didn't just die, IT SHUT ITSELF OFF!!!
I tried a few more times, and it's true -- if it's got all the way booted up and running, it doesn't die, it shuts off. I didn't notice that at first because I was under the desk at the time.
The UPS has the automatic shut-down software that turns it off if no action from the user after 5 minutes of running on battery. Maybe that's involved?
I've got many months left on the one free year of tech support at the shop, but I hope to not have to turn it in and lose the use of it for days. I need it for school many ours a day and have no real alternative. All my crucial software is on it.
This is scary. Any help?