- Jul 15, 2003
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I purchased Roy a few weeks ago from a pet store. Though he was albino but turned out to be just a plain blonde. He was only 12 weeks old at the time, already fixed and descented and ready to go. I loved him and he loved me. Liked to crawl on my lap and help me type. We had a little trouble with the litter training but I have been told its standard fare with all ferrets and if we both work at it we can get about a 90% success rate.
He did get something resembling a cold a few weeks ago, but it washed over quickly with a lot of help and meds from the local vet (who happens to specialize in ferrets). Too cold for him to visit the outdoors and most of the neighbor kids probably couldnt handle themselves around him anyway. But he did enjoy running around the house. Though if you leave them outside the cage for long make sure you have a litter pan in EVERY corner of the house, especially nooks and cranny's. They are instinctively latrine animals but they never travel far to do business.
For those of you who dont have an ominous feeling in your guts yet I have to tell you this story doesnt have a happy ending.
Got back from my night job this morning and Roy was full of beans as usual. Had a heck of a time changing his water and food without his little nose in the way. Let him run around the bathroom for a while and did the usual litter changing and cage cleanup. Put him back in and he was happy as a clam. This afternoon when I woke up to get ready for work I went in to check on him. Since he's deaf I usually dont concern myself if I dont get some action upon opening the door. I wont bore you folks with the maudlin details, suffice to say my Roy had passed on. Near as I could tell he got bored with his supper dish about halfway through and decided the plush bed would make a better snack. Have no idea how long it took him to tear through the cloth covering but eventually he got to the foam padding.
As most pet owners know such padding is like candy to the average pet but also very dangerous to their digestive system. Large dogs usually just get sick and throw it up. Cats and ferrets are not always so lucky.
By the time I found him his body was cold and rigid, and I knew right then and there I was not as careful or caring a man as I once thought.
I was planning to take pics of him but we always had so much fun together I could never the camera out. For anyone who has had a good friend for seven weeks and never saw them again you can appreciate what this feels like.
For everyone else I hope you never do.
I'm sorry Roy. You deserved better in my hands.
He did get something resembling a cold a few weeks ago, but it washed over quickly with a lot of help and meds from the local vet (who happens to specialize in ferrets). Too cold for him to visit the outdoors and most of the neighbor kids probably couldnt handle themselves around him anyway. But he did enjoy running around the house. Though if you leave them outside the cage for long make sure you have a litter pan in EVERY corner of the house, especially nooks and cranny's. They are instinctively latrine animals but they never travel far to do business.
For those of you who dont have an ominous feeling in your guts yet I have to tell you this story doesnt have a happy ending.
Got back from my night job this morning and Roy was full of beans as usual. Had a heck of a time changing his water and food without his little nose in the way. Let him run around the bathroom for a while and did the usual litter changing and cage cleanup. Put him back in and he was happy as a clam. This afternoon when I woke up to get ready for work I went in to check on him. Since he's deaf I usually dont concern myself if I dont get some action upon opening the door. I wont bore you folks with the maudlin details, suffice to say my Roy had passed on. Near as I could tell he got bored with his supper dish about halfway through and decided the plush bed would make a better snack. Have no idea how long it took him to tear through the cloth covering but eventually he got to the foam padding.
As most pet owners know such padding is like candy to the average pet but also very dangerous to their digestive system. Large dogs usually just get sick and throw it up. Cats and ferrets are not always so lucky.
By the time I found him his body was cold and rigid, and I knew right then and there I was not as careful or caring a man as I once thought.
I was planning to take pics of him but we always had so much fun together I could never the camera out. For anyone who has had a good friend for seven weeks and never saw them again you can appreciate what this feels like.
For everyone else I hope you never do.
I'm sorry Roy. You deserved better in my hands.
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