My 2000+ XP will only do 1.75GHz.


Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2000
Since 1.67GHz is default I thought it might do at least 1.8GHz. Do these not overclock very well? It would not even post at 1.8GHz. Just curious to know if this is about average or I got a wimpy chip.


Aug 17, 2000
I just got one too, and thought there would be more headroom to OC. Did you unlock it or are turning up the bus speed? If it's the latter, like me, then many other things could be the cause like memory or any of the pci/agp devices that are holding us back. I am able to run Prime95 flawlessly at 141MHz, but no luck at 142MHz. I've turned up the voltage to the cpu and the memory, also turned down the memory timings from "Fastest" to "Faster" and from CAS2 to CAS2.5, but still no luck at anything over 141. This has started to make me think that one of my pci/agp devices is the cause.

Could be any of these for me: Voodoo5, SBlive!, Intel NIC, or STB TV tuner card


Senior member
Jan 6, 2002

1740MHz to 1780MHz is generally considered the max attainable for an air cooled Athlon XP 2000+, while 1800-1860MHz is generally the maximum for watercooled setups.

Remember, current Athlons are still .18um processors; AMD has pushed this process just about as far as it will go, which is why you are not able to attain much of an overclock. If you would have bought a 1800+, you probably could have got it up to the same speed for less money.

The current .18um Athlons are not going to scale in frequency anywhere near the new .13um P4's or the upcoming .13um Thoroughbreds; if you expect as much, you will be disappointed.


Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2000
Cool. I think I will unlock and change my multiplier to 12X so that I can turn my fsb back up a little. My board and ram are fine at 155MHz but with this locked cpu I'm limited to lower 140's.


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000
I discovered very little benefit from overclocking my XP 1800. I find it's MORE than fast enough at default speeds - and so your XP 2000 should be too. Unless you like overclocking for overclocking sake just run it at default for a while and you might be surprised :)


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
The XP2000+ that I got free from AMD will run solid as a rock at 1750 w/default voltage. It will boot just fine at 1800MHz and run windows fine, but a 100% CPU load does crash it at default voltage when running 1800. More voltage stabilizes it at 1800, and I think it could go a little higher, but I'm running it at 1.762GHz for now, at 1.775V, just to be safe. There really isn't much headroom in these. As you can see, we are all topping out at default voltage around 1.75. Mine will actually do 1800 at reasonable voltage, but I think AMD picked out good ones for the giveaway. Anyway, when in doubt, try some more voltage, and a bigger sink. :)

Just out of curiousity, what sort of temps are you guys getting? With an Alpha PAL8045 on an Epox 8kha+, running 1.762GHz at 1.775V, I run between 42 and 46C depending on the load (with 46C being the high end under full load). Seems kind of warm, but it runs very stable that way. When I upped the volts to make it stable at 1800, temps went up to 47-48C at full load.



Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2000
It's not about frame rates or benchmarks. It about being faster than your buds. ;):D


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000

<< It's not about frame rates or benchmarks. It about being faster than your buds. >>

Hehe, I see yer point :)


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999

<< howd you get a free athlon? >>

AMD raffled a bunch of them off recently in a contest they called the Extreme Performance Project. They gave away a cheap motherboard/HSF combo with the procs too, but I gave the free mobo/sink to my nephew and bought an Epox 8kha+ and an Alpha PAL8045 to run the 2000+ on. :)



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Sorry to hear it darrin....That was my fear on the 2000+ chips...I thought if I was going to get one I would likely get a 1800+ or 1900+ so I can at least run up the fsb a bit, but knew athlon 2200+ would be tough to attain with air cooling unless it was expensive and noisey

Nonetheless I went fo the northwood at got my 1.8@2.4 533fsb (1.65v) with half my case fans and a 4000rpm fan...temps are 36c idle and 44c load....My memory 333mhz ddr scores are 2525's right now with only a 4:5 ratio available. I can boot at 2.5ghz and run stable but the voltage is 1.7v...too high for my liking...

I made the right choice it looks like...the ceiling on the .18 micron process seems to be showing...I know at current performance of over pc800 scores I can beat an athlon up to 2200+ scale...

Maybe the thoroughbred will give it a bit more life, but i didn't want to wait and there was no real advancement luike northwoods 512 l2 cache...