MY 1st fast computer...


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2003
Alright. I have a very fast pc now, but heres the saying, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." That means a computer is only fast as its weakest component which is very indeed true. I have a 20gb 5.400rpm and a old 6gb hdd running my operating system since the 20gb is very slow and dying. The new Matrox plus 8 will be coming soon there is a program that copies the current data to the new hdd which "i don't think is a very good idea" Shall i do a fresh install of xp and clear my bios or should i use the data copy program. The new hdd is a Matrox Plus 8 7200rpm, 2mb cache, 30gb hard drive which is a good vaule at free shipping and shipped @ $48.50 that is a very cheap price and the 8mb cache was alittle too steep for a young fellow like me.

Thanks for any replies and i hope you can understand what im saying if not please tell me in a nice way and i will try to rephase myself. Thanks Twista


Senior member
Aug 14, 2002

Most definately, install a fresh OS on your new drive. If you copy it, you will copy all the errors, unsed dll's, old rubbish in the registry, and its all not worth it.

Simply copy all your Docs, and especially all the latest drivers for all your hardware to a CD. Never just rely on one Hard Drive to retain your data safely.