Am I the only one that's torn?
On the one hand, I resent the way Activision just pumps these things out annually, and the whole legal fiasco with Infinity Ward just stinks of greed and ego.
On the other hand, I have played the hell out of both MW1 and MW2, and still think the movement and shooting mechanics are second to none. Yeah, the screaming ten-year olds and glitchers and cheaters are infuriating. But played with a good team of friends, and some mature randoms (rare, I know), it's still a great experience.
But the single-player campaigns have steadily grown more bombastic, more scripted, and less interesting. The AI is still dogshit stupid, and just spams endless waves at you until you press on. You still die from random bullets to the dome even when behind cover on the really hard difficulties. And the engine, while sometimes impressive (the lighting on the oil rig level in MW2 is brilliant), is still built on open-source iD Tech 3!!
Maybe I'm just a sucker for the fact the dude in the trailer has the same Oakley Nomex combat gloves as me (great gloves). Little details on the uniforms and weapon models are things MW has always gotten right.