On my DR650 it seems as if my front forks/turning assembly is loose. The bike isn't stable at all. I first started to notice it only when i turn, like the bike wanted to fall over. Now, after my last trail ride I can't even keep it going in a straight line down the road. It feels like the forks are able to move forward and back, they aren't tight. Like if you're looking at the bike from the side, the front tire would be able to move left and up away from the bike, as well as right and down towards the bike. I'm not absolutely positive on this because I can't tell without lifting the bike up on a stand or at least getting the front wheel off the ground. It's hard to explain it, perhaps i'll upload a drawing if needed.
I wanted to post to see if anyone had any ideas or knows how I would adjust something like this.
I wanted to post to see if anyone had any ideas or knows how I would adjust something like this.