Originally posted by: 4fingerwu1
I am going to have to go with the 21st birthday celebration
21 drinks for 21 wondrous years
Well, my best night does not have an exact number attached to it. I know I started the night out by "pre-gaming" and doing 9 shots and 1 beer in the hour before we left for the party. I brought along my trusty 5 shot capacity flask, filled with Everclear. Between a drinking it out of the bottle and making half-@ssed Boilermakers in my beers, I killed the flask, meaning thats just a little under 12 beers alcohol equivalence (1oz 190 proof = 2 and 3/8 oz 80 proof) from the flask. Plus I was still playing drinking games like flip cup (which totally kills your ability to count). Plus the beer that went into those Boilermakers. I probably should have gotten my stomach pumped that night, but instead I just puked. Actually, I executed a triple puke'n'rally, which is rare for me, on the few occasions I've puked I've always back off and went to bed. My roommate had about 150lbs of my weight on him for the walk home. I woke up the next morning with no hangover, but still fairly drunk. The morning after that I felt pretty crappy. I know I easily passed the "30" mark, but how far past that, I dunno. I just label it a "30+" night. My roommate labels it a "40+" night, but there is no way in hell I could have maintained an accurate count
Before I hear a bunch of calls of "B.S." or "alcoholic", there are a few things I would like to clear up:
-I have drank a full case many times, its not anything to even mention anymore
-I starting drinking at 8 that night and ended the night listening to the birds chirp away on the stumble home. So, this was over a period of 9 hours or so.
-I'm not a little guy,
I'll rip your arms off! (j/k, lets see who gets the reference). But, seriously, that was me at my heaviest, and I was probably 260 or so.
-I puked. 4 times in total (once in my room when I got home).
-I've never drank to that point since. Actually, I havent gotten drunk to the point of vomiting since. I still can drink pretty fscking hard (I could probably equal that total still), I just know when to cut myself off now.