More stories about stupid hick kids


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2001
Millenium posted about a stupid kids racing their go kart...coincidentally, we were just leaving for Staples to buy a desk when there's this incredibly stupid fat white kid (race seems to be important on ATOT when making a post about someone's stupidity, so I included the race of this dumbass) was racing directly towards us on his moped. YOU DO NOT PLAY CHICKEN WITH A VAN, DUMBFVCK. We both barely swerved out of the way...he was probably less than a feet away when we went past each other. Going home, I see the idiot again, except he's racing with another guy in a go kart. This time, there were little kids playing in the street...and when I looked, I see the moped guy ride past while the kid ran like hell back into his driveway. I didn't see the whole thing, but it looks like he was playing chicken again, except this time it was with an unwilling little kid. I waited for the guy to come back to see if he did anything else stupid and to call the cops, but he never did. But my god, only really dumb rednecks would ride his moped directly into a moving van.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2001
I really think he's gonna kill himself off before he finds a partner who's willing to carry his babies.


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2003
Originally posted by: MindStorm
Millenium posted about a stupid kids racing their go kart...coincidentally, we were just leaving for Staples to buy a desk when there's this incredibly stupid fat white kid (race seems to be important on ATOT when making a post about someone's stupidity, so I included the race of this dumbass) was racing directly towards us on his moped. YOU DO NOT PLAY CHICKEN WITH A VAN, DUMBFVCK. We both barely swerved out of the way...he was probably less than a feet away when we went past each other. Going home, I see the idiot again, except he's racing with another guy in a go kart. This time, there were little kids playing in the street...and when I looked, I see the moped guy ride past while the kid ran like hell back into his driveway. I didn't see the whole thing, but it looks like he was playing chicken again, except this time it was with an unwilling little kid. I waited for the guy to come back to see if he did anything else stupid and to call the cops, but he never did. But my god, only really dumb rednecks would ride his moped directly into a moving van.

wth does this have to do with rednecks?


Oct 1, 2000
wth does this have to do with rednecks?

Because only us white folk have necks that can turn red?

ooops! had to edit as I made wrong quote! (i'm a st00pid caucasion and proud of it!)...ok, not really proud.