more great california polls...oh to be back on the east coast

Jul 12, 2001
Source UCLA newspaper-

Do you support the war on terrorism

No, not at all.
Yes, but not if it includes military strikes.
Yes, but not if it includes military strikes against countries other than Afghanistan.
Yes, even if the war includes military strikes against two or more nations.


does that mean the 20% is "against us" and therefor part of the people we are fighting?...ALRIGHT!

oh california politics

The Dancing Peacock

Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
UCLA is great and all, I loved my time there, but it equals Berkeley for some of it's most leftwing, pacifist, PC, Affirmative action views.


Feb 1, 2000
hey thats not nearly as bad as the berkeley poll about it. like 2/3 were against fighting them. ucla is a fairly conservative school compared to berkeley. you know we like our cars expensive and our money flowing whereas our cal counterparts , want to drive an electric volkswagon bug, with a flower on it, and wanna give all their money to whoever has less than them

The Dancing Peacock

Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
hans were you around back when prop 187, and SP-1 were up? Oh my. The president of the students, damn whats the acronym, they led a protest out to the federal building, got arrested, and used student funds to pay his bail. There were protests like once a week. Where you there when they took over Royce? What a bunch of morons. Sitting in the front windows like they're anarchists.

True, Maybe it is more of a vocal minority, judging by the sheer number of bmw's and high fashion getups ppl wear around there.


Golden Member
Jan 24, 2001
UCLA leftist? You were hanging around the wrong people I guess. All of my friends and acquaintances were moderates or conservatives (I was the sole liberal). There was a vocal minority of leftists (I'm not talking about democrats, I mean almost marxists) that seemed to be in charge of student government though (we almost voted them out during my stay). I didn't know it until I came here to the east cost, but UCLA has a reputation among other schools as being more right-leaning.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2000
UCLA is far from left-wing. I mean we have a few crazy peeps handing out the Socialist newspaper, but those guys are outcasts. Then there's a LBGT community, but other than this week (which was coming out week), they aren't very active. I'm sure most of the school are democrats... this is California after all, but I know quite a few people who are conservative at school.

I think UCLA is pretty much normal. There isn't one unified school vibe as might be in other schools. It's such a huge campus that there isn't one thing, view, or way of life that's very prominent. It's not like Berkeley, and it's not like Bob Jones. Thank goodness for that!

The Dancing Peacock

Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
i went there, i know about the student govt. I was in a fraternity, I had conservative friends, I had liberal friends. I think that a good portion of the campus is liberal leaning (30% in that poll there, 45% counting the "only Afghanistan" votes.) The Bruin was very liberal, the student govt was about 2 steps shy of marxism. I ddin't like that we didn't have a unified vibe thing, I think it was too fractured, everyone praised its multi-culturalism, but those cultures stayed to themselves, in their own groups. Going to be back on campus in a few hours. Got to hit the job fair, and find me a job :)