Mom charged with felony child endangerment


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Mom Arrested For Encouraging Son To Fight
Renee Honnold Drove Her Son To The Fight And Got Involved Herself

Mike Dello Stritto

(CBS13) FOLSOM, Calf. A mother was arrested for helping her 13-year-old son start a fight. Police say she drove him to the fight and pushed him on.

If you're a parent, you'll find this hard to believe. Two kids were having an argument across the street from a middle school. They agree to settle it after school. One of those kids gets into his mom?s car after school and says to her, ?I have a fight take me to the gas station.? She not only drives him to the fight but she encourages it and ultimately, gets involved herself.

Gayle Williams saw the fight and tried to stop it.

?I saw this woman get out of the car. She was sitting there the whole time,? said Gayle.

It was the bigger kid?s mom, 37-year-old Renee Honnold of Folsom.

?I tell you, I wanted to beat the crap out of her, but that?s not the way you handle things,? said Gayle.

Gayle stepped in to stop the out-of-control mom.

?I said ?if you go near that child again, you?re going to have to deal with me,?? said Gayle. ?She said bring it on.?

?It doesn?t surprise me. It actually shocks me when this occurs,? said Kurt Knudsen, Folsom Police Department.

Mike: What kind of mother does this?

Kurt: Your right, I can?t answer that on camera.

Kim Williams, the mother of the victim meets Gayle, hearing about what so many experienced in person or on tape.

It's not just the woman Renee?s actions that are hard to believe. Kim just left the middle cool where a bomb was dropped about her son: he's suspended for five days.

You have the victim who is suspended, the other kid who beat him up and the mother arrested and forcing charges with child abuse and contributing to a minor and out of jail after a few hours.

(© 2007 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report. )
What did she do that was wrong? If the kids want to duke it out, let them.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2001
Ummm, so you would drive your kid to a fight? Then encourage him/her to fight? She should have been arrested and charged, he should have been suspended along with the other kid.


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
Originally posted by: MedicBob
Ummm, so you would drive your kid to a fight? Then encourage him/her to fight? She should have been arrested and charged, he should have been suspended along with the other kid.

They don't say it in the article, but in the video clip they say the other kid was suspended too. How on earth can anyone see this woman's actions as being acceptable?


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Thorny
Originally posted by: MedicBob
Ummm, so you would drive your kid to a fight? Then encourage him/her to fight? She should have been arrested and charged, he should have been suspended along with the other kid.
They don't say it in the article, but in the video clip they say the other kid was suspended too. How on earth can anyone see this woman's actions as being acceptable?
Whatever happened to letting kids resolve their differences with a good ol' fist fight?


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Thorny
Originally posted by: MedicBob
Ummm, so you would drive your kid to a fight? Then encourage him/her to fight? She should have been arrested and charged, he should have been suspended along with the other kid.
They don't say it in the article, but in the video clip they say the other kid was suspended too. How on earth can anyone see this woman's actions as being acceptable?
Whatever happened to letting kids resolve their differences with a good ol' fist fight?

Um, this wasn't acceptable when I was a child either. I thought it was OK at the time, but my parents certainly did not. Do you seriously think that fist fights resolve any differences?


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Thorny
Originally posted by: MedicBob
Ummm, so you would drive your kid to a fight? Then encourage him/her to fight? She should have been arrested and charged, he should have been suspended along with the other kid.
They don't say it in the article, but in the video clip they say the other kid was suspended too. How on earth can anyone see this woman's actions as being acceptable?
Whatever happened to letting kids resolve their differences with a good ol' fist fight?

I see... a child duct-taped into a car seat on the back of a motorcycle in your future.


Aug 9, 2002
Fighting could lead to serious injury and even death. Common sense.

It's not like the movies where the kids stand up and just shake it off. Self defense is the only and just excuse.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Thorny

Um, this wasn't acceptable when I was a child either. I thought it was OK at the time, but my parents certainly did not. Do you seriously think that fist fights resolve any differences?

1. That's because that was only 5 years ago.

2. When you begin your sentences with "Um", it makes you sound like a mouthbreathing imbecile.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2006
Letting your kid fight is one thing, but directly enouraging him to do so, and involving yourself even more after the fact is unacceptable.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Regs
Fighting could lead to serious injury and even death. Common sense.

It's not like the movies where the kids stand up and just shake it off. Self defense is the only and just excuse.

Back when I was younger and the nation wasn't in the pansy-ass state that it's in now, kids would commonly get into fights and we didn't die.

Maybe nowadays with the children being brought up with everything nerfed around them, on padded playgrounds, it's possible that they couldn't defend themselves and they'd get injured. They'd probably also get injured if I said a nasty word or saw me eat some non-dolphin safe tuna.

Keep in mind, these are the same kids who can't play football because it's just too dangerous.

This is probably the wrong place to talk about anything manly, considering the crowd. A good number of people on this forum are the D&D playing dorks that used to avoid sunlight and anything athletic back in school. Now they've moved onto forums such as Slashdot where they can try to advocate their lifestyle and pretend that they're normal. In case you can't tell, I'm annoyed by those cowering, unmanly, unathletic types with their pansy defeatist attitude.
May 31, 2001
I got into a few fights in school, but I didn't start them. Only got suspended for one because the rules at that particular school said all parties involved had to be suspended, but it was one day for me versus several for the other guy. My folks had no problem with it since he attacked me, and the principal and several teachers told me he deserved it because he was a bully.

He got kicked out of school eventually for attacking a teacher. Go figure.

EDIT: Forgot I did technically throw the first punch in that fight, but it was after discerning that the other party had hostile intent when he grabbed me and slammed me into a wall. :p


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2006
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Regs
Fighting could lead to serious injury and even death. Common sense.

It's not like the movies where the kids stand up and just shake it off. Self defense is the only and just excuse.

Back when I was younger and the nation wasn't in the pansy-ass state that it's in now, kids would commonly get into fights and we didn't die.

Maybe nowadays with the children being brought up with everything nerfed around them, on padded playgrounds, it's possible that they couldn't defend themselves and they'd get injured. They'd probably also get injured if I said a nasty word or saw me eat some non-dolphin safe tuna.

Keep in mind, these are the same kids who can't play football because it's just too dangerous.

This is probably the wrong place to talk about anything manly, considering the crowd. A good number of people on this forum are the D&D playing dorks that used to avoid sunlight and anything athletic back in school. Now they've moved onto forums such as Slashdot where they can try to advocate their lifestyle and pretend that they're normal. In case you can't tell, I'm annoyed by those cowering, unmanly, unathletic types with their pansy defeatist attitude.



Oct 9, 1999
Driving kid to a fight a bad idea? Yes. Felony child endangerment? Uhhhh, no. If that's felony child endangerment, someone needs to arrest that dojo owner from Karate Kid.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
We settled most everything with fights when we were kids. My parents never drove me to one but my dad did teach me to fight.
I had the cops called on me in JR High when I beat up a neighbor who was hitting a girl. The cop was happy with the outcome because the kid was older and bigger than me and picking on a girl. Sometimes go just have to smack a bully down and sometimes guys just have to go toe to toe. That's life/nature.


Oct 9, 2001
I don't have any problem with kids and fistfighting but isn't the parent supposed to use such opportunities to explain to their children that there are other means of settling disputes. I mean I participated in a couple of after school fights and other random altercations but my parents sure weren't around acting like Don King.

As for felony child endangerment, that seems a bit extreme.


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Thorny

Um, this wasn't acceptable when I was a child either. I thought it was OK at the time, but my parents certainly did not. Do you seriously think that fist fights resolve any differences?

1. That's because that was only 5 years ago.

2. When you begin your sentences with "Um", it makes you sound like a mouthbreathing imbecile.

Do you think you somehow know me? I'm willing to bet by your immaturity that I'm older than you and have probably accomplished more with my life. If you would learn how to read you would realize in the quote above mine we were specifically talking about the mother, not the kid fighting. A quote above mine also started with "umm" which I was mimicking.

The only coward I see right now is you. You're the one that is too afraid to work out differences with others using your brain, so you resort to trying to beat them up. I got in my fair share of fights when I was in my teens, then I grew up and realize that it's stupid and has no place in an adult environment. Looks like you're still stuck in high school buddy.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Regs
Fighting could lead to serious injury and even death. Common sense.

It's not like the movies where the kids stand up and just shake it off. Self defense is the only and just excuse.

Back when I was younger and the nation wasn't in the pansy-ass state that it's in now, kids would commonly get into fights and we didn't die.

Maybe nowadays with the children being brought up with everything nerfed around them, on padded playgrounds, it's possible that they couldn't defend themselves and they'd get injured. They'd probably also get injured if I said a nasty word or saw me eat some non-dolphin safe tuna.

Keep in mind, these are the same kids who can't play football because it's just too dangerous.

This is probably the wrong place to talk about anything manly, considering the crowd. A good number of people on this forum are the D&D playing dorks that used to avoid sunlight and anything athletic back in school. Now they've moved onto forums such as Slashdot where they can try to advocate their lifestyle and pretend that they're normal. In case you can't tell, I'm annoyed by those cowering, unmanly, unathletic types with their pansy defeatist attitude.

When I was a kid (70s), we settled things ourselves as well.

BUT, if a parent/adult saw a fight they would invariably break it up. Fighting was something done outside the view of adults unless you were a pussy and wanted it to be broken up. If you told your parents you had to go to a fight, they would just take you home. It was NEVER normal for a parent to encourage fighting. And I never once heard of a parent jumping in unless it was to break it up.

It's always been that way, even with my father who grew up in the 30s. Responsible parents NEVER encouraged fighting. Responsible dads may teach a kid how to defend himself, and hopefully teach him never to use those skills to start a fight... but encourage the fight and provide transportation? Never.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
When I was a kid, I can't recall a single time when someone who ended up graduating in the top 1/3 of their class ended up in a beyond about 7th grade. I've been a teacher for quite a few years; the same thing still seems to apply. And, having spent 20 years working at the location that was the big high school hangout on the weekends, and the place were a great many fights occurred, again, my observations were that it was the below average students, and dare I say, lower class students who were involved in fights.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: DrPizza
When I was a kid, I can't recall a single time when someone who ended up graduating in the top 1/3 of their class ended up in a beyond about 7th grade. I've been a teacher for quite a few years; the same thing still seems to apply. And, having spent 20 years working at the location that was the big high school hangout on the weekends, and the place were a great many fights occurred, again, my observations were that it was the below average students, and dare I say, lower class students who were involved in fights.

And the achievers were bullied mercilessly unless they learned to stand up for themselves.

Through most of grade school and some of middle school, I was bullied until I had had enough. Nature helped with one hell of a growth spurt too. After a year of being bussed to a school infested with Mexican gangs, I never backed down to anyone again. When I came back to the neighborhood schools, I was suspended multiple times and involved in many street fights until the old bullies realized I was no longer someone to be fscked with.

Adults just don't see what kids go through. They only see the fight, which is the end result of months, possibly years of harassment.