So again you don't want best possible reproduction, you want best possible filtering and will gladly give up everything else for it.
Give up what exactly? I can run Sac now @2048x1536 w/AA- moving to 7800GTX SLI setup gains me a couple of notches worth of AA- which to me isn't worth the reduction in quality of the filtering.
Why don't you just admit this whole thread is about you trashing optimized AF instead of hiding behind some fictional holy grail which makes it appear your opinion is somehow balanced and rational when it isn't?
You are the one being irrational here. Easily demonstrated by statements like-
But is that mathematically provable?
In relation to gameplay quite clearly indicates who is the irrational one.
No but we can make existing music sound better by buying better equipment.
You have real low end gear? You hit a certain sweet spot for a given recording- even when looking at newer recordings- in terms of the accurate reproduction of the accoustical range involved. Beyond that, you start exposing the shortcomings of the reocrding you are listening to. As a generalized example people rave about the iPod's music playback that you purchase through their website which sounds fine on an iPod but piped through a remotely decent setup sounds completely unacceptable(complete loss of all sound stage, sound range is seriously cut off at the high end low ends and middle has turned into mud). You take existing outdated recordings and they sound better up to a point, then your equiptment simply serves to amplify all of their shortcomings.
So now you have to advocate low-end gear in order to keep your original claim intact. That's quite a conundrum you've got yourself there. Or rather yet another hole you've dug yourself into.
Where have I ever done any such thing? Reading comprehension is an important element. I pointed out reality- don't take my word for it- go to any audiophile site or forum and broach the topic.
You didn't ask for best possible filtering, you asked for best possible reproduction that is available.
When tube amps went out of production an awful lot of people just stopped buying new ones. Why? Tube amps were still available used.
7800 SLI matches that claim since the AF you demand is for all intents and purposes no longer available (and thus should be dropped from topic according to your rule addendum #4) and the superior AA is available and it's far better than what your holy grail card offered.
For which games exactly? Anything worth playing? When I run into something that I have trouble playing that has trouble running on my rig then I'll be forced to look for something else. The latest graphics showcases have been extremely boring titles at best. Gee whiz, another online shooter with nigh identical mechanics to dozens of others..... no thanks.
As for not buying such cards, you purchased a 9800 Pro didn't you?
Yep, POS too.
Of course, which is why I pointed out that real AF and SSAA are generally not viable because of this very reason.
Except they are- kind of blows your whole line of discussion out of the water.
You then responded by showing low detail benchmarks - benchmarks that violated your own rules for both reproduction and playability - to "prove" I was wrong. In otherwords you contradicted yourself while trying to prove me wrong!
Except, and I'll try explaining this more clearly- what I showed you were percentage performance hits that such implementations took when running proper filtering and AA. You could take the performance hit that those benches show and then
apply those to the performance level of a 7800GTX SLI setup. Given that the performance difference between 4xS w/AF and 4x MSAA w/o AF on the NV25 tended to be in the less then 20% range(although this did go higher in certain instances) I would tend to say that the 7800GTX in SLI would have no problem at all handling the strain.
Why are you stating the obvious to make it sound I said something else? You know darned well the AA-sampled image is higher than the final image so following your previous simpleton spin on AA you would be forced to come to the flawed conclusion that the concept of AA in general is useless.
No- you left out a few rather important elements. One is the amount of corrective adjustment a 4x AA blend during flip will have on the front buffered image and how the sampling of an analog display will be impacted when trying to display a resolution beyond the pixel density that the screen allows. You went simpleton so I replied in kind. If you want a real answer then deal with the actual issue. Signal theory and diminishing return back me all the way on this.
No, it isn't posisble. For all intents and purposes real AF is not available because the optimizations are locked at the hardware level which means according to your rule addendum #4 (must be available) you won't be pursuing the issue any further.
Did you see that on the moving picture box? Why are you dropping to simpleton BS when you know it is? The AF optimization technique they utilize is hardware based- but why on Earth would you try to imply that that could not be completely disabled and they revert to brute force? Why are you trying to even pretend that this is not completely and easily within their capability? They are fully capable of not only resorting to brute force pure AF they also could manage to do it with FP32 level of precision for their filtering across the entire chip. Now, that isn't
viable as of now because the performance hit would be as big as you are making proper AA and AF out to be.
Where did that strawman come from?
From you. If you keep using cumulative then you are firmly standing behind the fact that 40FPS it totally irrelevant. You are brutally misuing basic language.
More specifically what does it have to do with the semantic games you're playing in order to ignore the cumulative performance hit of the two?
Show me a cumulative performance hit. If you are claiming that you are coming remotely close to using cumulative in the proper sense then you are saying that 40FPS does not matter at all. The x850 takes a 90% performance hit when using any AF at all. If I claim that your stating it is less then 10% is simply a matter of semantics and I decided to use 90% as I see fit you would have no problem with that? That is exactly what you are doing.