MoBo problem please help:(


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
I have a problem with something in my computer and I cant figure out what...

A month ago my computer crashed and then never started again. I took it to a shop and they said its the motherboard. SO I called ABIT and they replaced it. So I installed it but I still have almost the same problem. When I start the computer I have to play with the power button and the reset button /pressing them several times and restarting several times/ until I get it to start up. I can hear the Hard drive rotating and the processor and everything /the light on the cd rom is flashing like crazy / but the monitor doesn?t come on and it doesn?t beep.

So I had the problem again after I replaced the MB so I called Abit telling them I have the same problem and they sent me another replacement. I still have the problem though. Sometimes the computer stays on for day sometimes for 10 minutes and then just shuts down , and everything all over again.

Anybody has any idea why this is happening. I am desperate:(

MY MB is Abit KA7
Athlon 850 Mhz /slot A/
RAM: 2x256
Win2000 pro
TNT2 video card.

Thank you for any input


Senior member
Mar 13, 2002
i need more details about whats gonig on. does it post? do you hear a beep? do you see anything on the screen? whats exactly happend after your system "crashed" ?


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
First I have to get it to start .. this is when I can not start the computer. Nothing appears on the screen , there is no beeping just the light on the monitors goes to green and then goest to "sleep" mode again, and the cd-rom light is flashing.

This happens everytime I try to start the computer. And It crashes whenever it wants.

After I turn it on and off couple of times and reset it couple of times it starts.

Its kind of confusing I guess but I dotn know what is causing it..


Golden Member
Oct 29, 1999
First, remove everything that is not necessary from the box. Leave only vid card, memory, floppy, hard drive, keyboard and mouse connected. Boot and see if the problem persists. If so, you have narrowed it to those items, and most likely mobo, processor or memory. Its unlikely that 3 motherboards will exhibit the same symptoms. I would also be very suspicious of the power supply based on your symptoms.

You're gonna have to narrow it to the most basic parts and then figure out which part has gone bad by removing and testing by inserting other parts in their place. Try borrowing parts from a known working computer to figure out which one is causing the problem. Switch one at a time only to eliminate each one.


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
thanks very much.. I am starting testing .. I guess it will be a testing day ....


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
One more question about the power suply. Currently I am using 250W. Does it metter how many Watts is the poer supply. I mean can I put a 400 W power suply for example?



Golden Member
Oct 29, 1999
If you are running a 250 watt supply, I just became even more suspicious of the power supply.

No, you do not have to replace the supply with the same size. Bigger is better. A bigger supply is still delivering the same voltage to each lead. The difference is it can sustain that voltage better when more things are hooked up to it. Athlons and Durons are particularly picky about having a good power supply and many here have found that a 250 is not enough. I myself had to go out and buy a new case a couple years ago when I switched from Pentium to Athlon replacing a 250 with a 350. It is not unlikely that the caps in your slightly underpowered supply are aging. Startup problems are the common symptom.


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
Is that mean that I can go with 400W power suply. I didnt find anything about recomended watts for the motherboard (ABIT KA7) and I dont know if 400W can fry it or anything, but I foud cheeper 400W ten 350W so was wondering if its safe.



Golden Member
Oct 29, 1999
Yes it is safe but with power supplies you get what you pay for. Without seeing specs I can't say for sure but you are likely better off with a 350 from a reputable manufacturer than a 400 from a bargain brand.


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
Ok so its not the power supply:(

I bought AMD approved power supply 350W and its still having the problem.

I am totaly out of idea what the hell s wrong :(



Junior Member
Apr 30, 2002
I'm having similiar troubles (read my post "computer won't post") and am about to take my computer into the shop and have them diagnose it. If they figure out what's wrong, I'll reply with it there. I've seen a LOT of people with these types of problems and there never seems to be a real solution. :/


Golden Member
Jul 24, 2000
I'm really suspicious of the KA7 Board. (I assume you have seen my post on the other thread)
Since you have exchange the mobo with Abit and still have problems. There is one last way to test if it is the mobo again.

Since this is AMD, it is really picky about power supply. I think you do really need at least 300W. Look it up at AMD site, I think they have their power supply list somewhere for Athlon Classic. Once that taken care of, go to fry or some local store that have easy return policy and get new slot a mobo. put that in there, make sure you seat the CPU well, and just have ram, cpu, and video in there (and cdrom, floppy, etc). See if that would work. If they do then we know that it is your mobo that causing the problems. Your problems are exactly like mine and I sure hope it is the mobo.

The thing is, with getting new ps and all, what is the cost of all this thing ? will it be worth it to keep spending on this config or is it better to get a new combo ? Sometimes fry have Duron/T-bird combo that is really cheap. Might as well dump your old mobo, sell the CPU at ebay and get new config.

Hope this helps. Good luck.


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
I had already changed the power supply with 350 w AMD recommended.... Same thing

Did I mention thi is the second MB abit exchange... I exchanged it first time and I put it it started fine .. then after a day it started doing the same thing so I called abit and they sent me a new one... and this one is doing the same thing... I dont know anymore:(
and i dont have money for new config:(


Golden Member
Jul 24, 2000
well, tough if your are in tight situation :(
But just "borrow" the other mobo to test.
so that you can be sure what is exactly wrong.


Senior member
Nov 20, 2000
You might also try operating the computer with the mobo out of the case. Just be sure it is on a non-conductive surface when you do. There might be something shorting out the mobo in the case. Other than that, I know that when the speed is not set right for the chip in the bios, like when overclocking, the system will not boot sometimes and after three repitions of the reset switch, it will defalt back to a "safe" speed and boot properly.


Senior member
May 26, 2000
Dunno if this will help or anything, just a possiblity I suppose. My friend had a similar situation with his XP 1700 cpu. It had the same symptoms you were describing. It powered up and everything would go fine except no picture came up and the monitor went to sleep. We went to the basics and ruled everything out and found out that it was his processor that had died. I dropped in my xp 1900 and his system started working fine.


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2002
I got my computer to work ...

It was the motherboard. I borowed a MoBo from a frind and it worked flowlesly... I want my money back now.:(