Over 3 days of w10 pro upgrade failures under my belt ... but,
This box is now w10.
4 attempts to get the migration tool to work ended with
... paraphrase ... " we can not make this tool work on your system "
( If you run the tool as administrator then close it with the X - it will rollback and leave a error message. ( and leave a huge backup of the OS on your partition) Let me say that there is ALOT of fixes listed for errors encountered. But, if the windows update is still working, and this tool is failing ( stuck at 0% )
You will need to do as I did next.
Unable to get an ISO left me searching for a resolution.
Googled info that says to change the web page emulation to iPAD, and refresh the migration tool page allows a download option for an ISO ( 5gb ).
The ISO is too large for standard DVD ( 4.7gb ) and no blue ray on this box.
So, unpacked the ISO and ran the SETUP as administrator.
( WARNING - the ISO is time limited to 24 hours )
Series of MS error messages I logged for you enjoyment during ISO deployment.
0x8000FFFF-0x90019 --- not enough disk space.
Deleted all the games ... ( use my new box now )
0x80070070-0x2000C --- still not enough disk space.
Deleted all the video/photo/office editing programs --- ( nothing but bones left now )
0x80070011-0x2000D --- profiles on separate drive -- no go
So, this was the killer. Long ago ... I moved my user profiles off the system disk.
Upgrades never failed, until now. ( and warnings about this problem were not seen by me at this time - maybe they posted this later ) Needless to say, I spent ALOT of time on this. ( failing and restoring over and over ) Eventually, I gave up, I could only get the administrator account. ( I had to delete the others - also reclaiming space ) There are only a few topics out there to resolve this problem.
- how to - moving user profiles -
Thanks MS - I love u.
BTW, I still think I saved time doing this ... rather than re-installing W7 and rebooting 200 times with updates. ( with failures ) And, then trying to upgrade to w10.
In all .. I can say ... GHOST imaging was my savior.
( although ,,, It does not work on my x570 box -- and I gave up with tek support and throwing DVDs into the trash )