Michael Savage had a great idea for illegals in our prisons

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Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Originally posted by: techs
Michael Savage?
Wasn't he the guy who called a homosexual caller to his show a sodomite and wished he would die of AIDS?
And we are listening to this monster why?

Because he doesn't adhere to political correct BS like every other sissy in the media. Wouldn't it be better if everyone in the media said what they REALLY thought without having to follow rules and guidelines? I guess I just like to fight for truth.

Now you don't...you like a guy who says "The Truth" as you see it. If every media person said what they thought, you'd be calling for their executions inside of 20 minutes.

It's the same with all the asshole commentary guys (on all sides), their fans always, ALWAYS claim that they love them because they aren't afraid to tell it like it is. Of course what they really mean is that they love a commentator that says the kind of truth they like to hear. It's not that Michael Savage is an asshole that attracts you, it's that he's a right-wing asshole.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: michaels
This has nothing to do with blacks or race..i'm talking illegals.

They may have broken the law, but I'm not sure how I feel about sending them to countries with very poor records when it comes to human rights, especially when it comes to prisoners.

And prisoners deserve the most rights of them all.

I'm fairly sure I didn't say that...nope...not in my post.


Dec 25, 2004
That's a pretty good idea. We pay China $3,000 a year to take the prisoners off our hand instead of the $25,000 we pay now. Could we work out a simular deal with Mexico? That way we're sending them to their homeland.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Personally, I liked the idea of making them ride bikes generating electricity all day better...


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Mail5398
Originally posted by: michaels
Outsource their sentences to China, Russia or some other country. America could pay the tab at a much lower cost, this course would happen if they country of origin wouldn't take them back. Brilliant!

A thousand years from now black people will still be using slavery as an excuse in this country. If the U.S. is so bad, go live in the Sudan.

The thing i don't get is blacks were not the only ones to be enslaved in history. Yet, we still here about it as if it happened yesterday. They also were not the first. Every ethnicity has been enslaved at one time or another. My stance is this, quit bitching about what my and others forefathers did and get your act together. Quit sponging off of your forefathers misery.

To get back on topic though. If the American government would reform it's thinking on crime and punishment, we would not be the leaders in per capita detainees. I just don't get it when child molesters and murderers are set free, while non-violent offenders are doing hard time. I'm not saying some don't get harsh sentences. I personally know of two offenses where the murderers got less time than drug offenders. That is ludicrous to me. My $0.02.


Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: aidanjm
What's the bet there is an upswing in racist attacks and murders associated with this immoral scapegoating of illegal immigrants. Just like there was an upswing in homophobic violence when gays were being scapegoated during the 2004 elections in the USA.

Immoral scapegoating? How the hell do you figure.
If they come here illegally, they are illegal immigrants. How is that scapegoating?
Or are you just tryingt o get back up on your "America hates gays" soapbox and this is an easy way to it?


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: aidanjm
What's the bet there is an upswing in racist attacks and murders associated with this immoral scapegoating of illegal immigrants. Just like there was an upswing in homophobic violence when gays were being scapegoated during the 2004 elections in the USA.

Immoral scapegoating? How the hell do you figure.
If they come here illegally, they are illegal immigrants. How is that scapegoating?

The idea that so-called illegal immigrants are somehow responsible for all the woes in America or that they are somehow responsible for the decline in your standard of living is scapegoating.

Originally posted by: Specop 007
Or are you just tryingt o get back up on your "America hates gays" soapbox and this is an easy way to it?

I'm pointing out that scapegoating vulnerable groups is a standard political tactic in the USA. I'm suggesting that the scum of society - racists, skinheads, homophobes, etc. - are listening to, and take cues from, the politicians, commentators, etc., and that some of them will look to the anti-immigrant rhetoric and see a licence to e.g., go out and kill an immigrant. You have to expect an upswing in hate attacks and hate murders of hispanic individuals over the coming months.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: techs
Michael Savage?
Wasn't he the guy who called a homosexual caller to his show a sodomite and wished he would die of AIDS?
And we are listening to this monster why?


n : someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male) [syn: sodomist, sod, ah heck]

Huh, I didn't know that was a bad word. I'll have to use sodomite in the future instead of "ass pirate". :D

Well the point was that he wished the guy should get AIDS and die. Because he is a homosexual.
Savage was fired from his gig for that. And in my opinion he is a monster.
Revolting wishing someone gets AIDS and die, on the air, on the radio.
As revolting as a guy who wants to send people to jail in China were they kill you and sell your organs to the highest bidder.
And as sickening as the same guy talking about how great our country is. And people still tuning in to him.
He's the kind of monster we tolerate, not celebrate in a free society.

Oh, okay, I didn't realize the 1st Amendment was negated by your personal opinion . . .

The First Amendment gives him the right to say it, as I said.
Its WHAT he said that makes this "man" a monster.
And people who listen to his monstrous opinions are supporting them.

Somehow techs, I believe if he was speaking to Jerry Flalwelll and you substituted "homosexual" with "Christian" you would have no problem with what he said.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: XMan
Originally posted by: techs
Michael Savage?
Wasn't he the guy who called a homosexual caller to his show a sodomite and wished he would die of AIDS?
And we are listening to this monster why?


n : someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male) [syn: sodomist, sod, ah heck]

Huh, I didn't know that was a bad word. I'll have to use sodomite in the future instead of "ass pirate". :D

Well the point was that he wished the guy should get AIDS and die. Because he is a homosexual.
Savage was fired from his gig for that. And in my opinion he is a monster.
Revolting wishing someone gets AIDS and die, on the air, on the radio.
As revolting as a guy who wants to send people to jail in China were they kill you and sell your organs to the highest bidder.
And as sickening as the same guy talking about how great our country is. And people still tuning in to him.
He's the kind of monster we tolerate, not celebrate in a free society.

Oh, okay, I didn't realize the 1st Amendment was negated by your personal opinion . . .

The First Amendment gives him the right to say it, as I said.
Its WHAT he said that makes this "man" a monster.
And people who listen to his monstrous opinions are supporting them.

Somehow techs, I believe if he was speaking to Jerry Flalwelll and you substituted "homosexual" with "Christian" you would have no problem with what he said.



Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: BrunoPuntzJones
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: HamburgerBoy
I disagree. Instead, sell contracts for illegal immigrants off of eBay and legalize gladiator fights. Companies will buy them up like crazy, they'll build arenas all over the world for entertainment, and the economy will prosper.

That made me laugh.

How about this... Have the prisoners pick lettuce!

1. It gives them something useful to do.
2. It takes away the incentive for illegals to flood into the country without wrecking our economy.

Brilliant! :D

They have a prison around here where the prisoners do farming work.
Yup, same here in TX (may be where you are). They grow cotton, pick it, make it into clothes, etc. Hard labor and helps support the prison.

Of course, even in Canada they have prisoners doing stuff like that. But they only produce stuff for use within the correctional system (such as clothing or food), or for the government (ie ID tags or license plates). But they can't put out actual consumer goods, because there's no way legitimate businesses can compete with essentially free labor.