memory questi

Oct 9, 1999
got a new mobo coming in(chaintech nf4 series) it has 4 ram slots. my old dfi board(skt 754 3200+) had 3 slots. i had 2x512 and 1x1gb.

i figured since my new mobo has 4 slots i should buy another stick of 1xgb to give me 3 gigs.

should i do that or sell my 2x512 and buy 2x1gb so i'll have 3x1gb and an extra slot open.

the cpu that will be used is a skt 939 3200+



Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2006
Read the mobo manual - does it support dual channel memory? Dual channel requires that you place identical pairs of RAM modules in two mated slots. Many mobo's can operate either single- or dual-channel, even setting themselves automatically. So you can put in one RAM module on Slot 0 and it runs single-channel. Or two matched modules in Slots 0 and 1, and it will run dual-channel. IF you have the option, dual-channel is faster.

A tip-off: if you have RAM Slots labelled A1, B1, A2 and B2, the board proably does dual-channel. But read up on it.


Senior member
Oct 9, 2006
Your old Socket 754 Nforce 3 board does not support dual channel memory. You must have had an Ultra version with three DIMM slots, many Nforce 3 boards supported only 2 DIMMS. Your new board is an AMD Nforce 4 chip. Nforce 4 supports dual channel memory. Add memory in matching pairs. You cannot run 3 Dimms. You can run one dimm, two dimms or 4 dimms, not three. Buy matched pairs is my suggestion. HTH.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
Sell the 2x512 and buy 1x1GB. Then you've got 2GB in dual-channel but you'll also be able to add a 2x1GB kit later on should you decide that 2GB isn't enough.
Dec 8, 2004
I have the Chaintec NF4 board and although it's fairly forgiving when running mis-matched memory, the 1, 2 or 4 stick rules should be applied. If you could find a matching kit for your old kit (indentical) then you could run 2gb (but will take a perfromance hit). I would just get a new 2 x 1gb kit. Availabilty of high perfromance kits will soon become more limited than they are now.
Oct 9, 1999
i have 1x1gb of pny and 2x512 corsair value.

so i could get 4x1gb or 4x512 and run dual channel, right?

all are pc3200 but DC has to have same brand?
Dec 8, 2004
Originally posted by: DP
i have 1x1gb of pny and 2x512 corsair value.

so i could get 4x1gb or 4x512 and run dual channel, right?

all are pc3200 but DC has to have same brand?

What OS are you running? If you install 4gb in XP you will only be able to use about 3gb of it. This is a Windows "feature". Windows Vista 64 bit will use all 4gb, but will save almost 1gb for other use, so you will have about 3gb free.

In general you want all memory to match. That doesn't mean that mis-matched RAM won't work. It may or may not. The SPD programming contained on the different memory can "confuse" the BIOS, causing problems.

Note: Installing 4 sticks might cause the memory to run at a slower speed (DDR333) or cause 2t timings to be set. You may not notice much difference in every day use though.
Oct 9, 1999
A tip-off: if you have RAM Slots labelled A1, B1, A2 and B2, the board proably does dual-channel. But read up on it.

would dual channel work like this(i know i need to get all matching sticks. can't right this second):

A1-1x1GB PNY
B1-1X512MB Corsair
A2-1x1GB PNY
B2-1x512MB Corsair

if it won't work in DC mode, will it at least work at all until i can get matching sticks?

the OS i plan on using is XP home.



Senior member
Oct 9, 2006
Originally posted by: DP
A tip-off: if you have RAM Slots labelled A1, B1, A2 and B2, the board proably does dual-channel. But read up on it.

would dual channel work like this(i know i need to get all matching sticks. can't right this second):

A1-1x1GB PNY
B1-1X512MB Corsair
A2-1x1GB PNY
B2-1x512MB Corsair

if it won't work in DC mode, will it at least work at all until i can get matching sticks?

the OS i plan on using is XP home.

The memory should work with that configuration. Dual channel may or may not work with that configuration. If you had four identical DIMMS they will work in dual channel on a Nforce 4 socket 939 system. With the AMD chip you are forced to run the RAM at 2T when you use 4 DIMMS. You can run 1T if you use just two DIMMS.


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2006
Actually, my mobo works the other way. You put a matched pair in the 1 slots - A1 and B1. Then another matched pair goes into the 2 slots.

But I MUST emphasize: Read your own mobo's manual, and do what it says.
Dec 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Paperdoc
Actually, my mobo works the other way. You put a matched pair in the 1 slots - A1 and B1. Then another matched pair goes into the 2 slots.

But I MUST emphasize: Read your own mobo's manual, and do what it says.

Amen! There are few rules only lots of different ideas when it comes to motherboards.

Oct 9, 1999
i can't find a manual online and it isn't listed on chaintech's site:(

the owner didn't have the manual.
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: AndyT
Post the actual motherboard part number and we can help you look for the manual. :)

chaintec zenith ve nforce4

also, i was looking on for the chipset/platform drivers and was assuming "NForce 4 Series AMD is the right one i should get right?

also, i just put the rig together. when i have the 1GB PNY stick in there with my 2x512MB Corsair it says 64-bit. when the PNY is out and it's just the dual 512MB Corsair it says 128-bit?

what's that implying?
Dec 8, 2004
Originally posted by: DP
Originally posted by: AndyT
Post the actual motherboard part number and we can help you look for the manual. :)

chaintec zenith ve nforce4

also, i was looking on for the chipset/platform drivers and was assuming "NForce 4 Series AMD is the right one i should get right?

also, i just put the rig together. when i have the 1GB PNY stick in there with my 2x512MB Corsair it says 64-bit. when the PNY is out and it's just the dual 512MB Corsair it says 128-bit?

what's that implying?

Haha, I just happen to be using that same VNF4-Ultra board on this system. Apparently when Chaintech stopped producing motherboards they forgot to leave the manuals on the website (even though it was listed the VNF3 manual was not found)!

Oh well, when running 2gb a kit of memory (2 sticks), put them in the black slots (right next to each other and closest to the CPU). When you add the 1gb PNY stick, you force the motherboard into running in single channel mode, or 64 bit mode. Running 2 matched kits, or 2 x 1gb sticks wil allow dual channel operation or 128 bit mode. Dual cahnnel is faster/better of course.

Overall this is a great board! I had the VNF3-Ultra before this and my son is still using it.