memory issues in Shuttle SN25P


Junior Member
Nov 9, 2005
I'm going to Scrawl "N00b" across my forehead and plead for some help.

I've assembled a Shuttle SN25P with an AMD Athalon 64 processor. This isn't a super cool machine, I just needed something small. I've had a number of problems getting this thing up and running. The first issues were with Win XP Pro x64. I can own up to making a mistake with that. I thought it was ready for release, but the CD I had of it wouldn't install, in fact a number of the files couldn't be read....

The current issue seems to be with the mobo or the RAM. I'm using kingston value RAM PC3200, 2x 512 MB. I've hit a number of page faults, and other errors about writing to read only memory. Using Windows memory diagnostic tool, I hit errors in the checkerboard patterns. Testing either stick didn't reproduce errors, but both sticks gave me fits. Where should I go from here?


Chris Peterson