The reason I voted was b/c something had to be done with the globalist, sjw, pc-police, socialist path we were headed down. One that shit on the little guy in the name of profits for public companies like Harley Davidson who have decided that paying americans while their execs make less is not an option. We needed a molotov cocktail thrown at the Beltway elites and Trump was and still is a viable option. Both parties alike despise him which should tell you something if you despise Congress like I do.
If you don’t like companies offshoring production then you probably shouldn’t have voted for the guy who gave these companies big incentives to offshore productions and then a huge sack of cash with which to finance it. Oops!
It’s both funny and sad how after Trump just spent a year completely screwing the little guy you’re still talking him up like he’s a defender of the average american. He doesn’t give a single, solitary shit about the little guy.