Hey all,
I recently purchases some faster ram ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/...?Item=N82E16820231166) , and Im trying to get the most out of it.
I dont need to get into the specifics of what I've tried and all that stuff... but I will say that Im running 4 dimms, and am trying to hit 1128 (471 x 2.4) with 5-7-7-20 timings or better
Im just curious if someone can tell me Maximum values for voltage that I can try without too much risk of destroying the board or my components. Especially:
MCH core
ICH core
Im very close to getting my desired settings, but its not quite stable enough to pass Prime for a sustainable period
Maybe some of you can speak from experience?
I recently purchases some faster ram ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/...?Item=N82E16820231166) , and Im trying to get the most out of it.
I dont need to get into the specifics of what I've tried and all that stuff... but I will say that Im running 4 dimms, and am trying to hit 1128 (471 x 2.4) with 5-7-7-20 timings or better
Im just curious if someone can tell me Maximum values for voltage that I can try without too much risk of destroying the board or my components. Especially:
MCH core
ICH core
Im very close to getting my desired settings, but its not quite stable enough to pass Prime for a sustainable period
Maybe some of you can speak from experience?