its long division of 3527876/484=7289
i have no life
EDITED: Added explainition
It was actually kind of simple
once you learn you multiplication chart you would realize that the only possible numbers for A are 2, 4, 6, or 8 because only these numbers when multiplied by two different numbers have the same number at single digit #. IE 2*4=8 and 2*9=18
From this you you realize the only possiple combinations of A and ~ from *A~|****A** are 42, 62, 82, 24, 26, 28, 62, 64, 68, 82, 84 and 86.
Only 84 (A=8 and ~=4) works for A~*x=**AA and A~*y=**A.
Thus you get the 728z for the answer to the long division. z was very easy to solve because z had to be greater than 2 (4 digits) and couldnt contain a 8 (A). This left only z=3,4,5,6,or9. And only when z=9 does a 8 show up in the A position of *A*|****A**