Man was training kids to commit school shootings


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
Dude, the guy was training kids to do school shootings, what would stop from getting guns off the street?


Jun 26, 2009
Dude, the guy was training kids to do school shootings, what would stop from getting guns off the street?
There being fewer guns on the street and therefore costing more money to get them?

The economics of guns would follow the rules of just about any good out in the marketplace (open or underground).

It's this idea that if there were fewer guns, there would be fewer guns.


Feb 24, 2009
The whole thing is bizarre. I would link the article but the stupid protected browser I'm stuck with at work makes it really difficult. Supposedly, they have found an unidentified male child body buried in the desert. Georgia is seeking extradition.
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Dec 12, 2000
I've been watching this story since it broke...usually you'd think something like a jihadist terrorist camp on American soil would get more media attention, and it's been pretty silent in both mainstream media and right-wing media since the story broke over the weekend.

The main perp's father once delivered a prayer to Congress...kinda nuts. I honestly feel bad for "normal" Muslims in this country (including one running for Congress in Michigan) because they'll all be in America's crosshairs once again.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
Dude, the guy was training kids to do school shootings, what would stop from getting guns off the street?
I am not saying you are picking a side here, but this sounds like you feel that if something can't be fixed 100%, do nothing. It is a key ideal for those who want ZERO gun control. Oddly enough, the same dumbshits are happy to spend millions on a wall that will might improve security at the border a little bit, but will NOT provide a 100% solution to illegal border crossings. I can not wrap my head around the inconsistencies and hypocrisy of the right.

The point is, that we should be doing SOMETHING rather than waiting for the next group of people to die.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
I am not saying you are picking a side here, but this sounds like you feel that if something can't be fixed 100%, do nothing. It is a key ideal for those who want ZERO gun control. Oddly enough, the same dumbshits are happy to spend millions on a wall that will might improve security at the border a little bit, but will NOT provide a 100% solution to illegal border crossings. I can not wrap my head around the inconsistencies and hypocrisy of the right.

The point is, that we should be doing SOMETHING rather than waiting for the next group of people to die.
Actually I'm not 100% against gun control as some form is clearly needed in a sane society. Maybe keep a closer eye on those who live in compounds or off the grid?


Dec 12, 2000
Actually I'm not 100% against gun control as some form is clearly needed in a sane society. Maybe keep a closer eye on those who live in compounds or off the grid?

I think Obama asked Congress on 3 separate occasions for a law to prevent suspects on a terror watchlist from buying guns. Thanks to the NRA, it never happened.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2016
I think Obama asked Congress on 3 separate occasions for a law to prevent suspects on a terror watchlist from buying guns. Thanks to the NRA, it never happened.
There wasn't already a law in place for that? Why didn't Congress do that right after 911?


Jun 26, 2009
The counter-argument to the terror list thing is that those lists have been handled really stupidly and gotten the wrong people on them all the time.

If they could clean them up and handle them right then we'd have something.

Since we don't, I am for more sweeping gun regulations.


Apr 8, 2002
I think Obama asked Congress on 3 separate occasions for a law to prevent suspects on a terror watchlist from buying guns. Thanks to the NRA, it never happened.

Yes secretive govt lists is a great way to deny constitutional rights. Clearly if you are on the terrorist watch list you are a danger. Just ask the govt! Just dont expect them to provide any reason why you made it on the list. And if you want off, lawyer up. Freedom costs a buck o five.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I’m sure he was just trying to send a message of peace and tolerance...

I'm sure someone thought it was a good idea to let these people into our country. Keep it up and we're gonna look like Germany and the UK, overrun by radicals. It doesn't have to be this way. While I agree with most here that Trump is a jerk, I do agree with being stricter on who we let in. Some people are not, and will never be compatible with us and we need to stop kidding ourselves about it. Striving for diversity, at all costs, has consequences.


Jun 19, 2000
I'm sure someone thought it was a good idea to let these people into our country. Keep it up and we're gonna look like Germany and the UK, overrun by radicals. It doesn't have to be this way. While I agree with most here that Trump is a jerk, I do agree with being stricter on who we let in. Some people are not, and will never be compatible with us and we need to stop kidding ourselves about it. Striving for diversity, at all costs, has consequences.
Unfortunately, your words are falling on mostly deaf ears. They are probably not even seeing what is going on in Europe from their news sources and if they are, it is being spun. We're a few elections away from potentially having open borders. It's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.

We have two generations that have been taught the progressive version of history. From kindergarten through higher education. We are going to end up repeating the huge mistakes of history. The mechanism is in motion. What we're experiencing right now is only a brief slowdown.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
I'm sure someone thought it was a good idea to let these people into our country. Keep it up and we're gonna look like Germany and the UK, overrun by radicals. It doesn't have to be this way. While I agree with most here that Trump is a jerk, I do agree with being stricter on who we let in. Some people are not, and will never be compatible with us and we need to stop kidding ourselves about it. Striving for diversity, at all costs, has consequences.
This country has been overrun by radicals, we call them Trump voters.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This country has been overrun by radicals, we call them Trump voters.

Whatever floats your boat. Which party do all the rioters, looters, flag burners and property destroyers belong to? Those same people running around calling people fascists,while trying to shut down opposing speech, while calling the other side Nazis.
Sorry, but those are the real facists and nazis. So I always laugh when fascists and nazis call me one, when that couldn't be further from the truth.

Go ahead and call me a traitor now, too. I am. I'm a traitor, because I don't kowtow to your ideology.
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Dec 12, 2000
Unfortunately, your words are falling on mostly deaf ears. They are probably not even seeing what is going on in Europe from their news sources and if they are, it is being spun. We're a few elections away from potentially having open borders. It's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.

We have two generations that have been taught the progressive version of history. From kindergarten through higher education. We are going to end up repeating the huge mistakes of history. The mechanism is in motion. What we're experiencing right now is only a brief slowdown.
Newsflash dumbass, this country has always had what you call "open borders". Given the fact that conservatives have a horrid relationship with truth right now, I'm not sure I'd trust my kids with THAT version of history. What, you don't want them to learn about Ellis Island? Who built the railroads? Conveniently forget to mention slavery? Or try to convince kids that America was founded as a Christian country??

I agree that we are on the verge of repeating huge mistakes of history. It feels like 1933 Germany right now.
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May 19, 2011
I'm sure someone thought it was a good idea to let these people into our country. Keep it up and we're gonna look like Germany and the UK, overrun by radicals.

You either don't know what this word means, or you just like being a useful idiot to the far-right by mindlessly redistributing their propaganda.
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Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Newsflash dumbass, this country has always had what you call "open borders". Given the fact that conservatives have a horrid relationship with truth right now, I'm not sure I'd trust my kids with THAT version of history. What, you don't want them to learn about Ellis Island? Who built the railroads? Conveniently forget to mention slavery? Or try to convince kids that America was founded as a Christian country??

I agree that we are on the verge of repeating huge mistakes of history. It feels like 1933 Germany right now.

Who is trying to kill the Jews? No it doesn't feel like 1933 Germany right now, except in your mind. Ellis Island immigrants came here LEGALLY, dip shit. The Chinese built the railroads, as hired hands, not slaves. Many of them were already here.

And about slavery? It was wrong and it was abolished many generations ago. So, I'm not sure what your point is there.


Jun 19, 2000
I agree that we are on the verge of repeating huge mistakes of history. It feels like 1933 Germany right now.
Such drama! Whatever you do, don't answer the door. Especially in the dead of night. It's a damned shame that educators and the media can so easily create people like yourself.

We're living in some of the best times this nation has ever experienced and you've been brainwashed to think that what you've been taught is the worst country in the history of the world is now even worse.

We have though, failed as a nation in one respect. We have created at least one generation that had drummed into their heads that they were the best, the smartest. Everyone got a participation trophy because everyone was a winner! Now, the brainwashed have lost. Lost an election the same as there were winners and losers in every election ever held. But it's their first loss and they don't have the capacity to deal with it.

Now everybody has got to pay because you have hurt feelings.

Don't open that door.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
You either don't know what this word means, or you just like being a useful idiot to the far-right by mindlessly redistributing their propaganda.

Considering where you live, I'm not so inclined to buy your protective strategy. lol
If you're comfortable with with the Islamists over there, you can have them all.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Such drama! Whatever you do, don't answer the door. Especially in the dead of night. It's a damned shame that educators and the media can so easily create people like yourself.

We're living in some of the best times this nation has ever experienced and you've been brainwashed to think that what you've been taught is the worst country in the history of the world is now even worse.

We have though, failed as a nation in one respect. We have created at least one generation that had drummed into their heads that they were the best, the smartest. Everyone got a participation trophy because everyone was a winner! Now, the brainwashed have lost. Lost an election the same as there were winners and losers in every election ever held. But it's their first loss and they don't have the capacity to deal with it.

Now everybody has got to pay because you have hurt feelings.

Don't open that door.

Yeah, the overreaction to losing an election is unreal. Nothing lasts forever and for some reason, even though things are pretty rosy right now, the left feels doom and gloom. We are almost half way through the presidency and almost to the mid terms. The answer is not to become an uncivilized society, or worse, a bunch of temper tantrum throwing toddlers. The answer is to get out and vote. If you win, you win, if you lose, take it like a man or woman.