- Nov 28, 2001
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Nothing original or new to see here. I've just been reading up on numerous African countries as part of my hobby to learn all the countries and capitals. Yes I knew before hand how screwed up Africa was but it really does bring things into sharper focus when you read up on the specifics. After the colonial powers pulled out right around 1960 everything started to go to hell. Actually it was a time of great hope for the future but when the colonial powers pulled out there was no transition plan put in place in any of these countries. Many of these countries had been ruled from overseas anyway and when the colonial powers pulled out there was this sudden HUGE power vacuum. This vacuum was filled by all kinds of hippie communist/Marxist ideologues who quickly became military regimes and then were overthrown by more and more military regimes. Every country seems to have been ruled by one crazy murdering dictator after another from 1960 through about 1990ish when things started to get a little more stable in most countries. Course 800,000+ people were killed in civil unrest in Rewanda. Then throw in famine after famine in which millions starved. Causing further unrest war and mass migrations. Then you have HIV rates close to 30% in some countries to say nothing of malaria, yellow fever, and on and on and on. Contaminated drinking water and food. Zimbabwe's inflation clocked in at several trillion percent at one point a few year ago:
There are signs of hope in some countries but it's really unbelievable how many seemingly insurmountable obstacles are facing these countries.
!!!!!PLEASE PLEASE lets not have this turn into a race thread!!!!!
There are signs of hope in some countries but it's really unbelievable how many seemingly insurmountable obstacles are facing these countries.
!!!!!PLEASE PLEASE lets not have this turn into a race thread!!!!!
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