Lies. Cran-Grape is where it's at.
Sounds rather good, but i've not seen that on the shelf :\
I don't mind pure cranberry juice either, but raspberries are the key to awesomeness. :awe:
self mixed cranberry in orange juice holla
Hmm, i could try that.
Cran-rasp-orange...i dunno how that's going to turn out though.
Okay, tried it.
Kinda not so awesome.
Not bad, but i think i prefer my orange juice separate from the cran-based juices.
I really wish i had vodka here now...have only beer in the house
I don't know what the in the hell is going on with cranberries, but they're gettin in all the other juices!
I like the Cran-Pomegranate....excellent with vodka