Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: Genx87
I'd wait for the facts to come out on this one. Right now we are mostly hearing from his side with the police denying the accusations.
if what he said is true, the officers need to be disciplined.
But I have a feeling there is more to the story than what is being told.
There is always the rest of the story that gets convienently ignored
So let's see . . . why don't you
READ the account before siding with the police.
Person on their property is taking pictures.
Some of the pictures happen to be of police on adjacent property.
Police then go onto HIS property and arrest him for obstructing them. This account is confirmed by a WITNESS.
Cruz said that when he heard a commotion, he walked out of his back door with his cell phone to see what was happening. He said that when he saw the street lined with police cars, he decided to take a picture of the scene.
"I opened (the phone) and took a shot," Cruz said.
Moments later, Cruz said he got the shock of his life when an officer came to his back yard gate.
"He opened the gate and took me by my right hand," Cruz said.
Cruz's account
A neighbor said she witnessed the incident and could not believe what she saw.
"He opened up the gate and Neffy was coming down and he went up to Neffy, pulled him down, had Neffy on the car and was telling him, 'You should have just went in the house and minded your own business instead of trying to take pictures off your picture phone,'" said Gerrell Martin.
Cruz said police told him that he broke a new law that prohibits people from taking pictures of police with cell phones.
"They threatened to charge me with conspiracy, impeding an investigation, obstruction of a investigation. ? They said, 'You were impeding this investigation.' (I asked,) "By doing what?' (The officer said,) 'By taking a picture of the police officers with a camera phone,'" Cruz said.
Cruz's parents, who got him out of jail, said police told them the same thing.
"He said he was taking pictures with his cell phone and that was obstructing an investigation," said Aracelis Cruz, Neftaly Cruz's mother.
The neighbor's account . . . followed by Cruz's mother being told about the same law? at the police station.
Alright then comes the 'truthiness' . . .
Police told Hairston that they did take Cruz into to custody, but they said Cruz was not on his property when they arrested him. Police also denied that they told Cruze he was breaking the law with his cell phone. Cruz's famly said it has filed a formal complaint with the police department's Internal Affairs division and are requesting a complete investigation.
The cop takes him by the hand . . . to the car . . . THEN he arrested him! You gotta love 'protect and serve.':roll:
IMO, most cops do a good job and a poorly compensated. But this guy is a tool. They were allegedly there to arrest a drug dealer . . . and get a college student with a cell phone?