I've personally had more issues with store bought cables then my own cables in my home network. Now the opposite goes for my work's network. Here is my input on the matter, it is all about the quality of the job. At work, crimping cables is monotoneous, boring work when you need to make a couple dozen or more cables. Screw-ups ARE going to happen. The cables will not be properly terminated, wires might be mixed up, the insulation might not be stripped too far, etc.... All things which will lead to problems now or possible a year or so down the road.
However, the cause of those problems is from the person/tools used to make the cable and can all be fixed if done properly. I'm still using several cables at home and at work that I crimped 10 years ago, but that is because I took the time neccessary to do them correctly. It doesn't take a lot of time, just really the knowledge and experience of having done it properly before. You simply need to check and recheck everything. Know about how much of the outside insulation you need to strip (to give you a hint it is just a little more then the width of the crimping tool), know how to untwist the ends of the twisted pairs and straighten them out, then CUT them to the correct length so they are all even and will fit into the RJ45 connector endpiece while having the insulation reach far enough into the endpiece that about 1/8-1/6 inch of the insulation is past the base part where the little plastic tab will crimp down and into the cable to hold it in place without placing stress on the twisted pairs.
Again, it is all about knowing what to do. Making custom length cables can be very handy if you want a clean installation. Just take your time and do it right.