actually looks a little interesting. I guess its been out a while (the trailer) but i just saw it for first time late last night
Every Shamalamadingdong movie preview looks awesome and the movie usually ends up sucking. Guess what? I'm going to get taken in by yet another disappointing movie because of a great trailer. FML
He's not a bad director but his writing is awful. Hopefully this one won't have a lame ending. ^_^
He's not a bad director but his writing is awful. Hopefully this one won't have a lame ending. ^_^
The young girl is the devil. Obviously. Mark this post.
The young girl is the devil. Obviously. Mark this post.
My friend is a movie buff, and when we saw this trailer in the theater, he made the exact same prediction: "That one girl is the one who's possessed/the devil." Are you guys serious, and if so, how do you know this? (Not that I care that much, it's an M. Night movie and I probably won't watch it anyway.)