Surgery should be the absolute last resort. Surgery may solve the problem in the short term, but it creates scar tissue and may lead to other problems in the future.
I have problems with three discs in my lower back. At the end of 2003, I had three bulging discs and my spine was literally shoved sideways from the pressure of the discs. I could not stand straight, could hardly walk, and was in a lot of pain. Sitting was completely out of question.
I went to a doctor. He gave me muscle relaxers and vicodin and told me to enjoy my life and have surgery when I felt I needed to.
I went to a physical therapist. He helped some, but not much. He taught me how to strengthen the muscles in my lower back so there would be less pressure on my discs.
Finally, I tried a chiropractor. I was extremely skeptical. Best thing I ever did! My back is now in better shape than it's been in at least five years. I can lift things, sit, run, etc. Surgery is no longer, "something to strongly consider". He's also a vitalist so I've learned a bunch about eating better and really taking care of myself. I feel better than I have in years.
The body is an amazing healing machine, better than any drug or surgery, if it's given the correct input and care.
I recommend you keep surgery as a last resort and try everything else you can first. Your body will thank you.