LOTR Fans - A Call To Arms!


Feb 8, 2001
So, I was Killing time On the net tOday and I came upon a Review that Bashed Everyone's Favorite Film - LOTR. The Editor Calls on readers To write him and let him know what you think of his review.

Here is the review: Truth Media Review of LOTR

E-mail the editor!

Let's rip this guy a new one!


Oct 9, 1999
I dunno, it's from somethingawful.com, which is a humor site. I wouldn't take anything from them seriously :) They purposefully do this stuff to get peolpe pissed off, so they write in and they can publish a bunch of hate mail on their site.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I'm thinking that those reviews can't be meant to be taken seriously. Check out the NWN reviews. If that is an honest review, then I pitty the ignorance of the poor bastard that wrote it.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2001
Originally posted by: kami
I dunno, it's from somethingawful.com, which is a humor site. I wouldn't take anything from them seriously :) They purposefully do this stuff to get peolpe pissed off, so they write in and they can publish a bunch of hate mail on their site.

um, yeah...the point was (methinks) to get a bunch of n00bs here to write letters.....anyone with a little experience would have read further and not taken it at face value.

Besides, read this.


Feb 8, 2001
busted... :eek:

So, I was Killing time On the net tOday and I came upon a Review that Bashed Everyone's Favorite Film - LOTR. The Editor Calls on readers To write him and let him know what you think of his review.

If ONE person writes a letter, it will all be worthwhile... :D


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
If you have stumbled upon this page, the index that contains all the TruthMedia reviews, chances are you have at least some iota of intelligence. This is a good thing because each and every single "TruthMedia" review in this section is complete and total bullshit created solely to generate flame mail from Internet citizens who, for some pathetic reason, have attached their egos to a movie, band, or game company. The sheer intensity that some people exhibit while defending whatever silly movie or band just boggles our minds, so this section of the site was created to prey upon these people's idiocy and use it for our own personal amusement. Flame mail from every article will be posted randomly throughout the week, and the more flame mail, the better the ranking the author receives.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Mwilding
busted... :eek:

So, I was Killing time On the net tOday and I came upon a Review that Bashed Everyone's Favorite Film - LOTR. The Editor Calls on readers To write him and let him know what you think of his review.

If ONE person writes a letter, it will all be worthwhile... :D

hehehe....I was gong to bust you, but then I realized what you were doing....I figured someone would ruin it soon enough. However, a lot of people still post without reading anything more than the first few posts, so we may have a skoorb effect anyway (albeit limited) :) Have you read the flame mail? Some of it is hilarious!


Dec 17, 2001
Wow, this review is really flawed. Only a complete idiot would listen to what the writer says. I wrote the editor an angry email. Here, you can take a look at it:

The number of facts that you got wrong in your review of "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" is so huge it boggles the mind.

1. "...magical world of Mordor"
The world is Middle Earth not Mordor. Mordor is a specific region where Sauron and Mount Doom are located.

1. "JRR Tolkein"
Spelled wrong. Should be "Tolk-I-E-n"

2. "...who wrote fantasy novels around the turn of the century."
Fellowship of the Ring was written at the end of the 40's and early 50's and was published in 1954. Hardly "around the turn of the century."

3. "...Hobbit Town where the white wizard Gandalf is bringing magical fireworks for the hobbit festival..."
They are in a town called "Hobbiton" in the land of the Shire. He is Gandalf "the Grey". The white wizard is Saruman. He is bringing fireworks for Bilbo's birthday party, not "the hobbit festival".

4. "twisted hobbit Bilbo Baggins who has been made evil..."
No where does the book or movie ever imply that Bilbo is twisted, and certainly not "evil". The ring is certainly hurting and changing him. You see glimpses of hatefulness and anger as he is beginning to loose the fight. But he is never portrayed in the way you say.

5. "Gandalf takes the ring away from Bilbo..."
No he doesn't. He encourages Bilbo to give it to Frodo, which he does voluntarily.

6. "Orks"
Should be "orcs".

7. "Bilbo's son Frodo must journey with Gandalf..."
Frodo is Bilbo's younger cousin not his son. Though in the movie I think Frodo may call him "uncle" Bilbo. He doesn't journey with Gandalf. Gandalf never travels with them until AFTER the "elf city".

8. "...where the elves will help them decide how to fight the Ork army."
Frodo's only motive is getting the ring away from the Shire so that it won't be in danger. No one says anything about fighting an orc army.

9. "Bog Wraiths..."
It is RING not BOG wraiths!

10. "...the black wizard Sarumon."
He is the WHITE wizard Saruman (note spelling of "Saruman"). There is no "black" wizard in Lord of the Rings.

11. "...with the help of beautiful Princess Arwen...fights them off single handedly with her magic sword."
Did you even SEE this movie? Arwen doesn't have a magic sword and she never fights anyone. Aragorn is the one who fights the Ring Wraiths "single handedly" and NOT with a magic sword.

12. "...Mount Doom, which on the other side of Mordor..."
Mount Doom is IN Mordor. Mordor is the land they are traveling to.

13. "...don't explain how it's going to destroy the ring or why the Orks want it..."
Did you totally miss the 10 minute prologue at the beginning of the move where it explained all about the ring, and the long section where Gandalf tells Frodo what it is? That explains everything.

14. "I remember in the book there were three chapters devoted to them explaining how the ring was forged and how it could be unmade in the fires of the mountain..."
The council of Elrond takes up ONE chapter in the book, and talking about how it was forged and can be destroyed is only a small part of that chapter.

15. "Gandalf is almost killed..."
Never says that in the book or movie.

16. "...rescued by a giant moth..."
There is no giant moth in the book or movie. You must be thinking of "Godzilla versus Mothra". Gandalf speaks to a regular-sized moth and (we assume) that it goes and gets the giant EAGLE that rescues him.

17. "In the book they explain all about the moth but it is just retarded appearing out of nowhere like that in the movie, no one knows why a giant moth is helping him."
There is NO MOTH at all in the book and certainly not a GIANT one. In the book the eagle is coming there for a different reason and finds Gandalf, who asks him to rescue him. In the movie, Gandalf catches the little moth, talks to it, and it goes and gets the eagle.

18. "Barlog"

19. "Then the movie just ends. This is a huge disappointment because it doesn't end anything like how the book ends."
The movie ends in almost EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE as the book. Actually, the book ends even more abruptly than the movie. The book ends without you knowing what happened to anyone but Frodo and Sam. It ends with the entire fellowship out in the woods searching for Frodo while Frodo and Sam secretly take the boat and leave. Boromir's death is at the beginning of the second book.

20. "In the book Gandalf is back from the dead and they have defeated Sarumon for the first time..."
None of that happens until the MIDDLE of the SECOND book The Two Towers.

21. "It is pretty to look at, but it needs to get its facts straight..."
The movie's facts are perfectly straight. It is YOU who don't have your facts straight.

There are so many web sites, books, and resources on Lord of the Rings, that the poor quality and immensity of your mistakes is inexcusable. It is so bad and misinformed that you should print a retraction and apology for your poor handling and errors. If you are going to presume to write reviews of movies then at least do some research and use some care. At the very least go to IMDB.COM and look up a few things, and use a spell checker.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2001
Goes to show you that you should read the entire thread before posting.............:)

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: maladroit
Wow, this review is really flawed. Only a complete idiot would listen to what the writer says. I wrote the editor an angry email. Here, you can take a look at it:

The number of facts that you got wrong in your review of "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" is so huge it boggles the mind.

1. "...magical world of Mordor"
The world is Middle Earth not Mordor. Mordor is a specific region where Sauron and Mount Doom are located.

1. "JRR Tolkein"
Spelled wrong. Should be "Tolk-I-E-n"

2. "...who wrote fantasy novels around the turn of the century."
Fellowship of the Ring was written at the end of the 40's and early 50's and was published in 1954. Hardly "around the turn of the century."

3. "...Hobbit Town where the white wizard Gandalf is bringing magical fireworks for the hobbit festival..."
They are in a town called "Hobbiton" in the land of the Shire. He is Gandalf "the Grey". The white wizard is Saruman. He is bringing fireworks for Bilbo's birthday party, not "the hobbit festival".

4. "twisted hobbit Bilbo Baggins who has been made evil..."
No where does the book or movie ever imply that Bilbo is twisted, and certainly not "evil". The ring is certainly hurting and changing him. You see glimpses of hatefulness and anger as he is beginning to loose the fight. But he is never portrayed in the way you say.

5. "Gandalf takes the ring away from Bilbo..."
No he doesn't. He encourages Bilbo to give it to Frodo, which he does voluntarily.

6. "Orks"
Should be "orcs".

7. "Bilbo's son Frodo must journey with Gandalf..."
Frodo is Bilbo's younger cousin not his son. Though in the movie I think Frodo may call him "uncle" Bilbo. He doesn't journey with Gandalf. Gandalf never travels with them until AFTER the "elf city".

8. "...where the elves will help them decide how to fight the Ork army."
Frodo's only motive is getting the ring away from the Shire so that it won't be in danger. No one says anything about fighting an orc army.

9. "Bog Wraiths..."
It is RING not BOG wraiths!

10. "...the black wizard Sarumon."
He is the WHITE wizard Saruman (note spelling of "Saruman"). There is no "black" wizard in Lord of the Rings.

11. "...with the help of beautiful Princess Arwen...fights them off single handedly with her magic sword."
Did you even SEE this movie? Arwen doesn't have a magic sword and she never fights anyone. Aragorn is the one who fights the Ring Wraiths "single handedly" and NOT with a magic sword.

12. "...Mount Doom, which on the other side of Mordor..."
Mount Doom is IN Mordor. Mordor is the land they are traveling to.

13. "...don't explain how it's going to destroy the ring or why the Orks want it..."
Did you totally miss the 10 minute prologue at the beginning of the move where it explained all about the ring, and the long section where Gandalf tells Frodo what it is? That explains everything.

14. "I remember in the book there were three chapters devoted to them explaining how the ring was forged and how it could be unmade in the fires of the mountain..."
The council of Elrond takes up ONE chapter in the book, and talking about how it was forged and can be destroyed is only a small part of that chapter.

15. "Gandalf is almost killed..."
Never says that in the book or movie.

16. "...rescued by a giant moth..."
There is no giant moth in the book or movie. You must be thinking of "Godzilla versus Mothra". Gandalf speaks to a regular-sized moth and (we assume) that it goes and gets the giant EAGLE that rescues him.

17. "In the book they explain all about the moth but it is just retarded appearing out of nowhere like that in the movie, no one knows why a giant moth is helping him."
There is NO MOTH at all in the book and certainly not a GIANT one. In the book the eagle is coming there for a different reason and finds Gandalf, who asks him to rescue him. In the movie, Gandalf catches the little moth, talks to it, and it goes and gets the eagle.

18. "Barlog"

19. "Then the movie just ends. This is a huge disappointment because it doesn't end anything like how the book ends."
The movie ends in almost EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE as the book. Actually, the book ends even more abruptly than the movie. The book ends without you knowing what happened to anyone but Frodo and Sam. It ends with the entire fellowship out in the woods searching for Frodo while Frodo and Sam secretly take the boat and leave. Boromir's death is at the beginning of the second book.

20. "In the book Gandalf is back from the dead and they have defeated Sarumon for the first time..."
None of that happens until the MIDDLE of the SECOND book The Two Towers.

21. "It is pretty to look at, but it needs to get its facts straight..."
The movie's facts are perfectly straight. It is YOU who don't have your facts straight.

There are so many web sites, books, and resources on Lord of the Rings, that the poor quality and immensity of your mistakes is inexcusable. It is so bad and misinformed that you should print a retraction and apology for your poor handling and errors. If you are going to presume to write reviews of movies then at least do some research and use some care. At the very least go to IMDB.COM and look up a few things, and use a spell checker.

You = dumbass!



Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2001
haha....double Skoorbage action going on in here;)...glad I read all the posts before fanning the flame! :D