Loosing Color settings when overclocking a Nvidia Geforce 4 TI4200


Junior Member
Jul 25, 2002
I have a MSI Nvidia Geforce 4 TI4200 128 MB but when I overclock it I lose all my "digitalvibration" and contrast, brightness and gamma settings.
I see that the color settings are fine when windows starts but when the overclcoking kicks in all my settings is returned to default values.
I can always go back and turn them on again afterwards but that is one thing that I find very annoying.

I am running Windows XP Pro together with 27.20 Detonator drivers...
Oh yes I have tried others as well but that did not help...
I had had the same problems with my old graphics card (GF2 MX) but I found a set of drivers that actually would keep my settings after the overclocking kicked in but these drivers are too old for my current GF Card.

Any suggestions would be appreciated Kristian