Looks like Assad and poison gas concerns justified.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I may hope that the Haybasusa Rider link is wrong, but I can well believe that Assad is crazy enough and desperate enough to resort to using poison gas.

In which case the " International community MUSTact with some amount of stress on the fact no single nation should be asked to do it alone.

And if Assad survives the international reaction, he should find himself arrested and jailed in the Hague or some other international court jurisdiction, not ten to 15 years later, and instead more like 10 hours later.


Dec 9, 1999
I may hope that the Haybasusa Rider link is wrong, but I can well believe that Assad is crazy enough and desperate enough to resort to using poison gas.

In which case the " International community MUSTact with some amount of stress on the fact no single nation should be asked to do it alone.

And if Assad survives the international reaction, he should find himself arrested and jailed in the Hague or some other international court jurisdiction, not ten to 15 years later, and instead more like 10 hours later.

Why? All of the ME nations around there have their own army and air force units. Let them go bail their Muslim brothers and sisters out. Our official stance should be, "Sorry, we're The Evil West, we don't want to be 'Illegal Invaders and Occupiers'".

Don't let them have it both ways.



Jan 12, 2005
Why? All of the ME nations around there have their own army and air force units. Let them go bail their Muslim brothers and sisters out. Our official stance should be, "Sorry, we're The Evil West, we don't want to be 'Illegal Invaders and Occupiers'".

Don't let them have it both ways.


Much as I don't want to agree I'm going to have to.

We (and by that I mean 'The West') get dragged into way too many situations that we come out of smelling of shit. Maybe if the Arab World steps in a bit more we can work together a bit more as partners.

And as for Assad, crazy people who know they are going to be hung in the near future and have access to chemical weapons are a dangerous combination.


Jun 5, 2000
Why? All of the ME nations around there have their own army and air force units. Let them go bail their Muslim brothers and sisters out. Our official stance should be, "Sorry, we're The Evil West, we don't want to be 'Illegal Invaders and Occupiers'".

Don't let them have it both ways.


i agree. let the ME figure it out. im sick of the west being the world cops and our people getting killed and millions spent on problems that are not ours. we have our own we need to figure out.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Much as I don't want to agree I'm going to have to.

We (and by that I mean 'The West') get dragged into way too many situations that we come out of smelling of shit. Maybe if the Arab World steps in a bit more we can work together a bit more as partners.

And as for Assad, crazy people who know they are going to be hung in the near future and have access to chemical weapons are a dangerous combination.
I agree with WelshBloke here, Turkey and to a lesser extent Lebanon are already doing their bit here, at least they shelter Syrian refugees. And Turkey has a strong military that could maybe defeat the Syrian military. But a strong military international coalition like the one put together by Bush1 in gulf war one would be far better.

Assad by himself cannot do it alone, and if his top military leaders continue to support him in the use of poison gas, they too are equally guilty.

The good German defense did not work for German generals at Nerumberg, why should it work for Syrian generals.

As the other factor may be, why engage in a major war that punishes mainly only the innocent Syrians soldiers when some seal team 6 type raid would be far more effective in removing Assad and his top generals and putting them in jail? And saying to all Syrian military generals, that continuing supporting Assad will be hazardous to their heath.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
That article is very vague. And after the lies of the Iraqi war with claims of WMD and other bullshit, I dont put it above the media to try and spin anything as possible use of poison gas or WMD. Its good for ratings so lets go with it! Right ? Right.
Look at the article critically though, and you can see the BS piling up within the first sentence. The part that stands out the most to me is the following:

"CAIRO -- Several Syrians have died after inhaling poisonous gas released by government forces in rebel-held districts of Homs, local eyewitnesses and activists claimed Monday.
Civilians were admitted to hospital with serious breathing problems after Sunday’s attack, according to doctors and groups who posted what they said was video of the aftermath to YouTube.
The gas is thought to have been a concentrated irritant, but not one of the deadly chemical weapons stockpiled by the regime of Syria president Bashar Assad."

The above admits that the gas is non-lethal, and later on in the article it admits that the gas came in via shells which leaked a white gas. It sounds bad enough, but we [the US] use the very same types of munitions ourselves to try and dissolve riots. The following munition is used by police almost daily in some part of the country, read the description.

Canister Grenades Models 52, 62, & 82 Series

These pyrotechnic canister grenades provide a continuous discharge of smoke under pressure. Three choices of composition are available. CN tear agent, CS riot control agent, and inert white smoke for training, screening and tactical purposes.

The Model 52 series is a full size grenade. The Model 62 series is medium sized having the form factor of the military M83 smoke grenade. The Model 82 series is compact in size allowing it to be easily carried in ammunition vests. The small size makes it particularly suited for tactical situations where mobility is critical.

The gas used is known as CS gas [tear gas].
Effects of CS gas:


"Many types of tear gas and other riot control agents have been produced with effects ranging from mild tearing of the eyes to immediate vomiting and prostration. CN and CS are the most widely used and known, but around 15 different types of tear gas have been developed worldwide e.g. adamsite or bromoacetone, CNB, and CNC. CS has become the most popular due to its strong effect and lack of toxicity in comparison with other similar chemical agents. The effect of CS on a person will depend on whether it is packaged as a solution or used as an aerosol. The size of solution droplets and the size of the CS particulates after evaporation are factors determining its effect on the human body.[9]"

Bird's eye view of the gas.

Most likely what happened, is anti-riot munitions were launched at rebels [effectively tear gas which can cause vomiting] - which dispersed the crowds and the rebels/media took that as a opportunity to say that deadly poison gas may now be in play. Tear can kill people but usually it doesn't, it sounds like Iraq all over again since even 1 person dying to it is being spun out of proportion.
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Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
i agree. let the ME figure it out. im sick of the west being the world cops and our people getting killed and millions spent on problems that are not ours. we have our own we need to figure out.

The biggest mistake made by the West is to cultivate a soft image to a region filled to the brim of unreasonable people.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
So you're telling me they used force equal or less than force used against #occupy protesters here in america last year?

.... carry on internet.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
and no reason for the U.S. to get involved.

Show me in the Constitution where it says the U.S. is the World's Police Force.

Show me where I said we should be?

It should have occurred to you that gassing your own people is not a good thing. That in itself is worth reporting.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
The U.S. has done worse in recent history, such as shooting unarmed protestors.


Rewind to last years #occupy protests.

They used tear gas, pepper spray, LRAD on americans who were protesting what we all know is wrong with america.

Most of you cheered on this behavior without thinking exactly what was happening. They may not have been killing the people but their behavior was still absolutely despicable.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
Also I'm going to leave this here yet again. Former presidential candidate General Wesley Clark talking about how the government had plans YEARS AGO to take out the governments of Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Sudan.


I'd be interested to know what influences our government has had on the turn of events in syria.


Jun 23, 2004
Small scale chemical weapons use.

Gotta love bad guys, pushing the envelope to gauge just how much they can get away with before we react. When given an ultimatum not to use those weapons... how much of a limited release is enough?

Will we ever know?