Looking for more 'intelligent' scifi movies? They're such a treat.

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Senior member
Apr 4, 2013
I liked Pandorum, it took elements from a lot of different sci-fi books

2001 a space odyssey is cool but not very entertaining, the books are so much better.

Solaris is an OK movie, but the book is amazing. The sequel book is awesome too

There's Dune, the David Lynch version and then the BBC mini-series which also did Children of Dune. Again, books are much better.

I really like the movie A.I.

Bicentennial Man is a decent movie, too bad no more of Asimov's books were turned into movies (I don't count I, Robot). He wrote some of the best sci-fi ever.

Alien series, of course. I thought Prometheus was pretty stupid though.

The Thing, of course :p...the one with Kurt Russell is my personal favorite. I also liked the new one, it's a prequel and the way it leads up to the 80s version is awesome.

All the movies based on I Am Legend: I Am Legend, Omega Man, The Last Man on Earth. The latter is my favorite, but I really like Vincent Price. On that note, anything starring Vincent Price!
PLEASE read this book though if you have not. Even though there have been THREE film adaptions, none of them really get it right and the book is sooo amazing
^Shout out to Richard Matheson - one of the greast Sci-Fi writers of all time who passed away just last week. Find ANYTHING based on a novel, story, or screenplay of his and it is bound to be gold!

Twilight Zone series

Bladerunner. Personally I didn't like it, but I'm not a big Phillip K Dick fan - books or movies. A Scanner Darkly would be my favorite of his though

Terminator series, though 3 and 4 kind of suck

City of Lost Children. It's in French IIRC, but Ron Perlman is awesome. On that note, movies with Ron Perlman! Starting with Quest For Fire, which is great! Hellboy movies, Outlander, and a movie called The Last Winter which I thought was neat.

Pitch Black. LOVE this movie, one of my all time favorites. Personally I really like Vin Diesel, and it all started with this movie. Sequel is Chronicles of Riddick, decent movie. There's a new one coming in a few months!!!

X-Files, if you've never seen it. Would not recommend the new movie. Personally though I'd start with the following show:...

Millennium. Created by Chris Carter, same dude as X-Files. One of the best TV shows EVER IMO. Stars Lance Henriksen, and on that note watch just about anything with Lance Henriksen:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Omen II (watch Omen I as well), Blood Feud, Terminator, Aliens, Near Dark, Alien 3, Alien vs Predator, Lost Voyage, Necessary Evil...There are too many to name! He's known to do a lot of B-movies, so if you don't mind that watch pretty much anything he's been in. I like B-movies, they're usually more creative. Also, I believe Lance Henriksen is the only actor to play a character in the Terminator, Alien, and Predator universes - except maybe Bill Paxton? Lance Henriksen has been killed by an Alien, Predator, and the Terminator!

Rollerball, the original

The Book of Eli - I liked it

A Boy and His Dog - CLASSIC/INFAMOUS movie

Moon I thought was really cool


The Fly - Jeff Goldblum at his best!

28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later - zombie movies but still good

War of the Worlds, never saw the original though

The Arrival - some will tell you it sucks hard, but I like it

Starship Troopers - the first is till one of my favorite movies! Sequels aren't worth much

Soylent Green

Equilibrium - little known movie starring Christian Bale, I thought it was really cool

maybe Firefly and it's movie Serenity - I saw them, really didn't like them. Not a fan of Joss Whedon or the whole "Western in Space" vibe.

Minority Report - Based on the Phillip K Dick short story, but really better than that short story IMO.

The Matrix Series (duh)

Total Recall - I didn't see the new version

Children of Men - I still really like this movie, the book is on my to-read list


The Mist - most Stephen King adaptions are solid, but this one is probably my favorite

Source Code - newer one that I was surprised to like quite a bit

K-Pax - some people might tell you this is stupid and/or awful. But really I thought it was a neat movie. Leaves you wondering

The Abyss


Waterworld - people will tell you it's bad, and it kind of is, but I still think fondly of it. Kind of ahead of it's time in some ways

The 6th Day - another Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, it had some pretty cool and original ideas

Sadly though, the best hard science fiction remains in books and has yet to appear in film. Read just about anything by Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Frank Herbert, Orson Scott Card, John Brunner, Ben Bova. Personally, Asimov is my favorite. Extremely prolific in the quality AND the quantity of his works. I'm not sure if he holds the record for most published writings, but he's gotta be up there. His Foundation series of novels is amazing, as is his Robot series.
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Jun 2, 2002
I didn't read this entire thread but i did see someone mention Gandahar. The English language version is called Light Years.

I'm assuming Metropols has been mentioned.

Both are excellent.


Oct 9, 1999
Since Continuum has been mentioned several times, I'm going to thrown down Charlie Jade. A similar political premise except parallel universes instead of time travel, but MUCH MUCH darker.


Jul 15, 2000
No one cares about your list.

Thing is, "The Thing" is an excellent movie but the OP's thread was geared towards Sci-fi that leaves you wondering, "K-Pax" might fit that theme, "2001" definitely, "the Thing" is very straightforward, evil entity vs remote science outpost. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but something like "Contact" would better describe OP's intentions..


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Sunshine is amazing. Gets better with every watch.


Hehe, I hate Sunshine. I like space/Sci Fi horror, or whatever...but it was only that for the 3rd Act. It's like they fired the screenwriter and patched in a different movie in the middle of filming. Maybe I need to watch it again...

OP: A Scanner Darkly

based on some PK Dick work so you know it's good.

Also Keanu Reeves in his most perfectly cast role: an animated, amorphous, physical representation of a vague sense of nothing.


Jun 3, 2011
Bill and Ted's!
ofc lol thats what i meant.

Space 1999 is still one of my fav sci-fi things; its very trippy, mysterious and surprising.

Funny how nobody mentioned Brainstorm. That's pure scifi. :/


Jul 9, 2000
Some TV suggestions:

The Dead Zone TV series was pretty good, except the last season.
Nowhere Man was interesting, but The Prisoner does that kind of show better.
The first season of XIII was alright, and the second season had an interesting premise, but somewhere during the season it entered WTF land and never left.
Highlander TV Series can be considered more fantasy than SCIFI, depending on if you acknowledge Highlander 2: The Quickening. Seasons 2-5 is probably one of my favorite TV series.
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Oct 9, 2002
Wayne's World
time travel, galactic governments, and paradoxes. doesn't get any more sci-fi than this.
"Wayne's World?" Maybe you're thinking of "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure."

I don't actually remember the plot from either one of them.

but seriously: Rollerball (the original, not the remake), Soylent Green, the "Space 1999" serial, Logan's Run, THX 1138, A Space Odyssey, etc.. look a few years back to find good Sci-Fi
This is not a Wayne's World spoiler...or Bill and Ted either. I suggest taking the "but seriously: " out of the spoiler tag.
Bill and Ted's!
ofc lol thats what i meant.

Space 1999 is still one of my fav sci-fi things; its very trippy, mysterious and surprising.

Funny how nobody mentioned Brainstorm. That's pure scifi. :/
Ah. Thought so.