Looking for a Military FPS (COD, BOB etc)


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
I am a noob gamer looking for a military FPS...was in walmart the other day and some guy was playing Call of Duty...I had to say OMG! I didn't realize they could do that well in games....

So...any opinions about Band of Brothers, Call of Duty etc....

I don't mind playing last year's version, if it is cheaper, and may perform better on my system....would prefer WWII era, but open to others...

I have a cable modem so I can see doing multiplayer mode, but will probably just be alone when I get stared...

thanks for any feedback...


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
I can understand COD1 and COD2....but are there other versions or sub versions of COD that I should be aware of??

For example, Is there one for North Africa, one for Western Europe and then elsewhere??

is there a special version so that I can play multi player over the internet?

is there a special school i can go to on the short bus that will teach me all i need to know??


Golden Member
Nov 26, 2005
no cod and cod2 both deal with the different fronts in the games and both have multiplayer built in as well


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
Call of Duty 2 is an excellent game with a good single player storyline which is more than can be said for either BF1942 or BF2.


Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2004
You should definitely start out with Call of Duty and its expansion, United Offensive. You can buy both of them in a boxed set. There is a decent tutorial to teach you the basics of FPS games. Then you should try out Call of Duty 2. All of the Call of Duties have pretty good mulitplayers. You could also check out the Medal of Honor series of games, but they're not as good as the CoD series, IMO. Brothers in Arms is most comparable to the Band of Brothers miniseries in the scope and action of it; however, it is will be fairly hard if you're a noob gamer. Brothers in Arms is more for strategy and squad combat. There is also Battlefield 1942 which is primarily a multiplayer game, there is no single player, its just the multiplayer with bots. BF1942 is great for the vehciles and huge online battles, but it's not very realistic. Those are probably the best WWII games I can think of from the last few years. Let me know if you have some questions or want some other suggestions for good non-WWII games. You can also PM me if you want.

EDIT: There is also Day of Defeat, but that is multiplayer only.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
Thanks all...and to AZNDude for the offer....I loaded Band of Brothers last night and played for a little...very impressive in that it seems people do things on there own, but obviusly i need to learn the commands...great visuals.

I got the trial free by purchasing a new video card, and I get a special discount....that is exactly the same discount you get by just going to UBISoft...Hahaha

I will get the COD Box set...good pricing and then move on to COD2 as appropriate...I do have a birthday, maybe I will ask for this...

Thanks again..


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2001
I know this isn't the popular opinion, but I hated Brothers in Arms. I felt it ends up being repetitive. It basically ends up with you ordering your squad to use suppressing fire, then trying to flank the enemy who is hiding behind a hedge (which all look exactly a like).

Call of Duty 2 is ok, but didn't feel as fun as the original. It drives me crazy that you can't hold a primed grenade for a few seconds before throwing, and you can't throw back enemy grenades (even though the comp. does it ALL the time).

If you don't mind outdated graphics, I would get a copy of Operation Flashpoint. It's a coldwar era game, and I think the gameplay is simply awesome. It's similar to Battlefield, where you can hop into any vehicle and go wherever you want. In some missions you control a squad and they tend to be non-linear. You can achieve your objective however you want.

edit: whoops, Brothers in arms, not Band of brothers


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: MustangSVT
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
america's army for modern day multiplayer FPS (or BF2)

is that still free?

is the gameplay similar to cs or bf2?

yeah, im pretty sure its still free. haven't played it though, i just know its quite popular


Golden Member
Oct 10, 2004
Originally posted by: flashbacck
I know this isn't the popular opinion, but I hated BROTHERS IN ARMS. I felt it ends up being repetitive. It basically ends up with you ordering your squad to use suppressing fire, then trying to flank the enemy who is hiding behind a hedge (which all look exactly a like).

Call of Duty 2 is ok, but didn't feel as fun as the original. It drives me crazy that you can't hold a primed grenade for a few seconds before throwing, and you can't throw back enemy grenades (even though the comp. does it ALL the time).

If you don't mind outdated graphics, I would get a copy of Operation Flashpoint. It's a coldwar era game, and I think the gameplay is simply awesome. It's similar to Battlefield, where you can hop into any vehicle and go wherever you want. In some missions you control a squad and they tend to be non-linear. You can achieve your objective however you want.



Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2001
I quite enjoyed America's Army online, even on dialup (there's no broadband option here), but after a later update the punkbuster checks and/or other patching made it unplayable on 56k.

The roe system does an overall nice job of encouraging teamplay. Spent many many hours fragging on "Pipeline" :)


Platinum Member
Sep 26, 2004
Originally posted by: MustangSVT
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
america's army for modern day multiplayer FPS (or BF2)

is that still free?

is the gameplay similar to cs or bf2?

I would say it's more like CS, but a lot more realistic and not as fast paced.