Looking for a 12-14" Business Laptop


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005

Hey everyone, I'm going into my 4th year of university. My laptop of 3 years (HP dv2000t) is in need of replacing. The biggest reason (among many) is that I have 2 cracks in the LCD that are bleeding. My baby brother was standing on the laptop...so yeah.

The reason I didn't initially get a business laptop was due to budget. For this one, I'd like to keep it cheap (~$600), but going up to $800+ is doable.

I'm considering:
Dell Latitude E6400, E4300, E4200
Thinkpad T400

I'd like to hear your opinions on the laptops listed above, and I was also wondering how the Thinkpad SL line is. I do like MBP's, but they are out of my price range, and I don't like OS X.

Specifications I'd like:
Core 2 Duo (P8400+, slower is fine if it isn't an option)
160GB HDD (I really don't care if it's more, but I wouldn't mind paying $10 more for a 250GB one)
RAM: 2GB+ (I don't mind upgrading it on my own)
Graphics: integrated is fine
Webcam: nice to have one, not a deal breaker if it doesn't
Good battery life. At least 3 hours, preferably more.

I don't mind buying from the Outlet, but I do want something new. If it is not new, I want it to at least look new.

Question 1: how is the Thinkpad SL-series relative to the T-series?
Question 2: which laptop is best for ~$600, and also for ~$800?
Question 3: For the Dell Outlet, realistically, how new should I expect a Certified Refurb to be? I'm not sure what Dell's definition of "minor blemishes" is.

1. Looking for a business-class laptop (preferably 12.1-13.3"...14.1" is fine though)
2. Budget: <$900 (preferably <$700)
2. Question 1: how is the Thinkpad SL-series relative to the T-series?
3. Question 2: which laptop is best for ~$600, and also for ~$800?
4. Question 3: For the Dell Outlet, realistically, how new should I expect a Certified Refurb to be? I'm not sure what Dell's definition of "minor blemishes" is.

Alright, so I settled on a T400. P8400, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD 5400rpm, card reader, and 6-cell battery. Pretty basic as far as T400's go, but it has everything I need. Came out to $704.65.

Thanks for your help everybody!


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2002
I think you should go with Lenovo Thinkpad line notebook...Why? they are the best in business and I keep on hearing from people who love thinkpad's keyboard...and I dont see many complaints about Lenovo. HP Business line notebook is also good...but might not be in your budget.
Dell notebook is good and offers cheap price you can afford...check for rebates I dont know of Dell outlets will give you rebates for any Dell notebook.

if you really care about rebates then go to Notebook Review


Jun 8, 2005
There are a few quality issues with the dell latitude line that I would be weary of. The screens aren't the sturdiest of the bunch. Also, they are very easy to scratch.


Golden Member
Apr 9, 2001
IMHO "new" is overrated. I've bought about 25 laptops from the Dell Outlet over the last 10 years --mostly Latitudes-- and never had a problem. "Certified Refurbished" machines are virtually blemish free, it's the "Scratch and Dent" models that have scratches -- and those tend to be minor. In most cases, you can't tell a refurbished unit from new. If it turns out that you don't like any thing at all about the unit, just call within 21 days and arrange a return -- they'll send you a shipping label.

I prefer the E4300 because it has more hard disk options and an optical drive.

If you are considering an outlet machine, be sure to sign up for discount coupons. Coupons usually mean an excess of inventory so you get a good selection at an even better price. Be paitent and you should be able to find what you want with 3-year, next business day, complete-care service, all within your budget.

Thinkpads are very good too and there again, I would advise getting a machine from the Lenovo outlet. Their warranties are really easy to find/understand so I would call before ordering.



Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Echo the T400 - especially this model with discrete ATI graphics, LED Backlight, etc.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
Thanks for the posts.

I do prefer Thinkpads over Latitudes (just because my dad's had them for at least the past 10 years so I know first-hand they're good), but they start at $800, and I really would prefer to have it closer to $600-700.

With that said, any thoughts on the Thinkpad SL400?

Hacp, good to know

Athena, for the 21 day return policy, is their a restock fee/return shipping fee/etc. or can I get the laptop and return it at no cost to myself?

Corkyg, great setup, but it's kind of expensive :p


Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: alimoalem
Thanks for the posts.

I do prefer Thinkpads over Latitudes (just because my dad's had them for at least the past 10 years so I know first-hand they're good), but they start at $800, and I really would prefer to have it closer to $600-700.

With that said, any thoughts on the Thinkpad SL400?

Hacp, good to know

Athena, for the 21 day return policy, is their a restock fee/return shipping fee/etc. or can I get the laptop and return it at no cost to myself?

Corkyg, great setup, but it's kind of expensive :p

Go to www.lenovo.com/cpp
Type in familyandfriends in the password slot.
Pick a Tseries laptop and enter the code USETSAVINGS at checkout.

Add in bluetooth and a 6 cell battery. Should come out to 650 before tax, or 700 after tax(NY tax is around 8.4%).


Golden Member
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by: alimoalem
Athena, for the 21 day return policy, is their a restock fee/return shipping fee/etc. or can I get the laptop and return it at no cost to myself?
There's no cost to return a machine. They send you a lable and you drop the package off at the carrier's pickup point. I think the web site says you "may" be charged a restocking fee but I've never known it to be assessed.

The only possible cost to you would if you called the carrier to pick it up rather than dropping it off at a counter -- which we have never done.

There is nothing cheap about the Latitudes and as I said avbove, I've never had any problem with them, or even heard about any screen issues. I don't have anything bad to say about Thinkpads in general or the T400 specifically. The base model weighs a pound more than the E4300 though. That may or may not be important to you.



Senior member
Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: HacpGo to www.lenovo.com/cpp
Type in familyandfriends in the password slot.
Pick a Tseries laptop and enter the code USETSAVINGS at checkout.

Add in bluetooth and a 6 cell battery. Should come out to 650 before tax, or 700 after tax(NY tax is around 8.4%).

Awesome, was looking to buy a new laptop for b-school, think that right there might be the ticket. :)

Out of curiosity, does anyone know if the standard warranties can be carried overseas? I'll be ordering here in the States, but attending school out in Spain.



Senior member
Dec 19, 2005
I thought the newer, Lenovo designed Thinkpads weren't as good? My T61 (Lenovo branded, but using IBM's basic T60 design) is as solid as a rock, but I seem to recall reading that the T400/500/etc series had keyboard flex and other minor build quality issues.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
vj8usa: that could be possible; I'm not sure. My dad's most current Thinkpad is either a T60 or T61. Still, I'd be satisfied with a T400 even if it wasn't as good. It certainly would be a few steps up from my HP. And the screen is much more protected, AFAIK.

But honestly, I'm leaning towards the Latitude E4300/E6400 right now, for several reasons. It comes with a standard 3 year warranty, E4300 is 3.3lbs and the E6400 is 4.x lbs (vs the 5.8lbs of the T400), the Outlet has a lot more to choose from, and better deals can usually be found with the Dells.

I'm just waiting for a good coupon before I jump. :)


May 6, 2007
IMHO I believe the ThinkPad X61 is the very BEST portable 12 in Laptop made. Great quality and luxurious keyboard. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY for business and general usage it has 4:3 VGA screen 1024 x 768. They quit making it but still have a few available at Lenovo Outlet. "Refurbished" which is actually brand newcondition at $600. New X61s which is slightly lighter and slower cpu is $1000. Widescreen 16:9 laptops are great for movie watching but aren't ideal for business use. The X61 weighs about 3.2lbs. I love mine.


Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: alimoalem
vj8usa: that could be possible; I'm not sure. My dad's most current Thinkpad is either a T60 or T61. Still, I'd be satisfied with a T400 even if it wasn't as good. It certainly would be a few steps up from my HP. And the screen is much more protected, AFAIK.

But honestly, I'm leaning towards the Latitude E4300/E6400 right now, for several reasons. It comes with a standard 3 year warranty, E4300 is 3.3lbs and the E6400 is 4.x lbs (vs the 5.8lbs of the T400), the Outlet has a lot more to choose from, and better deals can usually be found with the Dells.

I'm just waiting for a good coupon before I jump. :)

Don't trust Dell's marketing. I have the E6400 and its over 5 pounds. More like 5.2 pounds. That is with the standard 6cell battery. Also, the E6400 and other E series latitudes suffer from audio stuttering. It goes away if you manage to install all the drivers in the right order through trial and error, but I wouldn't want to be bothered with it. I heard that the T400 has less stuttering than the dells. Finally, the paint job on the thing is horrible. You'll get scratches and small dents in just a few weeks, even if you take good care of the machine. If you put it in your bag, even with a case or sleeve, the bezel and palmrest will start to show paintwear because of poor rubber padding placement. The battery is also very loose. The laptop was designed horribly by dell. Buisiness class laptops aren't supposed to suffer from these kinds of defects. They're black and plain for a reason: so that they can be sturdy and resist wear and tear. Unfortunately, that isn't the case with the Latitude laptops.

Just FYI, I personally think the D6xx series laptops were way better in terms of build quality than the E-line laptops.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Thinkpad X200.

Light weight. Structurally resilient. Good screen resolution. Long battery life (8 to 9 hours with the 9 cell). With this long of a battery, it sometimes makes it possible to forget the charger altogether, making your traveling weight even lower.

With Dell, you get what you pay for. My dad has an E6400. The thing looks and feels cheap compared to my Thinkpad. The keyboard is average, but the trackpad and trackpoint are especially bad.



Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2002
I haven't had any problems with my e6400 that I purchased through the outlet. It seems sturdy enough compared to my last notebook (an apple powerbook circa 2003). I paid ~900 for a fully loaded model through the outlet (P9600 - 2.66ghz, 4gb ram, LED display, bluetooth, 9300M, 160gb hdd @ 7200rpm, backlit keyboard, etc... only lacking a finger print reader). I would definitely purchase another. The trackpoint isn't all that great (but I never was really into trackpoints anyway). The trackpad doesn't compare to apple's newer ones... but none do. Battery life is 5-6 hours under normal (non optical drive) conditions with a 9 cell battery. Wireless reception is great... standard 3 year warranty is great (especially for a machine that you'd be taking to school)... port placement is also much better than my powerbook. Machine is a bit heavy with the 9 cell battery; however, I never much cared about weight as long as it had a good form factor/foot print. I don't notice an extra lb when the notebook is in my bag/backpack.

Honestly, just get whatever you can get the best deal on. Thinkpads are great lappies too... however, when I was ready to purchase, they didn't compare price wise with the outlet deals. If I could have gotten a similar thinkpad for the same coin, I probably would have.

Personally, I'd love a 15" macbook pro; however, they are just too damn expensive for me to justify at this point.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
My argument is that Dell is like Walmart - greatest common denominator, mass produced, corners cut, etc... You will ALWAYS find a better deal on a Dell than a Thinkpad. It's worth thinking about WHY Dells are cheaper, but more importantly, the price difference is totally worth the added quality of the Thinkpad.

I wouldn't go with "the best deal". It'd be a smarter idea to go with the one that is still close to your budget, but makes you the happiest. A "good deal" doesn't mean you won't have buyer's remorse. Laptops are especially important in this area because it's not like you have much room for modification and upgrading.


May 12, 2009
I owned the Lenovo Thinkpad T61, it was a great laptop and the only reason I got rid of it is because I never used it (was planning on traveling, didn't happen). For someone looking for an business/student laptop I guarantee that the lenovo is a better option.

The Dell, ESPECIALLY the cheapest ones are horrendous and I don't recommend them. I've used one on occasion and I can tell you this, the Thinkpad is at least twice as good.
Feels rugged and reliable, and with the contractor discount + all the sales they have it is definitely worth purchasing.

If you go for the Dell, that's your decision but I strongly advise against doing so.


Senior member
Jul 5, 2001
Something else you might consider is buying a second hand laptop that has a transferable warranty. I saved a bundle by going with a 6 month used HP business laptop from eBay. The warranty stays with the machine so you don't need proof of purchase to get service.


Golden Member
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by: slugg
My argument is that Dell is like Walmart - greatest common denominator, mass produced, corners cut, etc... You will ALWAYS find a better deal on a Dell than a Thinkpad. It's worth thinking about WHY Dells are cheaper, but more importantly, the price difference is totally worth the added quality of the Thinkpad.

I can't agree with that at all. As an IBM Stockholder, I've had many opportunities to get Thinkpads at discount and I've frequently found equivalent quality elsewhere at lower cost.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
Thanks for all the replies.

treker: I've been looking, but have not yet found a cheap X-series laptop on the site. Btw, do the refurbs show any signs of use?

Hacp: thanks for letting me know your experiences.

slugg: sadly, the X200 is too expensive for me :p

Wuzup101: glad to hear another positive review.

jchu14: having the roommates that I do and knowing what happens with their laptops, I really wouldn't want to get a used laptop ;)

IlllI: as a current HP dv2000 owner, if there is one manufacturer I don't want to buy from, it's HP :(


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Athena

I can't agree with that at all. As an IBM Stockholder, I've had many opportunities to get Thinkpads at discount and I've frequently found equivalent quality elsewhere at lower cost.

I've had Dell after Dell blow up in my face. And I know how to fix the blasted things.

(Whoever designed the D600/600m should be shot.)


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: alimoalem
Thanks for all the replies.

treker: I've been looking, but have not yet found a cheap X-series laptop on the site. Btw, do the refurbs show any signs of use?

Hacp: thanks for letting me know your experiences.

slugg: sadly, the X200 is too expensive for me :p

Wuzup101: glad to hear another positive review.

jchu14: having the roommates that I do and knowing what happens with their laptops, I really wouldn't want to get a used laptop ;)

IlllI: as a current HP dv2000 owner, if there is one manufacturer I don't want to buy from, it's HP :(

The T series (T400 if you want) and the X200 are both in your budget if you wait for value CPP codes for the Lenovo site. They're on and off every other week, it seems. For example, one just expired yesterday :)