Originally posted by: oniq
This is great..
I'm getting sick of the REPOST bullsh!t, I think the mods should start banning for that sh!t. Obviously not everyone sees every fvcking post.
Originally posted by: oniq
This is great..
I'm getting sick of the REPOST bullsh!t, I think the mods should start banning for that sh!t. Obviously not everyone sees every fvcking post.
Originally posted by: datalink7
Originally posted by: oniq
This is great..
I'm getting sick of the REPOST bullsh!t, I think the mods should start banning for that sh!t. Obviously not everyone sees every fvcking post.
I agree. I haven't seen this yet and it is hilarious.
Good post.
Originally posted by: RishiS
OMG, the Alize' animated pic is hilarious!
geek++Originally posted by: geno
Someone photoshop an Optimus Prime costume on him!
If you get that reference, +5 internet geek points to you!
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: oniq
This is great..
I'm getting sick of the REPOST bullsh!t, I think the mods should start banning for that sh!t. Obviously not everyone sees every fvcking post.
Yes, it does get rather old. Not everything is a repost and I never saw this before if it was. That Alize pic was simply hilarious.
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