Originally posted by: jdport
Originally posted by: ObscureCaucasian
Originally posted by: Queasy
Well, I think we can expect more card to come in the form of DLC.
Especially because they put "DLC" right there on the main menu with nothing to dl.
Besides, what would MTG be without booster packs to blow your cash on? lol
I *totally* agree with the above statement that the game is already worth $10. I got $10 of enjoyment last night and so far I've only played with one deck and done no online play. I beat the first 10 opponents in the campaign with the starter green deck... and then started the challenges
Last night I was doing the challenges and I got stuck on the 3rd one... I could swear I was winning it but the game wouldn't accept it. I am not sure if it's a bug or maybe somebody can explain it to me. *
don't read if you don't want a spoiler, just in case it is one*
The situation, the opponent had two creatures in play. I had 4 or 5... they have 19 life and I have 1 and I have to win this turn. One of my cards in play was a legendary card that I've never heard of before and can't remember the name of it. In the text of the card, it said that if this did combat damage to a creature, destroy it and if it did combat damage to the player they lost the game. So, I attacked with everything. The opponent of course blocked this card and one of my other creatures and before the damage phase I played a "terror" card from my hand and eliminated the creature assigned to block this legendary. When the damage was dealt, it never dealt any damage from that card though and I lost the challenge... I can't understand why I don't win.