list of questions - first comp build


Golden Member
Aug 25, 2002
I have got all the hardware (the last few is being delivered tomorrow), so would like to hear any suggestions or tips for the following questions or anything else I've forgotton to include.

The hardware:
[MOBO] Gigabyte 8SQ800 Ultra
[CPU] Intel P4 2.4bGhz *533FSB* (OEM)
[HSF] CoolerMaster P4
[RAM] Corsair 512MB DDR 3200 LLPT
[RAM] Corsair 512MB DDR 3200 LLPT
[HDD] WD 80GB 8MB Cache
[PSU] Antec True Power 430W ATX
[CDR] Plextor 48x24x48 CDRW IDE
[CRT] 19" Iiyama VM454
[SPEAKERS] Altec lansing 251 6PC Speakers
[GFX] Sapphire Radeon 9700NP 128MB
[CASE] Chieftec DX-01WD White Dragon
[FANS] Papst 80mm NGL
[FANS] Papst 80mm NGL
[FANS] Papst 80mm NGL
[FANS] Papst 80mm NGL
[FDD] Sony 3.5 inch Floppy Drive (OEM)

-To set this up, is it alright to set it on carpet to install it? and do I have to buy any anti-static wrist strap?

-In what order should I install the above hardware? (CPU > HSF > RAM > MOBO > PSU does it matter what goes after that)

-For dual-channel (I read the motherboard manual they had to be in DIMM1 and DIMM3), but I also read somewhere that I should install one module, then install the other one later on after system is setup, is that right or is it just for 8SQ800 boards?

-I'm thinking about doing a triple boot later sometime and using grub for the bootloader... but what should I do when installing win2k, leave space for it or install it into one big partition (can I install those other OS's later if windows is on one big partition)?

-If there are any other tips or suggestions I'd be happy as larry to hear em. I'm using a 6yrs old prebuilt computer, so this would be kinda new to me.

Thanks for any help you do give :)


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2000
Over the carpet will be fine. The order i always use is CPU, HSF, RAM, put mobo in case, vid card. boot up and make sure all is well. then go from there. As for the dual channel. I see no reason not to install both at the same time. If the PC doesnt post then I would say take one stick out and try them seperatly. But I wouldnt worry.


Golden Member
Aug 25, 2002
Thanks dmw, was afraid carpet would product static or something... so it should be alright if I just groud myself on a piece of metal before touching stuff?

No one else got any ideas? What about the partition question?


Apr 5, 2002
If you plan on installing 3 OSs later, partition it out before you install Windows. 60gb Windows NTFS, 10gb empty partition, 10gb empty partition.... or whatever you want.


Jul 1, 2003
just to be safe while installing over carpet try to contiually ground yourself, this will eliminate any stateic (the wrist straps just ground you constantyl but if you dont move around on the crapet too much you arnt going to create any problems) i have setup many computers over carpet i just ground myself every time i move, it might get redundent but it is better then frying $300 worth of equipment because you didnt touch somthing.


Senior member
Feb 20, 2001
I just rebuilt my computer over a carpet, no problems. Just make sure to ground yourself before touching anything sensitive, which is basically everything, and maybe ground yourself often if you are paranoid.

I don't see a soundcard, are you using onboard sound?

Your order looks fine, I think thats pretty standard. Partitioning it out now sounds like a good idea also...

As for your RAM question I don't know... I suppose you can just install one now and see if it works first, and then install the other one later since you'll have to install your hdd, cd-r, etc.

As for tips, hmm... Don't forget to plug in your case's power on button... And make sure it's the right one :). I kept plugging in the Power LED and was wondering why the hell my comp wouldn't start...


Golden Member
Aug 25, 2002
Originally posted by: edro13
If you plan on installing 3 OSs later, partition it out before you install Windows. 60gb Windows NTFS, 10gb empty partition, 10gb empty partition.... or whatever you want.
That sounds good, it will be some Linux distro and freebsd (first time using these), but I think 5gb or 10gb each is more than enough. Thanks.

Originally posted by: Pas2002
just to be safe while installing over carpet try to contiually ground yourself, this will eliminate any stateic (the wrist straps just ground you constantyl but if you dont move around on the crapet too much you arnt going to create any problems) i have setup many computers over carpet i just ground myself every time i move, it might get redundent but it is better then frying $300 worth of equipment because you didnt touch somthing.
Hehe okay, I wouldn't have known that... before I woulda thought grounding yourself once is enough, but it is better to be safe than sorry I suppose :)

Originally posted by: RalphWiggum
I don't see a soundcard, are you using onboard sound?

As for tips, hmm... Don't forget to plug in your case's power on button... And make sure it's the right one :). I kept plugging in the Power LED and was wondering why the hell my comp wouldn't start...
The motherboard says the onboard sound has 6 channel audio... didn't think I need any other.

Hehe, that sounds like something I'm prone to doing :)