Originally posted by: muttley
Originally posted by: Shuxclams
This one. Create a Dir... i.e; /usr/local/seti or ~/home/seti,
add to your crontab (/etc/crontab)
0 * * * * cd <setidir>; ./setiathome -nice 19 -proxy seti.scarieville.com:5517 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
and walla, your cooking with wesson.
ok when you save the file it will go to your desktop for the user name you signed in with.
now click on the icon that opens your desktop. In the window you want to right click and make a sub directory called seti. Now cut and paste the file into the directory seti.
Now open the seti directory, now right click on the file and tell it to extract all into this seti directory.
now lets navagate through the CLI or command line interface (ie the thing in windows called the DOS window or command prompt.)
The CLI is another box at the bottom of the screen in the GUI interface. Now once the CLI is open use the cd to change directories Just like in Win XP it goes to your user directory. Type dir and look for the path for seti. Now when you want to run a command in dos mode it use to be you just typed the name of the program for example paint.exe well in Linux you type ./ as a tun command so it would be ./paint and no exe is needed. to find the programs that are execuitable type ls (Lima Sierra) now do remember that linux is case sensative if you types ./Paint the program most likely wouldn't run cause of the capital P.
So the base command would be ./setiathome (on a side note some of the seti stuff is in another subdirectory called seti1so keep that in mind to find setiathome)
Now you want to run in conjuction with a proxy ./setiathome -proxy seti.scarieville.com the way it is set up is that port 5517 is the standard so you don't really need that but include so you learn and have it for reference later. The nice 19 tell the priority level for the program to taked compared to all other tasks taken up in your computer 19 is the lowest (please someone correct me if I have it wrong and I'm not sure of the other numbers 0 through 19 I don't know if there is positive numbers also.)
The last part I'm not sure of cause I keep a window open so I can look but this coding I presume hides it. Weither there is auto start I dont know. com:5517 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
I don't know if the coding is totally correct in regards to the > placement.
Hope that helps.