Linux noobie needs SETI help


Oct 19, 2001
Alright, in my quest to become M$ free I have loaded up RH8.0 and am using it now:)

I need to know if there are any SETI install guides for Linux. I've looked but can't seem to find anything.

First off I need to know which CLI to get - the SETI Unix page is confusing as all get out. What do I use with RH? :confused:

After I find the right one to use then I may have more questions.:p



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
This one. Create a Dir... i.e; /usr/local/seti or ~/home/seti,
add to your crontab (/etc/crontab)

0 * * * * cd <setidir>; ./setiathome -nice 19 -proxy > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

and walla, your cooking with wesson. :D



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Shuxclams
This one. Create a Dir... i.e; /usr/local/seti or ~/home/seti,
add to your crontab (/etc/crontab)

0 * * * * cd <setidir>; ./setiathome -nice 19 -proxy > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

and walla, your cooking with wesson. :D


Whoa there cowboy:p I said I was a noobie! :p

Now nice and slow...and in English ;)

I followed right up to the part where you started talking about some old crone you knew or something:confused: :p

How is this thing supposed to get my user info? better do I run the damn thing?

Crontab? and what is that jibberish you want me to put in it? what does that string(?) do?

<-- is an extreme noobie and needs his hand held ;)



Oct 19, 2001
OK - so now that I've figured out that shux wasn't "speaking in tongues"....:p I still need to find out how to get this thing started. I've "extracted" the files to /home/SETI/ and there are 4 files there. How exactly does one start the app? I've tried the "windows" double click and also the "Run Program" routes but neither allow me to enter any info but both ways will start the application - which I have to close using the system monitor. BTW - does RH8 (vanilla install) really use 200MB of RAM?:Q yikes!

Any help on getting the client configured?



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
OK - so now that I've figured out that shux wasn't "speaking in tongues"....:p I still need to find out how to get this thing started. I've "extracted" the files to /home/SETI/ and there are 4 files there. How exactly does one start the app? I've tried the "windows" double click and also the "Run Program" routes but neither allow me to enter any info but both ways will start the application - which I have to close using the system monitor.

Open up a command line terminal and:

cd ~/SETI

The first part will change directory to ~/SETI (your home dir/SETI), the second command will run the executable "setiathome" in that directory. You can then enter your information and it will start. Ill try to write up a bit later about how I run it.

BTW - does RH8 (vanilla install) really use 200MB of RAM?:Q yikes!

It will free up RAM as needed. The VM is pretty good about that.

Any help on getting the client configured?


Hope that helps.


Senior member
Jun 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Shuxclams
This one. Create a Dir... i.e; /usr/local/seti or ~/home/seti,
add to your crontab (/etc/crontab)

0 * * * * cd <setidir>; ./setiathome -nice 19 -proxy > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

and walla, your cooking with wesson. :D

ok when you save the file it will go to your desktop for the user name you signed in with.

now click on the icon that opens your desktop. In the window you want to right click and make a sub directory called seti. Now cut and paste the file into the directory seti.
Now open the seti directory, now right click on the file and tell it to extract all into this seti directory.

now lets navagate through the CLI or command line interface (ie the thing in windows called the DOS window or command prompt.)
The CLI is another box at the bottom of the screen in the GUI interface. Now once the CLI is open use the cd to change directories Just like in Win XP it goes to your user directory. Type dir and look for the path for seti. Now when you want to run a command in dos mode it use to be you just typed the name of the program for example paint.exe well in Linux you type ./ as a tun command so it would be ./paint and no exe is needed. to find the programs that are execuitable type ls (Lima Sierra) now do remember that linux is case sensative if you types ./Paint the program most likely wouldn't run cause of the capital P.
So the base command would be ./setiathome (on a side note some of the seti stuff is in another subdirectory called seti1so keep that in mind to find setiathome)
Now you want to run in conjuction with a proxy ./setiathome -proxy the way it is set up is that port 5517 is the standard so you don't really need that but include so you learn and have it for reference later. The nice 19 tell the priority level for the program to taked compared to all other tasks taken up in your computer 19 is the lowest (please someone correct me if I have it wrong and I'm not sure of the other numbers 0 through 19 I don't know if there is positive numbers also.)
The last part I'm not sure of cause I keep a window open so I can look but this coding I presume hides it. Weither there is auto start I dont know. com:5517 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
I don't know if the coding is totally correct in regards to the > placement.

Hope that helps.

What I would like to know is how to store work units on the computer.



Senior member
Jun 9, 2001
This is a very good link from our good friends at BBR.:Q I believe it is using mandrake.

btw-being a total linux noob myself, I found mandrake 9.0 a little easier to get around in and generally understand than RH.


Oct 19, 2001

a "dot" then "slash" :eek:

forgot about the "dot" i knew there was something I was forgetting and I couldn't see the "." in n0cmonkey's post.:eek:

Should be working now.




Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: muttley
Originally posted by: Shuxclams
This one. Create a Dir... i.e; /usr/local/seti or ~/home/seti,
add to your crontab (/etc/crontab)

0 * * * * cd <setidir>; ./setiathome -nice 19 -proxy > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

and walla, your cooking with wesson. :D

ok when you save the file it will go to your desktop for the user name you signed in with.

now click on the icon that opens your desktop. In the window you want to right click and make a sub directory called seti. Now cut and paste the file into the directory seti.
Now open the seti directory, now right click on the file and tell it to extract all into this seti directory.

now lets navagate through the CLI or command line interface (ie the thing in windows called the DOS window or command prompt.)
The CLI is another box at the bottom of the screen in the GUI interface. Now once the CLI is open use the cd to change directories Just like in Win XP it goes to your user directory. Type dir and look for the path for seti. Now when you want to run a command in dos mode it use to be you just typed the name of the program for example paint.exe well in Linux you type ./ as a tun command so it would be ./paint and no exe is needed. to find the programs that are execuitable type ls (Lima Sierra) now do remember that linux is case sensative if you types ./Paint the program most likely wouldn't run cause of the capital P.
So the base command would be ./setiathome (on a side note some of the seti stuff is in another subdirectory called seti1so keep that in mind to find setiathome)
Now you want to run in conjuction with a proxy ./setiathome -proxy the way it is set up is that port 5517 is the standard so you don't really need that but include so you learn and have it for reference later. The nice 19 tell the priority level for the program to taked compared to all other tasks taken up in your computer 19 is the lowest (please someone correct me if I have it wrong and I'm not sure of the other numbers 0 through 19 I don't know if there is positive numbers also.)
The last part I'm not sure of cause I keep a window open so I can look but this coding I presume hides it. Weither there is auto start I dont know. com:5517 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
I don't know if the coding is totally correct in regards to the > placement.

Hope that helps.

nice goes from -20 to 20. I think the >'s should be fine, 1 should be stdout, and 2 should be stderr?

What I would like to know is how to store work units on the computer.

setistack will store some.

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
Awright, I'd do it a different way, since Shux's method will only start SETI on the hour after you start the machine, but it's simpler. First, is SETI in /home/SETI or in /home/<yourhomedirectory>/SETI? The second case is better, but even in the first case, if you didn't extract it as root, you should be OK.

Start by running the command "crontab -e". Next type a single lowercase "i". If nothing appears on the screen, you're in vi. Type in the line Shux gave you above, then hit escape and type ":x" and enter. If you typed the i and it appeared, you're probably in emacs or pico. Hit backspace, type in the line, and hit Ctrl-S followed by Ctrl-X, I believe. You should now be all set.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY

a "dot" then "slash" :eek:

forgot about the "dot" i knew there was something I was forgetting and I couldn't see the "." in n0cmonkey's post.:eek:

Should be working now.



Those .'s are tough to see. ;)

/setiathome would mean run setiathome in the root (/) directory. Absolute paths. ./setiathome means run the setiathome in this (.) dir. If you do an ls -la the first two things you will see are . and ... If you see a ... you got hacked... Anyhow, . means the current dir, and .. means the parent dir. So ./command is the command in the dir you are currently in, ../command is the command in the dir above the one you are currently in.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Ken_g6
Awright, I'd do it a different way, since Shux's method will only start SETI on the hour after you start the machine, but it's simpler. First, is SETI in /home/SETI or in /home/<yourhomedirectory>/SETI? The second case is better, but even in the first case, if you didn't extract it as root, you should be OK.

Start by running the command "crontab -e". Next type a single lowercase "i". If nothing appears on the screen, you're in vi. Type in the line Shux gave you above, then hit escape and type ":x" and enter. If you typed the i and it appeared, you're probably in emacs or pico. Hit backspace, type in the line, and hit Ctrl-S followed by Ctrl-X, I believe. You should now be all set.

He would still have to do it my way once to setup the user info stuff.


Oct 19, 2001
alright you guys...quit talking that jibberish ;):p

Ken_g6 - I have no idea what your post meant :p hehe ;)

Anywhos - I got the thing running and all is setup in crontab.

This is my watercooled XP1800@1728Mhz and I really want to see how the times compare using RH versus win2k. I guess we'll see in a little over 3 hours.

Thanks guys - I'm sure I'll have more questions later but I'll post those over in the OS forum;)



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
It will restart the service on an hourly basis. You could start it right away if you liked. I keep mine in /usr/local/seti...

cd /usr/local/seti
./setiathome -proxy &

And if it ever hangs it gets restarted.



Oct 19, 2001
Whoa - the linux setup is slower than win2k :Q

2WUs with RH = ~3:47
tonsWUs with win2k = 3:20

Is there something that need to be checked on my RH install? I'm sure there is useless stuff ......

Oh crap - as I was typing this I remembered that I probably haven't changed the screensaver settings:eek::|

I guess we'll see what kind of times I get after I shut off the screensaves.



Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Whoa - the linux setup is slower than win2k :Q

2WUs with RH = ~3:47
tonsWUs with win2k = 3:20

Is there something that need to be checked on my RH install? I'm sure there is useless stuff ......

Oh crap - as I was typing this I remembered that I probably haven't changed the screensaver settings:eek::|

I guess we'll see what kind of times I get after I shut off the screensaves.


Supposedly the Windows version is faster. If you run the Windows version through WINE you should get better times. I just think its a waste of time and resources for me to do that on the machines I currently run.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
You have to remember that the Linux client is set to run at lowest priority and when XWindows is open it consumes alot of resources. I run my Linux machines in CLI until I need/want to do something in a "windows" enviroment. Having "less" overhead that way makes for equal to faster times depending on my usage of the machine. You can try re-nice'ing if you want, but its going to effect your xwindows performance since seti will get a higher priority. Lets hope that the SETI2 clients run better for other OS's other than Win32.