Libs in this forum seem extremely angry

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Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Just a bunch of whiney cowards who give themselves way too much credit and like to insult others from the safety of their internet connection.

BoooHooo BoooHooo MOMMY the republicans stole the election, WAHHHH

LOL, I'm guessing your not smart enough to google your own original insult? :laugh:

LOL. Probably not as smart as you think you are.

Most Def, not even close. :D


Senior member
Aug 26, 2006
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Just a bunch of whiney cowards who give themselves way too much credit and like to insult others from the safety of their internet connection.

BoooHooo BoooHooo MOMMY the republicans stole the election, WAHHHH

LOL, I'm guessing your not smart enough to google your own original insult? :laugh:

LOL. Probably not as smart as you think you are.

Most Def, not even close. :D

Like I said, you give yourself way too much credit.


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Troll Alert -


Won't be too long before the Mods get involved with this clown

That's right. If they disagree with you, insult them or call foul.

You just don't get it do you?

You're to one that came in here pointing the finger and making up crap.
When it's played on you, you whine even more.



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: kingtas
Just a bunch of whiney cowards who give themselves way too much credit and like to insult others from the safety of their internet connection.

BoooHooo BoooHooo MOMMY the republicans stole the election, WAHHHH

LOL, I'm guessing your not smart enough to google your own original insult? :laugh:

LOL. Probably not as smart as you think you are.

Most Def, not even close. :D

Like I said, you give yourself way too much credit.

If I could buy you for what your worth and sell you for what you think your worth, credit would be the least of my problems.

The funny part is you come into a troll thread about angry libs compaining about how all they can do is insult from the safety of their internet connection and then what do you do? Yep, exactly what your tryin to critisize the Lib's for...... and your the angry one. :laugh:


Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: forfor
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
Originally posted by: catnap1972
Originally posted by: kingtas
Just a bunch of whiney cowards who give themselves way too much credit and like to insult others from the safety of their internet connection.

Ooh look who's talking!

When you warmongering righties get your asses out of the La-Z-Boys and enlist instead of playing keyboard warriors, you can talk. :roll:

haha. Don't bet on it, they support blowing things up only because they can watch from the safety of the lazy boy!

I served more than a decade in the military, can you say the same?

Sure you did... Counter-Strike online doesn't count though you little illusional couch-potato.

Yep, I sure did. No, I'm not illusional or a couch potato, either. But you can safetly insult me from behind the safety of your internet connection.

Safety of my internet connection. PM me and we can meet and discuss in person if you wish. I live and work in the Washington DC for the government. We can meet in my office anytime.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: hellokeith
Just an observation, the libs in this forum seem extraordinarily hostile lately. I think it's because they are afraid the democrats will lose yet another election. What do you think?

People on the left including most media are predicting victory for the demos. People on the right are saying it's too close to call. Sounds like the '04 elections to me.

I think this is a different set of variables. If I had to guess how it'd turn out right now, I'd say the dems will get control of one side of congress. But the conservative base came out in droves and really upset the lib polsters and their media friends in '04.

#1 EVERYONE in P&N comes off as angry. (obersvation of the year!!..thank you..thank really, stop clapping)

#2 Conservatives come off as very defensive these days. Reasons are obvious.

#2 Libs are angry because: When the neo-cons are in charge they get the boat half flooded, then say, "don't bicker, we're all on the same team, we're all in the same boat, unify, not divide!". Then our ideas about bailing water out of the boat are ignored in favor of poking a hole in the boat to let the water out. Yeah, we're in the same boat, but neo-cons are f'ing it up!

#3 If you are not angry about the way this country is running something is wrong with you.

So count me proudly angry!

As a side note: "It's the president stupid". Get that jackass out of office and watch what happens. I don't care who controls congress you will see people start reaching across the aisle again.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
I guess that any American who doesn't agree with everything the ruling party does should just bend over and take it while not complaining. That is, after all, why this country was founded. Complete and total domination by the ruling party with no say, no right to be angry, and no freedom to express it.

Furthermore, I am a conservative and I am pissed. Why? Because the tools of the "republicans" hijacked my party, my ideals, and my government to turn it into a neo-fascist quasi religious power grab intent on shackeling the future of this country to endless wars and bottomless pits of debt.

Call yourself whatever you want hellokeith, but don't besmirch my party by calling yourself a Republican. If you want to be a social conservative, take any other name. Here's a few you can try out.

Tyrranical Majority (or minority)
Bed wetter (war on fear...ohhh noes!)

Or any other name for somebody who is so afraid of the unknown that you have to beg for protection or beat it with a stick.

Well said. I think most people that have even a base understanding of political history, or history in general, understand that the current administration is in no way conservative. It's sad to say this...but I actually miss the real conservatives. They could hold a rational debate.

This current air of "nationalism" trumpeted by the GOP is simply washed-over fascism. (The two are pretty much the same thing, anyway). Bush isn't Hitler...I'd say he's more like "El Duque." Although, I'd be hard-pressed to imagine his being able to get the trains to run on time.

What really chafes me; is that this guy ran 2 corporations into the ground on his watch. Positions he was given out of favoritism, and clearly not out of ability. After the second fell into bankruptcy, he was given a cushy, 200k "no-work" position within the company as a favor to daddy, then the US VP. (sorry I don't remember the names of the oil companies; but this info is well-documented). In light of this; who in their right mind would ever consider this guy capable of running a country? I also don't understand how people perceive this guy as a "Texan." His is a wealthy, uppity, Connecticut-based clan. ...And that is how he lost his campaign for Texas State Congress in the early eighties. His opponent actually portrayed him as too smart and too out of touch with the locals (he was; and still is). Needless to say, his "graduating" from Yale was not seen as a favorable credential for a good 'ol country boy.

Of course, this is all part of the brilliant marketing strategy that both parties are guilty of, and that has been well discussed in this thread. I thought Clinton was incomparable in this department...but Mr Rove seems to have re-written the book in mass "sheepification." (However, I have no dobt that if Bill were able to re-run again, he would win in a landslide in 2008--amazing considering the supposed "lack of moral fiber" that he was branded with by all of the fundamentalist, sinless yahoos)


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Smilin

If you are not angry about the way this country is running something is wrong with you.

So count me proudly angry!

As a side note: "It's the President stupid".

Get that jackass out of office and watch what happens.

I don't care who controls congress you will see people start reaching across the aisle again.

Welcome to P&N

You realize his time is up right?

You realize if any other Republican is put in would just be another GOP Rove puppet???

Same goes for Dems, he or she would just be another Clinton clone even if it's not a Clinton in there.

Only way for any "aisle reaching" to occur is to get someone in there not from either corrupt club.
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: forfor
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: forfor
Originally posted by: kingtas
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
Originally posted by: catnap1972
Originally posted by: kingtas
Just a bunch of whiney cowards who give themselves way too much credit and like to insult others from the safety of their internet connection.

Ooh look who's talking!

When you warmongering righties get your asses out of the La-Z-Boys and enlist instead of playing keyboard warriors, you can talk. :roll:

haha. Don't bet on it, they support blowing things up only because they can watch from the safety of the lazy boy!

I served more than a decade in the military, can you say the same?

Sure you did... Counter-Strike online doesn't count though you little illusional couch-potato.

Yep, I sure did. No, I'm not illusional or a couch potato, either. But you can safetly insult me from behind the safety of your internet connection.

Safety of my internet connection. PM me and we can meet and discuss in person if you wish. I live and work in the Washington DC for the government. We can meet in my office anytime.

Come on kingstas, you should do it. Come on, you're tough! Let us know how it works out for ya. :p
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: zinfamous
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
I guess that any American who doesn't agree with everything the ruling party does should just bend over and take it while not complaining. That is, after all, why this country was founded. Complete and total domination by the ruling party with no say, no right to be angry, and no freedom to express it.

Furthermore, I am a conservative and I am pissed. Why? Because the tools of the "republicans" hijacked my party, my ideals, and my government to turn it into a neo-fascist quasi religious power grab intent on shackeling the future of this country to endless wars and bottomless pits of debt.

Call yourself whatever you want hellokeith, but don't besmirch my party by calling yourself a Republican. If you want to be a social conservative, take any other name. Here's a few you can try out.

Tyrranical Majority (or minority)
Bed wetter (war on fear...ohhh noes!)

Or any other name for somebody who is so afraid of the unknown that you have to beg for protection or beat it with a stick.

Well said. I think most people that have even a base understanding of political history, or history in general, understand that the current administration is in no way conservative. It's sad to say this...but I actually miss the real conservatives. They could hold a rational debate.

This current air of "nationalism" trumpeted by the GOP is simply washed-over fascism. (The two are pretty much the same thing, anyway). Bush isn't Hitler...I'd say he's more like "El Duque." Although, I'd be hard-pressed to imagine his being able to get the trains to run on time.

What really chafes me; is that this guy ran 2 corporations into the ground on his watch. Positions he was given out of favoritism, and clearly not out of ability. After the second fell into bankruptcy, he was given a cushy, 200k "no-work" position within the company as a favor to daddy, then the US VP. (sorry I don't remember the names of the oil companies; but this info is well-documented). In light of this; who in their right mind would ever consider this guy capable of running a country? I also don't understand how people perceive this guy as a "Texan." His is a wealthy, uppity, Connecticut-based clan. ...And that is how he lost his campaign for Texas State Congress in the early eighties. His opponent actually portrayed him as too smart and too out of touch with the locals (he was; and still is). Needless to say, his "graduating" from Yale was not seen as a favorable credential for a good 'ol country boy.

Of course, this is all part of the brilliant marketing strategy that both parties are guilty of, and that has been well discussed in this thread. I thought Clinton was incomparable in this department...but Mr Rove seems to have re-written the book in mass "sheepification." (However, I have no dobt that if Bill were able to re-run again, he would win in a landslide in 2008--amazing considering the supposed "lack of moral fiber" that he was branded with by all of the fundamentalist, sinless yahoos)
And then they made him president. He's a useful idiot.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Smilin

If you are not angry about the way this country is running something is wrong with you.

So count me proudly angry!

As a side note: "It's the President stupid".

Get that jackass out of office and watch what happens.

I don't care who controls congress you will see people start reaching across the aisle again.

Welcome to P&N

You realize his time is up right?

You realize if any other Republican is put in would just be another GOP Rove puppet???

Same goes for Dems, he or she would just be another Clinton clone even if it's not a Clinton in there.

Only way for any "aisle reaching" to occur is to get someone in there not from either corrupt club.

I believe you were trying to keep your response post kinda clean but the way you quoted me sliced off a bit of my meaning. No real harm. :)

As a whole though, Rove or not, the current president is very devisive. When he's gone I think you'll realize that there are intelligent people in this country with opposite viewpoints and we are quite capable of getting along, making compromises and generally agreeing on some very common sense things. Rove may contribute to the devisive problems but I can think of half a dozen Republicans that if put in office would simply pat Rove on the head and say, "That's a very nice idea, thanks for your input but..."

Although I'm a Lib, I KNOW that there are some intelligent republicans out there. Bush ain't one of them.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2006
Originally posted by: Termagant
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
"Poverty, the wealth gap, health care -- people can't afford Medicare. Something's got to be done about that," Sue Harrell, a school teacher in Monroe City, Indiana, said recently.

Dave, as my SO is involved in educational administration, teachers are primarily democratic. voting with their hearts, not thinking about what they need to do to truly fix the problem.

But once they move into a position to actually manage the systems they see first hand just how mucked up it is and quickly turn conservative

Republicans have fixed what??? :confused:

So many examples.... while in the topic of education, how about No Child Left Behind????

sry for posting so late but i jsut notcied this thread.

the no child left behind is joke. I went to a school where the administraters had no idea what they were doing. I would ask them about how i could make up days in school and they said they will find information on the problem. well after a couple of days with no response my mom called them up and said my son needs to know information on how he could make up missing days. They said the same thing they said to me. next thing you know its the end of school and i get a letter in the mail saying that i have failed 9th grade because of not making up days that i missed. So, my mom is now crying on the phone yelling at the assistant principal askign them what they can do to fix it. I had to got to summer school last year because of lack of care and reponsibility by the school. So dont tell me they did anything to fix the schools/education. Overall the school systems suck and while at school you probably inhale about 4 ciggarettes a day from xsecond hand smoke. End of story. Site down. and Go Democrats!!!


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: covert24
Originally posted by: Termagant
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
"Poverty, the wealth gap, health care -- people can't afford Medicare. Something's got to be done about that," Sue Harrell, a school teacher in Monroe City, Indiana, said recently.

Dave, as my SO is involved in educational administration, teachers are primarily democratic. voting with their hearts, not thinking about what they need to do to truly fix the problem.

But once they move into a position to actually manage the systems they see first hand just how mucked up it is and quickly turn conservative

Republicans have fixed what??? :confused:

So many examples.... while in the topic of education, how about No Child Left Behind????

sry for posting so late but i jsut notcied this thread.

the no child left behind is joke.

I went to a school where the administraters had no idea what they were doing.

I would ask them about how i could make up days in school and they said they will find information on the problem.

well after a couple of days with no response my mom called them up and said my son needs to know information on how he could make up missing days.

They said the same thing they said to me.

next thing you know its the end of school and i get a letter in the mail saying that i have failed 9th grade because of not making up days that i missed.

So, my mom is now crying on the phone yelling at the assistant principal askign them what they can do to fix it.

I had to got to summer school last year because of lack of care and reponsibility by the school.

So dont tell me they did anything to fix the schools/education.

Overall the school systems suck and while at school you probably inhale about 4 ciggarettes a day from xsecond hand smoke.

End of story. Site down. and Go Democrats!!!

Thanks for the first hand information.

Around 13 years old and already looking at the failed and broken Government.

Mainly because it has already directly affected you.

It is obvious the schooling there is failing on many levels.

As far as the second hand smoke, well it is a large part of the cash cow and income for South Carolina unfortunately.


Aug 28, 2006
I think everyone can agree to some extent that both party's are moving so far left and so far right, that most of us are left somewhere in the middle. Maybe we should start a new party, the anandtechians......


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: senseamp
All Americans should be angry at where this country has descended in the last 6 years.

hmmm my personal income is up, my investments have gained 45%, my living expenses are less percentage of my income, all that even though my taxes have risen although less than the rate of inflation...whats to be angry about?


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2006
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: covert24
Originally posted by: Termagant
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
"Poverty, the wealth gap, health care -- people can't afford Medicare. Something's got to be done about that," Sue Harrell, a school teacher in Monroe City, Indiana, said recently.

Dave, as my SO is involved in educational administration, teachers are primarily democratic. voting with their hearts, not thinking about what they need to do to truly fix the problem.

But once they move into a position to actually manage the systems they see first hand just how mucked up it is and quickly turn conservative

Republicans have fixed what??? :confused:

So many examples.... while in the topic of education, how about No Child Left Behind????

sry for posting so late but i jsut notcied this thread.

the no child left behind is joke.

I went to a school where the administraters had no idea what they were doing.

I would ask them about how i could make up days in school and they said they will find information on the problem.

well after a couple of days with no response my mom called them up and said my son needs to know information on how he could make up missing days.

They said the same thing they said to me.

next thing you know its the end of school and i get a letter in the mail saying that i have failed 9th grade because of not making up days that i missed.

So, my mom is now crying on the phone yelling at the assistant principal askign them what they can do to fix it.

I had to got to summer school last year because of lack of care and reponsibility by the school.

So dont tell me they did anything to fix the schools/education.

Overall the school systems suck and while at school you probably inhale about 4 ciggarettes a day from xsecond hand smoke.

End of story. Site down. and Go Democrats!!!

Thanks for the first hand information.

Around 13 years old and already looking at the failed and broken Government.

Mainly because it has already directly affected you.

It is obvious the schooling there is failing on many levels.

As far as the second hand smoke, well it is a large part of the cash cow and income for South Carolina unfortunately.

BTW im 15

That said, ALOT of people that i know also had to go to summer school as well. they just built a new highschool over here so i have migrated over to the new one and so far so good. The old one was was being over run by gangs and corrupt admiistrators so im sure that didint help in any way.... But thank yuo for not flaming me :)


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2006
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: senseamp
All Americans should be angry at where this country has descended in the last 6 years.

hmmm my personal income is up, my investments have gained 45%, my living expenses are less percentage of my income, all that even though my taxes have risen although less than the rate of inflation...whats to be angry about?

not to degrade u in a anyway way but you are 1 person out of about a billion people. Just because you have seen increases in your salary, payments etc. doesnt mean that its all good. Lower class living has seen depletion of there welfare checks and taxes in certain areas have skyrocketed. I used to live in new york and we had to mvoe down to NC because we couldnt afford a house or food for that matter. Thereas a perfect example of how certain areas are different. Gas is also up to i think its 2.80 sumtin in NY and its down to 2.15 in NC where i live. The government, from wut it looks like, has not done really anything to lower the gas prices down except sponsor the E85 and have chevy produce cars exclusively for that type of fuel. its a good thing That ALL cars can run on E85 anyway, Why make exlusive cars for more money when E85 has been in existence for soo long? It all is just to confusing and someone in the higher branch needs to fix these problems because the governemnt is digging this country a huge hole and doesnt seem like there putting a ladder to get back out....


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Evilhomer99
I think everyone can agree to some extent that both party's are moving so far left and so far right, that most of us are left somewhere in the middle. Maybe we should start a new party, the anandtechians......

You know how if you put one hand in hot water, then the other one going in cold water feels *really* cold?

That's what has happened with the radical right gaining power, after they used to be a fringe - it makes the normal left seem further left.

It works both ways; when the country has been more liberal, 'normal' right-wingers seemed more extreme.

The country has had the extremists on the right gain power - it's not that the left is extremist.

The democrats have moved a bit to the left, because of republican Gerrymandering.

The way gerrymandering works is that the party grabbing power packs as many of their opponents into a few safe districts, while giving themselves more districts that are closer in balance but still safe, maybe 60-40, to get the most districts. The result is that the district losing seats has the ones they keep become less balanced; what was once a 60% democrat district might become 75% democrat, moving it to the left a bit. But the democrats are still the same party they have been since FDR was elected.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: covert24
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: covert24
Originally posted by: Termagant
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
"Poverty, the wealth gap, health care -- people can't afford Medicare. Something's got to be done about that," Sue Harrell, a school teacher in Monroe City, Indiana, said recently.

Dave, as my SO is involved in educational administration, teachers are primarily democratic. voting with their hearts, not thinking about what they need to do to truly fix the problem.

But once they move into a position to actually manage the systems they see first hand just how mucked up it is and quickly turn conservative

Republicans have fixed what??? :confused:

So many examples.... while in the topic of education, how about No Child Left Behind????

sry for posting so late but i jsut notcied this thread.

the no child left behind is joke.

I went to a school where the administraters had no idea what they were doing.

I would ask them about how i could make up days in school and they said they will find information on the problem.

well after a couple of days with no response my mom called them up and said my son needs to know information on how he could make up missing days.

They said the same thing they said to me.

next thing you know its the end of school and i get a letter in the mail saying that i have failed 9th grade because of not making up days that i missed.

So, my mom is now crying on the phone yelling at the assistant principal askign them what they can do to fix it.

I had to got to summer school last year because of lack of care and reponsibility by the school.

So dont tell me they did anything to fix the schools/education.

Overall the school systems suck and while at school you probably inhale about 4 ciggarettes a day from xsecond hand smoke.

End of story. Site down. and Go Democrats!!!

Thanks for the first hand information.

Around 13 years old and already looking at the failed and broken Government.

Mainly because it has already directly affected you.

It is obvious the schooling there is failing on many levels.

As far as the second hand smoke, well it is a large part of the cash cow and income for South Carolina unfortunately.

BTW im 15

That said, ALOT of people that i know also had to go to summer school as well. they just built a new highschool over here so i have migrated over to the new one and so far so good. The old one was was being over run by gangs and corrupt admiistrators so im sure that didint help in any way.... But thank yuo for not flaming me :)

You're welcome, I am not in the habit of "flaming", radical righties on here would disagree of course.

You miss the next General Election in 2008 but you will be a part of the 2012 cycle.

I am encouraged that you are preparing so far ahead of time, good for you :thumbsup: