For about two months now I've been using the iSymDVR app for my iphone. I think I paid $1.99 for it. I use it with a $12 dash mount from Amazon.
The only draw back about this is that it drains battery quickly, but my drives are always short enough it's never a concern. Also, if I want to stream music from the phone I cannot use dash. On the plus, it helps keep my filthy mitts off the thing while driving.
The iphone's vid camera is much better than entry level dash cams, since it is high def. The iSymDVR app has variable frame rate and a bunch of nice options. I personally have it set to show a black screen with my speed after 20 seconds.
Since using this app on my phone I have stopped researching dash cams. It's been really nice. It's also very stable and the developer releases updates every once in a while. I'm guessing it's absolutely the best dash app for the iphone.
Problem with a phone as a Dash Cam is you have to install it everytime and also turn it on and off when needed. The time you think oh its a short drive I don't need to do it is when someone runs a red light and says you ran it and the other 2 people in their car agree.
Agree, but in my case it's been a very easy habit to make. iSymDVR starts automatically when it loads, so I simply slot it into place, hit the green icon on my front page of phone, and that's it. I have also shaken the occasional issue I had of leaving the phone in the car

With the phone constantly showing speed and has a red recording light blinking it's easy to remember it.
I've seen some vid from low end dash cams and the iphone's video blows them out of the water. I agree a dash cam is ideal because it is all automatic, but an app on the iphone + suction mount is < $20 and works very well.
Early on, one of the reasons people know you may have a GPS is if you have the suction mount and they would break-in to look for it in the glove box.
This is true, but you have to be in the height of a meth withdrawal in 2013 to think that stealing somebody's GPS is even worth a nickel, and if it's an empty mount even a smack-blasted junkie will assume that it's for a phone that the driver has with him.