Let's talk about washers and dryers


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2005
As an almost new homeowner, I'm now tasked with making my first washer/dryer purchase. I've been looking at these spiff front load washers and had almost set on one, now I hear that because they require HE detergent, it takes two rinse cycles and that the water never really dries up and you need to leave the door open to get the washer dry.

What are your experiences and how would you go about making an educated guess about washer/dryer purchases?


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 1999
LG Tromm is all you ever need to know...

Make sure to get the red or blue model... Lots of great feature I thought I wouldn't use but do... Really like the "sanitation mode"...


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Kwaipie
As an almost new homeowner, I'm now tasked with making my first washer/dryer purchase. I've been looking at these spiff front load washers and had almost set on one, now I hear that because they require HE detergent, it takes two rinse cycles and that the water never really dries up and you need to leave the door open to get the washer dry.

What are your experiences and how would you go about making an educated guess about washer/dryer purchases?

My parents bought them when they were coming out. They are supposed to use less water and you should (however, not required) use the HE. But since these washer/dryers are becoming more and more mainstream the HE detergents will soon become standard. They also have longer load cycles then regular washer/dryers.


Jan 6, 2001
I recently purchased a kenmore washer/dryer (600 series) on a 20% sale. Basic and they work great.


Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Kwaipie
I hear that because they require HE detergent, it takes two rinse cycles and that the water never really dries up and you need to leave the door open to get the washer dry.

I don't understand what you're saying.

I have a front load washer and it works great.


Feb 6, 2002
Probably depends on a couple of things. How much is your water bill?

Might want to consider a gas dryer.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2001
I picked up the whirlpool duet washer and dryer at Costco 2 years ago when I bought my house, I'd buy them again. Costco sells HE detergent for less than you can pick up Tide at your local mega mart. I don't know if it rinses once or twice of a hundred times (okay, I know it doesn't rinse a hundred times) but they use waaay less water with whatever they're doing than any top loading washer. They spin at such high speed that it doesn't take long for the clothes to dry since most of the water is already gone. Things like fleece come out of the washer already dry. I leave the door open after it runs, much like I don't seal the dishwasher after it runs (I don't use heated dry on my dishes, for me I find it is a waste of energy and melts things.) Unlike a top loader which isn't water tight when you close the lid, a front loader or a dishwasher would reek if kept closed for an extended period of time because the door seals tightly to make both watertight. (Some dishwashers have vents that open during the drying cycle and will stay open, others close after the drying cycle.) Besides using less water, you use less detergent, bleach, and fabric softener.

Edit: Oh, it's more gentle on your clothes too, so they'll last longer.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2002
I will never buy anything but LG from now on.

I've used GE and Whirlpool but nothing compares to a direct drive frontload LG washer!


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 1999
HE detergents doesn't suds up like normal detergents and is more suited for the front loaders. You can use less normal detergents as substitute if you run out of HE but should use HE for the most part. May cost a bit more but I usually wait to get them on sale and load up. I got one of those first generation Maytag Neptune series which had the water issue causing some mold spots (there was a class action suit that resulted but I missed it). Anyway it's more cosmetics for me and still fully functional after 7 yrs. Pretty certain the newer models wouldn't be affected by these issues. I like them much better than the top loaders because I don't have to worry about balancing the load when doing heavy jeans and have the washer jump around during spin cycle. Plus it's very quiet and supposedly uses less water.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
That may be true about water being left in there. However, it's also true of top loaders. There's always just a little bit of water left in there. It's not going to hurt anything if you're using the washer again in 3 or 4 days.


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
I recently purchased the Whirlpool Duet and I find they work very well.

However, I was curious about the LG and the steam washing. Can anyone who has one comment on that? Does it really work well and preserve the "like new" feel of a new shirt for example.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
For years, Whirlpool was the best washers/dryers you could buy. After the recent Calypso debacle, I'm not sure I'd ever buy another one...with the possible exception of the Duet front loaders. Another good brand to look at is the G.E. front loaders. Also VERY well made.
Personally, I couldn't buy anything made by LG...I refuse to buy "Made in China" any time I have a "Made in the USA" option. I read very mixed reviews on the LG laundry machines...from folks like the ones who posted here about how good they are, to people who have had nothing but problems with theirs, and fight for repairs...but for me, the "Made in China" is a deal breaker.


Jan 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Caveman
LG Tromm is all you ever need to know...

Make sure to get the red or blue model... Lots of great feature I thought I wouldn't use but do... Really like the "sanitation mode"...

Those are the ones I have my eyes on. Color doesn't matter, though. Each level of Tromm comes in all three color. Usually stores only display the high end ones in color, making you think that it's not possible, since the color models are a few hundred bucks more than the exact same model in white.

It's a sign I am old that I get all excited over washers and dryers. :(


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2005
Thanks for all the feedback so far. I understand the front loaders spin at 1000+ rpm, doesn't that shake the crap out of your home? This installation will be a 2nd story affair. Currently the Duet Sport is at the top of our list.


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Kwaipie
Thanks for all the feedback so far. I understand the front loaders spin at 1000+ rpm, doesn't that shake the crap out of your home? This installation will be a 2nd story affair. Currently the Duet Sport is at the top of our list.

No. I was worried about that also. I have a very thin(it's really a loft) 2nd floor and the laundry room is adjacent to my downstairs bedroom. I have no issue with this at all.
Obviously, you have to properly level the washer.



Jul 8, 2000
If you are a new homeowner and want to save a little money then I strongly suggest you go to one of those places that sell used appliances. You can get some really good deals on washers and driers there if you don't mind having older equipment. You can pick up a pair for as little as a couple of hundred dollars. Washers and dryers really have not changed much in 40 years. I have been using older sets for decades. I get a set for free when someone throws them away and I do a little tune up on them and use them for another 10 years. I got through college/grad school using an old set. If you want to buy new that is fine but just remember that you will be spending a LOT of extra money on bells and whistles and new paint for something that doesn't do a whole lot more for you than an old trusty set of Kenmore basics.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Another tip...if you go to Home Depot, Lowes, or Sears, you pay the price advertised, which is USUALLY the manufacturer's suggested retail price...If you go to an independent appliance store, you can USUALLY beat that price by a considerable amount. Last year, we went shopping for a new gas range. The 3 I listed above were all within about $20 of each other for the one we wanted. I went to a local store, and they beat those prices by over $200, threw in FREE delivery (I had to pay for installation since it involved cutting tile counters and much more involved than just R&R of the old range. PLUS, I got a 5 year extended warranty for less than 1/2 of what Sears wanted for a 3 year warranty.

Support your local businessman whenever you can--FTW!


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Another tip...if you go to Home Depot, Lowes, or Sears, you pay the price advertised, which is USUALLY the manufacturer's suggested retail price...If you go to an independent appliance store, you can USUALLY beat that price by a considerable amount. Last year, we went shopping for a new gas range. The 3 I listed above were all within about $20 of each other for the one we wanted. I went to a local store, and they beat those prices by over $200, threw in FREE delivery (I had to pay for installation since it involved cutting tile counters and much more involved than just R&R of the old range. PLUS, I got a 5 year extended warranty for less than 1/2 of what Sears wanted for a 3 year warranty.

Support your local businessman whenever you can--FTW!

That's almost like a best kept secret that really shouldn't be a secret.


Jan 10, 2001
Originally posted by: iamwiz82
Originally posted by: Caveman
LG Tromm is all you ever need to know...

Make sure to get the red or blue model... Lots of great feature I thought I wouldn't use but do... Really like the "sanitation mode"...

Those are the ones I have my eyes on. Color doesn't matter, though. Each level of Tromm comes in all three color. Usually stores only display the high end ones in color, making you think that it's not possible, since the color models are a few hundred bucks more than the exact same model in white.

It's a sign I am old that I get all excited over washers and dryers. :(

And we just got back from HD with a set of white Tromms. $2,000 for the set with taxes, plus $175 in the form of Home Depot gift cards and free delivery.

This washer

This dryer

Now I'd be super-geek if I bought this.


Golden Member
Nov 22, 2002
Got my Kennmore Elite front load washer/dryer from the Sears outlet store. Had the same warranty as "new" and only had a small scratch on the side. $1200 for both, and they were the top of the line when we bought them a few years ago. Washer alone was like $1499 new. Less water used, quieter, faster spin cycle, shorter dry cycle and softer clothes. Worth every penny to us.


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2000
I bought the Kenmore Elite 5t washer/dryer. I am impressed. When it is not in the spin cycle, the washer is nearly silent.

Front loaders require a cleansing cycle every once in awhile where you put bleach in and let it go to cleanse it. We use the HE detergent from Tide that is double strength. Similar cost to the others, but the giant bottle has lasted close to 7 months. (My wife pretty much sorts everything by color, so we do a lot of loads)

Also, whirlpool is buying up pretty much everyone except LG. GE and maytag will become rebadged whirlpools. Kenmore is identical with whirlpool, except more bells and whistles.


Feb 3, 2004
Originally posted by: iamwiz82
Originally posted by: iamwiz82
Originally posted by: Caveman
LG Tromm is all you ever need to know...

Make sure to get the red or blue model... Lots of great feature I thought I wouldn't use but do... Really like the "sanitation mode"...

Those are the ones I have my eyes on. Color doesn't matter, though. Each level of Tromm comes in all three color. Usually stores only display the high end ones in color, making you think that it's not possible, since the color models are a few hundred bucks more than the exact same model in white.

It's a sign I am old that I get all excited over washers and dryers. :(

And we just got back from HD with a set of white Tromms. $2,000 for the set with taxes, plus $175 in the form of Home Depot gift cards and free delivery.

This washer

This dryer

Now I'd be super-geek if I bought this.

$2,000? For a washer and dryer? :shocked:


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000

i spent a total of $600 on my washer/dryer (roper brand). i have had them 3 years and never had a problem and they do what i need. they get the clothes clean.