Lets get like a kabillion Ebola threads going?


Feb 1, 2008
Well, at least one more, this one. :D

So.... the republicans are making this an political issue?
And claim everyone should vote republican in November?
Well, lets see here....

Obama-care, and thus healthcare in general, would be a nice thing to have during a national medical urgency. But, but, republicans want to kill Obamacare if they get the power.
Can you imagine a national outbreak of Ebola, and a kabillion worried citizens showing up at the ER?
And more so, most uninsured?
Voting republican sounds like a plan to Me. :D

And look at the national health secretary HHS.
Guess who is blocking and responsible for our country not to have the benefit of a national health secretary?
Clue? It is not the democrats.
Yet another reason to vote republican. :D
And gee... during a potential national health crisis, would it not be a good idea to have an HHS in place, ya thunk?

So sure.... vote republican. See what happens.
You can be assured if republicans take control of two of our three branches of government, Ebola here we come.

Let a republican house and senate vote to once again bomb Iraq, to fight a national threat.
Worked before...
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Oh look another Perrybot thread. I think I'll vote for a Republican just so I can see you leave the country :D


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Obama Bin Laden released Ebola into Africa to get back at the US for Slavery, because of his socialist fascist need to win the Midterm Elections!

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Obama Bin Laden released Ebola into Africa to get back at the US for Slavery, because of his socialist fascist need to win the Midterm Elections!

I'm voting for Jeb if he runs just to screw with Perrybot.


Jun 4, 2004


Feb 1, 2008
What? No troll alert?
I'm so disappointed....
Only trolls are those making a political issue out of this Ebola scare.

Yeah I know...truth hurts?

Voting in a party that distastes the very notion of more Americans having healthcare, yet freaking out to the extent of politicizing a potential national healthcare scare.... well...
So typical republican.
Rubber boots time.....

Lets just wait and see if the voters can figure this one out on their own....

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
What? No troll alert?
I'm so disappointed....
Only trolls are those making a political issue out of this Ebola scare.

Yeah I know...truth hurts?

Voting in a party that distastes the very notion of more Americans having healthcare, yet freaking out to the extent of politicizing a potential national healthcare scare.... well...
So typical republican.
Rubber boots time.....

Lets just wait and see if the voters can figure this one out on their own....

I have one!



Feb 6, 2002
Lets compare how the God of conservatives Ronald Regan handled AIDS vs Obama's handling of Ebola. Just a reminder of Reagans AIDS timeline...

The first cases were discovered in 1981. By February 1984, the CDC stated there were more than 4,100 cases in the United States and nearly 2,000 people had already died.

President Reagan didn't publicly address the disease until May 1987. By then more than 20,000 Americans had died and the virus had spread to more than 100 countries. I would think in the lexicon of irresponsible and incompetent manners to address a public health crisis, Reagan comes out on top.

The Reagan administration's response to AIDS was not only painfully slow, then-Press Secretary Larry Speakes even made jokes about people dying.

I don't need to recall the Ebola timeline in this country because the information is recent. Efforts by the Obama administration are downright heroic compared to St. Reagan.



Aug 5, 2000
As far as the Repubs attempting to link Obama to Ebola infected ISIS fighters entering the USA from our porous southern borders, this one ranks as about the worst, but pretty damn funny if I look at it that way.

I've seen the Repubs do much better than that.

My Lame-O-Meter pegged out on this one.


Feb 1, 2008
Well lets just imagine if the democrats had full control of the governmant, vs republicans.
Just for a moment, lets play the game of "what if" or lets pretend (my favorite game btw).

Democrats would expand Obamacare simply to allow more citizens healthcare and health education for such threats as Ebola. Democrats would vote and approve our national HHS secretary. Democrats would vote to fund and expand national health services, and probably also vote in place new government crisis response facilities nation wide.
Pretty common sense stuff like that.

So, what would a republican controlled government do?
Anyone's guess...
But... considering old reliable Ronnie Reagan and his response to the AIDS crisis, we probably have a good idea how a republican government would react.

1st.... Blame same sex marriage for the wrath of God.
2nd... Have a national day of prayer.
3rd... Deport everyone with a fever.
4th... The Rapture. Got to include the impending Rapture.
5th... Repeal Obamacare. Replace with free Tylenol for everyone.
6th... Appoint Donald Trump as head of the national health czar.
7th... No need for a 7th. Everyone is now dead from Ebola.

November 4th. Just weeks away. :D


Feb 1, 2008
Continuing my game of "what if", lets get really scary. Halloween scary.
Just say this Ebola, or say some similar Ebola, mutated into an air borne virus.
Still, no cure, as with the current Ebola, and suddenly the mutated virus started to spread.
Can you imagine the toll on the country?
Schools closed, business closed in fear of contamination, forget about fast food, grocery shopping, parties, gatherings and celebrations of any kind, include to that healthcare providers staying home in fear of infection.

So sure, this current Ebola thing is minor and mostly fear and hype than actual reality.
But... when politicians play politics with something with the potential as this, and chose to gain a few brownie points at the expense of common sense, do you really want to trust those politicians with the power of running the government?
Especially when most of them hate the entire theory of government in general?

Including every single one of those politicians that so openly disrespect and make their career out of government bashing, where then should some Ebola type of virus actually threaten our very way of life in this country, who would the people look to for help?
For the solution? For relief? Guidance?

In theory, and when you get right down to it, wouldn't it be wise to place your trust in someone that felt government had a major roll in the betterment of the country?
Putting all politics aside to confirm the national HHS secretary?
Support any attempt to expand healthcare for those uninsured?
Or, would it be better to trust in someone that would push this idea that government has a minor roll, and the private sector should have the upper hand?

When you listen to the people that feel government is worthless and never to be trusted, and then forbid some true national urgency take place exactly like a deadly virus outbreak, all playtime set aside which side would you want to align with?

Does anyone really believe any US senate full of tea party members or US house full of tea party members would have the ability to address a true national emergency?
And more so, have the patriotism to do the right thing?

November 4th. This just might not be only a game.


Mar 19, 2007


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2014
To be fair do you know how the AIDS epidemic started? What we did was terrible. A total failure due to homophobia.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Voting Republican is going full retard. You never go full retard.

One party is a dictatorship and that would never be abused?
I don't like partisans. I don't like many Republicans and not most Democrats. I like least people like Perrybot who invite us into his future authoritarian rule because that's what one party always and without fail means. You never go full tyrant.