Leftists are the enemy of freedom!


Senior member
May 5, 2017
First of all under "leftists" I consider liberals, progressives, collectivists, socialists, etc...

Over the past decade liberals have turned into fascist, where you label ALL who don't think as you as "sexist, racist, bigots" and NEVER engage in any actual debate and then try and shut down anyone who opposes your authoritarian ideology by saying they shouldn't have a platform or be allowed to speak because YOU labeled them as "racist, sexist and bigots".

If you are a black conservative you are labeled a my excellent compatriot, a betrayer, a whitey, etc... If you are a trans conservative you are shamed and threatened and assaulted, while calling other people bigots and transphobes. If you are a black lesbian woman you are labeled as stupid and as controlled to be able to think on their own.

So it ultimately isn't about race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, religion, etc... its about whether you are leftist or not. If you are NOT a leftist AND BLACK, HOMOSEXUAL, LATIN, FEMALE, TRANS, MUSLIM, JEWISH, then you are evil "racist, sexist, bigot" and these days even "rapist". Doesn't matter if you are Jewish, you are still an evil Nazi if you are not a leftist. Not even libertarians or independents are safe from these idiotic, retarded, brainless and lazy attacks.

This is the modern left these days! This is why the LEFT is the biggest threat to freedom and liberty! I'm a libertarian and I'm from Eastern Europe, but I don't look at conservatives in the USA or generally in the West and see them as a threat to freedom, something that even just 30 years ago was a danger, the right was far more authoritarian and wanting to restrict their opposition, but in less than 30 years the left has become the biggest danger to freedom that we've ever had!

If the left continue on this path and moderate liberals, old school liberals, classical liberals don't take back the reigns from these extremists, we would be living in 1984 style tyranny by the left or the alternative is a massive and extremely bloody civil war with tens of millions of dead!


Oct 18, 2009
I'm confused.....what you're saying is southern conservatives/Republicans are closet liberals?
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Oct 6, 2009
This is definitely not the result of decades of brainwashing by the conservative media. OP, I agree 100% and think you should start exterminating leftists.


Feb 15, 2002
I wonder why the OP isn't posting this in his own country if he's so worried. He seems very concerned about the US instead of his own country.
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Senior member
May 5, 2017
This is definitely not the result of decades of brainwashing by the conservative media. OP, I agree 100% and think you should start exterminating leftists.
Conservative media, ahahahha! The only one that is not even that conservative is Fox News and from the newer ones Drudgereport and Breitbart.

Meanwhile I'm here in Eastern Europe where 90% of media is hardcore leftist, so thank god I actually don't watch TV, I would have been a brainwashed idiot as well by the leftist media owned by George Soros, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Rothschilds, Bloomberg, etc....


Oct 6, 2009
Conservative media, ahahahha! The only one that is not even that conservative is Fox News and from the newer ones Drudgereport and Breitbart.

Meanwhile I'm here in Eastern Europe where 90% of media is hardcore leftist, so thank god I actually don't watch TV, I would have been a brainwashed idiot as well by the leftist media owned by George Soros, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Rothschilds, Bloomberg, etc....
Don't worry, for those of us getting sick of Fox being infiltrated by the leftist deep state we can now turn to OAN for our daily gospel.
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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
First of all under "leftists" I consider liberals, progressives, collectivists, socialists, etc...

Over the past decade liberals have turned into fascist, where you label ALL who don't think as you as "sexist, racist, bigots" and NEVER engage in any actual debate and then try and shut down anyone who opposes your authoritarian ideology by saying they shouldn't have a platform or be allowed to speak because YOU labeled them as "racist, sexist and bigots".

If you are a black conservative you are labeled a ************, a betrayer, a whitey, etc... If you are a trans conservative you are shamed and threatened and assaulted, while calling other people bigots and transphobes. If you are a black lesbian woman you are labeled as stupid and as controlled to be able to think on their own.

So it ultimately isn't about race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, religion, etc... its about whether you are leftist or not. If you are NOT a leftist AND BLACK, HOMOSEXUAL, LATIN, FEMALE, TRANS, MUSLIM, JEWISH, then you are evil "racist, sexist, bigot" and these days even "rapist". Doesn't matter if you are Jewish, you are still an evil Nazi if you are not a leftist. Not even libertarians or independents are safe from these idiotic, retarded, brainless and lazy attacks.

This is the modern left these days! This is why the LEFT is the biggest threat to freedom and liberty! I'm a libertarian and I'm from Eastern Europe, but I don't look at conservatives in the USA or generally in the West and see them as a threat to freedom, something that even just 30 years ago was a danger, the right was far more authoritarian and wanting to restrict their opposition, but in less than 30 years the left has become the biggest danger to freedom that we've ever had!

If the left continue on this path and moderate liberals, old school liberals, classical liberals don't take back the reigns from these extremists, we would be living in 1984 style tyranny by the left or the alternative is a massive and extremely bloody civil war with tens of millions of dead!

Yeah, we've had enough of this political ideology that disagrees with ours! Let's restore freedom by establishing one-party rule where liberalism is illegal and... oh.

I'm going to be frank: you need to seek mental help. And I don't mean that in a confrontational way. I mean you genuinely need to see a psychotherapist. You're indulging in paranoiac fantasies (1984 tyranny? Civil war with tens of millions dead?) and demonizing slightly over half of American voters.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
He's right for a very limited number of people. For the oligarchs, it is the left that is working their freedom to exploit their power. The conservatives see the oligarchs and roll over and pee on themselves.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Oh shit it's Guru, I must quickly send the Soros Signal to gather the rest of the Soros Brigade to help stop him from exposing us any further. TO THE SOROS CAVE!
Have you ever seen a pic of Soros? A Soros Cave is entirely within the realm of reasonable possibility.


Jun 23, 2004
What the hell did I just read.

You guys are seriously losing it.

In our unhappy discourse there are individuals who act quite regressive. Applying unto themselves behavior befitting the Republicans. Such as the college campus craze of outright hostility towards anything not part of the group-think. Of shutting down and oppressing any opposition. Silence is the new normal in some circles. It's dangerous.

Not all who vote with us are our friends. Not all live up to higher principles.
Some enjoy the fight. Some relish in the filth that defines Trump.

Our nation is polarized. Conservatives will highlight these issues and use it as a rallying cry.