I'm hardly the last word on the subject; but I don't think that replacing them is terribly easy. My only experience with bad backlights is in a corporate laptop deployment. If the backlights went out, we just swapped out the entire LCD. As you probably don't have access to loads of spare panels, that isn't going to work. If you are willing to get your hands dirty, my advice would be to open the thing up(carefully, and with it disconnected from power, etc.) and have a look at the back of the LCD panel. There will be the inverter circuitry and one or more Cold Cathode tubes. The tubes will be connected by largish insulated wires to the inverter board(usually the insulation is white, and slightly rubbery, which makes it pretty obvious, your panel may vary). Be very careful in handling the tubes, they are quite breakable, and have some mercury inside. You will then need to replace the inverter and the tube(s). This will likely involve a bit of improvisation. You can get replacement tubes from any site that sells Cold Cathode tubes for case modders. You'll need to take them out of their protective sleeves, and find somewhere to put the new inverters, and so on; but in principal it is possible.
I'm sorry I cannot be more specifically helpful; but I don't know anything about your panel and panels differ in their details. I've not heard of any(economically priced) way of doing a perfect drop in replacement; but you should be able to hack in the necessary Cold Cathodes with some basic modding work and for not much money.