Lawsuit: Google tracks Android users and makes them pay for it


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
A lawsuit has been filed against Google (again) for spying on its users (again) but this time, they are actually charging their customers for spying on them!

I think Google is a despicable company that should cease to exist. It's products are low quality, it's operating system is buggy, and as a business it basically operates as a monetized spy program involving billions of unsuspecting US and foreign citizens. Who would use these products after knowing they are being spied on AND charged for it?

InB4 the "muh open sources" crew comes to make excuses for their favorite orwellian tech totalitarian. I can't wait to hear why Android users enjoy being spied on. Let me guess what their next argument will be: "There is no such thing as privacy!"

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Might want to mention that your numbers are from Oracle, who are in a legal battle with Google. They certainly have a reason to exaggerate numbers.

I don't see how this is true though, from my own experience. You can tell how much data apps and services are using. If Google was really using up 1GB of my data plan I would see it.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
A lawsuit has been filed against Google (again) for spying on its users (again) but this time, they are actually charging their customers for spying on them!
you'd be able to make your point a bit better if you didn't completely botch the nature of what is going on in your very first line.

it's not a lawsuit, it's a government regulator being briefed by some experts from oracle. and google isn't charging customers, it's using customers' metered data plan.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
you'd be able to make your point a bit better if you didn't completely botch the nature of what is going on in your very first line.

it's not a lawsuit, it's a government regulator being briefed by some experts from oracle. and google isn't charging customers, it's using customers' metered data plan.

Hm. Well if they aren't being sued for this then they should be, right? As a mobile ISP customer you pay to use that bandwidth for yourself. Isn't it stealing if Google then takes your (payed for) bandwidth and uses it to monetize your metadata?

Also, I amazed nobody is bothered by the fact that the phone clearly is taking more telemetry data in "airplane mode" than when it is being used normally. That means that "airplane mode" on an android phone is actually "Spy on me please!" mode.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2002
At least in my case if google is using my data it is not more than a few megs a month.


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2012
A lawsuit has been filed against Google (again) for spying on its users (again) but this time, they are actually charging their customers for spying on them!

I think Google is a despicable company that should cease to exist. It's products are low quality, it's operating system is buggy, and as a business it basically operates as a monetized spy program involving billions of unsuspecting US and foreign citizens. Who would use these products after knowing they are being spied on AND charged for it?

InB4 the "muh open sources" crew comes to make excuses for their favorite orwellian tech totalitarian. I can't wait to hear why Android users enjoy being spied on. Let me guess what their next argument will be: "There is no such thing as privacy!"
Apple aside (iOS really doesn't fit my needs due to Apple policy), I don't suppose there are any options to point users toward right now, is there, besides the obvious (and probably best) option of forgoing smartphones altogether?

That said, a third mobile OS option would be much appreciated, so long as developers actuslly make stuff for it and it (the OS) offers something neither Android nor iOS do.
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Diamond Member
Nov 8, 1999
Google does track us way too much and I would be interested to see the justice department target them.
I get a lot of location based alerts from them, like if I was in a walmart it will alert me to a photo opportunity or ask me to rate the business.
A lot of these settings can be turned off but they are often buried deep in some system menu. For example when I first got my Pixel phone I had to turn off a ton of settings: News feeds, Backups, and others because it was using my data more than I wanted and I am sure I missed some.

That's definitely scary that the phone recorded more points in airplane mode. Not sure what google is thinking there. Their don't be evil mantra is clearly gone.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
It's sad that a country calling itself FREE and Home of the Brave is so indifferent to being controlled and spied upon. I'd rather have European privacy least they get it.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
^ Oh shut up. Europeans have perfected the art of cameras everywhere spying on everyone. Privacy indeed.

Keep that crap in the P&N cesspit.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
what? Google Tracking us? Google making us pay for it! That's IT!!! I'VE HAD IT! I'm buying a Iphone!