LAVA Lamps 16.88


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
I'm not seeing any lava lamps. There's some other nice deals there though.

Edit: Nevermind, found it after doing a search for "lava."


Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Jokersmoker

:disgust: PLEASE NOTE: This looks just like the lamp that I purchased for my Grandson. If it has the metal base, BE VERY CAREFUL! I purchase it from CC and am returning it. I also am trying to contact the appropriate regulating bodies because the metal base get extremely HOT! I picked it up to move it and could not hold it more than a second or two. My Grandson is 12 and has younger brothers and sisters. It is just too dangerous to be around children!


Aug 23, 2001
Originally posted by: jellyjams
Originally posted by: Jokersmoker

:disgust: PLEASE NOTE: This looks just like the lamp that I purchased for my Grandson. If it has the metal base, BE VERY CAREFUL! I purchase it from CC and am returning it. I also am trying to contact the appropriate regulating bodies because the metal base get extremely HOT! I picked it up to move it and could not hold it more than a second or two. My Grandson is 12 and has younger brothers and sisters. It is just too dangerous to be around children!

Most lava lamps are like this...


Senior member
Jul 20, 2001
Has anyone ever ordered from these guys? If so, can you comment on your experience with them? Thanks.


Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by: MacBaine
Originally posted by: jellyjams
Originally posted by: Jokersmoker

:disgust: PLEASE NOTE: This looks just like the lamp that I purchased for my Grandson. If it has the metal base, BE VERY CAREFUL! I purchase it from CC and am returning it. I also am trying to contact the appropriate regulating bodies because the metal base get extremely HOT! I picked it up to move it and could not hold it more than a second or two. My Grandson is 12 and has younger brothers and sisters. It is just too dangerous to be around children!

Most lava lamps are like this...

:) So true...I had 4 lava lamps and 3 wave makers when I was in college. But, I didn't have children and they were not exposed to other peoples' children. There was no warning on the box that it came in to be careful of the extreme temperature of the base when the lamp in on. This is just a heads-up to be careful if you purchase it.


Jan 4, 2001
Even genuine Lava namebrand? I got a "Motion Light" from K-mart awhile back for $9.99 I think it was - I know it was under $10, barely. No-name company I guess, but it's the same basic thing. And it works.


Senior member
Sep 11, 2001
Originally posted by: jellyjams
PLEASE NOTE: This looks just like the lamp that I purchased for my Grandson. If it has the metal base, BE VERY CAREFUL! I purchase it from CC and am returning it. I also am trying to contact the appropriate regulating bodies because the metal base get extremely HOT! I picked it up to move it and could not hold it more than a second or two. My Grandson is 12 and has younger brothers and sisters. It is just too dangerous to be around children!


You are kidding, aren't you? My grandparents had one when I was little, and I turned out OK. The first time the rugrats touch it while it's switched on, they'll learn that maybe that's not such a bright idea (besides, they don't get that hot).

Come to think of it, I think it might've been up where I couldn't get at it...just like anything else they didn't want broken, or that might pose some sort of hazard. What a fscking concept. Part of the reason for ever-increasing prices on stuff is the result of people like you playing Lawsuit Lottery...


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: jellyjams
Originally posted by: Jokersmoker

:disgust: PLEASE NOTE: This looks just like the lamp that I purchased for my Grandson. If it has the metal base, BE VERY CAREFUL! I purchase it from CC and am returning it. I also am trying to contact the appropriate regulating bodies because the metal base get extremely HOT! I picked it up to move it and could not hold it more than a second or two. My Grandson is 12 and has younger brothers and sisters. It is just too dangerous to be around children!

My Lava Lamps always had warnings on them not to touch them while they are on. It IS too dangerous to be around children. Why would you think otherwise? It's not a toy, it's an electrical decoration. Even if it didn't get hot, just the fact that a heavy thick glass globe could fall on or near a child should give one pause when considering this for a child.

And the documentation also specifically warns never to move or attempt to move it while it's on or hot.


Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by: salfter
Originally posted by: jellyjams
PLEASE NOTE: This looks just like the lamp that I purchased for my Grandson. If it has the metal base, BE VERY CAREFUL! I purchase it from CC and am returning it. I also am trying to contact the appropriate regulating bodies because the metal base get extremely HOT! I picked it up to move it and could not hold it more than a second or two. My Grandson is 12 and has younger brothers and sisters. It is just too dangerous to be around children!


You are kidding, aren't you? My grandparents had one when I was little, and I turned out OK. The first time the rugrats touch it while it's switched on, they'll learn that maybe that's not such a bright idea (besides, they don't get that hot).

Come to think of it, I think it might've been up where I couldn't get at it...just like anything else they didn't want broken, or that might pose some sort of hazard. What a fscking concept. Part of the reason for ever-increasing prices on stuff is the result of people like you playing Lawsuit Lottery...

:Q Well, please excuse me my friend for a simple warning. I always felt that bringing information to others was one excellent function of a forum. You can take it or leave it! How did you become aware of the problems with some "halogen lamp" design problems? I learned about the possible hazard while seeking info in a forum well before the "official warning" was issued. I think it's a real stretch from warning to lawsuit lottery! Give me a break! BTW, there were no "child safety caps" on medications and "warnings" about Xmas lights on Xmas trees when I was a kid!


Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Jzero
Originally posted by: jellyjams
Originally posted by: Jokersmoker

:disgust: PLEASE NOTE: This looks just like the lamp that I purchased for my Grandson. If it has the metal base, BE VERY CAREFUL! I purchase it from CC and am returning it. I also am trying to contact the appropriate regulating bodies because the metal base get extremely HOT! I picked it up to move it and could not hold it more than a second or two. My Grandson is 12 and has younger brothers and sisters. It is just too dangerous to be around children!

My Lava Lamps always had warnings on them not to touch them while they are on. It IS too dangerous to be around children. Why would you think otherwise? It's not a toy, it's an electrical decoration. Even if it didn't get hot, just the fact that a heavy thick glass globe could fall on or near a child should give one pause when considering this for a child.

And the documentation also specifically warns never to move or attempt to move it while it's on or hot.

:disgust: OK, OK! Just disregard my attempted FYI. I guess I'm the only one to purchase something and later find out it did not come up to my expectations. My bad...I forget that all children and infants today come with genius grey-matter and are Sylvan Reading Course grads. And I sincerely appologize to all parents, relatives and friends whom never forget to put things out-of-reach. FYI, I returned it to CC and the Manager told me that they have had other returns because of the heat produced at the base of the lamp. I purchased another design yesterday that has a simple addition that provides an "air space" around the base of the lamp. This simple design eliminates the chance of being burned by heat from the base of the lamp. It did cost a little more, but I can sleep at night!


Senior member
Jun 25, 2000
Are these pretty nice quality? I got this weird "blob" lamp that was basically some sort of metamorphic plastic polymer that went from 1 big dense lump of solid to a gel form when the lamp finally warmed up for 1-2 hours... the bulb fused after about 8-10 hours and I haven't bothered replacing it. I could use a decent lava lamp.