Latest News, Technical News, and SETI@home daily stats for 20.06.2007.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Ah, Progress (Jun 19 2007)

Because we have a replica database we should, in theory, be able to avoid having regular Tuesday outages to compress and back up the BOINC database. But it's easier to shut things down and play it safe, and we also use this time to take care of other details which require down time. Today, for example, I took the opportunity to replace the bad drive in the 3510 array (see previous recent tech news items for details). Also Jeff and I tried to rack up another one of our newer servers but after shutting it down and taking it out of the rack (where it was just sitting on top of the server below) we realized we didn't have the right rails for it. Oh well, good exercise.

In other news it looks like the data portion of the new multibeam splitter has gained our trust, though we're still looking into some minor pointing discrepancies. At any rate that's a huge step closer to getting multibeam data out to the public. Eric still has to make a minor adjustment to the client and recompile it, too. Over lunch Jeff and I resurrected design development on the Near Time Persistency Checker (a.k.a. the NTPCer, pronounced "nitpicker"). Progress, progress.

- Matt
Update on Arecibo Painting Upgrade
by Dr. Kevin Douglas

On April 25, 2007, the Arecibo telescope stopped observations for a planned major upgrade to its receiver platform, which rests 150 metres (500 feet) above the lowest point of the telescope's 300-metre wide primary reflecting surface. The primary reason for this upgrade is to replace the many layers of paint on the steel structure with a more durable and protective paint, to guard against rust from the high humidity in Puerto Rico. The removal of the old paint requires a certain degree of care, however, since it contains lead. These preventative measures include wrapping the entire platform in large tarps (see pictures below).

Once the old paint is blasted away, the new paint should be applied as soon as possible, to maximize its protection against the elements. This requires the painters to work methodically, in small patches along the platform. The initial estimate was that the entire job would take about 12 weeks. We heard recently that the target date for Arecibo to resume observations is August 1, which would amount to a hiatus of just under 14 weeks. Once observations start up again, we will immediately start collecting more data with ALFA, the telescope's multibeam receiver.

Some pictures of the upgrade progress:

#____Total Work Done____Todays WD_____AWD________overtake_______Team-name
02______241.444.487______377.775______339.851______impossible______SETI.Germany Team Starfire
04_______97.728.479______281.807______222.379______impossible______L'Alliance Francophone
05_______86.391.049______152.685______142.962______impossible______BOINC Synergy
06_______83.516.501______104.434_______95.147______impossible______Czech National Team
08_______51.768.349______214.462______188.063______impossible______The Knights Who Say Ni!
09_______43.981.717__________975________5.693______impossible______OcUK - Overclockers UK
12_______32.001.101_______88.969_______81.786______impossible______Team Art Bell
13_______28.167.110_______57.360_______61.606______impossible______Team 2ch
14_______23.117.286_______46.975_______47.000______impossible______The Planetary Society
15_______17.180.627_______84.586______101.766______impossible______Team MacNN
16_______16.492.343_______15.902_______13.297______impossible______Ars Technica
17________3.545.739_______28.316_______26.925______impossible______Universe Examiners
18_______52.294.410_______66.989_______62.544______notanoption_____TeAm AnandTech
19_______-1.564.681_______11.086_______20.002_________78 days______Phoenix Rising
20_______-4.142.371_______27.917_______38.843________107 days______SETI@Taiwan
21_______-9.148.046_______80.869_______67.048________136 days______Team Starfire World BOINC
22_______-9.827.617________5.532________4.694______2.094 days______Hewlett-Packard
23______-10.436.992________1.063_______-5.650______impossible______Amateur Radio Operators
24______-10.559.551_______68.971_______47.337________223 days______SETI@China
25______-11.210.228_______15.217________6.392______1.754 days______PC Perspective Killer Frogs
26______-11.812.212_______12.431________9.079______1.301 days______Canada
27______-12.373.601______-38.793______-34.163______impossible______Planet 3DNow!
28______-12.792.124_______58.791_______51.646________248 days______Dutch Power Cows
30______-15.028.872_________-821_______-2.742______impossible______Team MacAddict
31______-16.194.037_________-122_________-241______impossible______Team NIPPON
32______-18.310.742______-12.084______-13.453______impossible______BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA
36______-20.804.442_______19.954_______19.038______1.093 days______UK BOINC Team
39______-22.280.337_______32.629_______25.053________889 days______US NAVY
40______-23.963.691_______23.428________5.854______4.094 days______BOINC@AUSTRALIA
41______-24.214.240______-15.455______-10.248______impossible______U.S.Air Force
43______-24.856.226______-25.490______-24.270______impossible______Team EDGE
45______-25.327.591______-29.741______-24.295______impossible______HispaSeti & BOINC
46______-26.938.024______-32.133______-31.490______impossible______SETI Sverige [Sweden]
47______-28.398.407______-27.552______-25.788______impossible______BOINC UK
48______-29.485.226________9.355_______-1.465______impossible______AUSTRIA - NATIONAL - TEAM
50______-29.780.276______-35.393______-33.159______impossible______SETI@Home Poland

Appart for Anandtech's stats, it shows how much more/less than Anandtech.
Also shows based on Average Work Done how many days for Anandtech to overtake the team, or be overtaken by a team behind



Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
Thx for stats and info RD!

I like those pics. But why are they upgrading Arecibo if they want to shut it down? :shocked:


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: BlackMountainCow
Thx for stats and info RD!

I like those pics. But why are they upgrading Arecibo if they want to shut it down? :shocked:
Yea I didn't get that either:confused: ,also does that mean SETI will be running out of WUs again soon?

Thx RD