Do you feel superior because you don't drink coffee and steamed milk?
The baby boomers and Gen X are superior because we know what work is. We know what it is like to build something, we know what it is like to get our hands bloody and dirty everyday.
Chances are the gas you use in your car was refined at a refinery built by the baby boomers and Gen X. Tell me something, who is going to keep those refineries going in 20 years?
What about the power grid, hydro-electric dams, sewage lines, water lines, roads, highways,,,, who is going to be doing the dirty work in Gen Y?
While a good portion of Gen Y is still living with mom and dad in their late 20s, at their age Gen X was busting their ass working 50 - 80 hours a week, married and had a family.
Generation Y has no future. There are only so many people with junk degrees the economy can support.
The difference between Gen X and Gen Y, Gen X did what we had to do. Gen Y is doing what they want to do.
What you need to do and what you want to do are two different things.