KVM messing up???


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Has anybody ever seen where switching back and forth on a KVM (2 machines off of it ? one is and XP SP3 and the other is Vista 64 SP2). The XP machine does not get messed but the Vista box invariably about every other time the special characters on the keyboard ( e.g. ?~!@#...) are not available when using your shift key. I only get numbers. Also having a my computer window open and trying to just click a single item ? numerous items get selected. A reboot will solve this until use the KVM again. Is the 3 month old Vista box just more susceptible to KVM issues???
Anyone seen issues like this???

This is a PS/2 type KVM and I have a usb-to-ps/2 adapter running on it. So am I screwed??? Maybe it is time to upgrade the KVM??? I did not have any problem switching between 2 XP machines.

Thanks for any input


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2001
It deffinately sounds like the vista system is getting confused with the shift key status. When you try to type special characters and only get numbers what happens you hit the numbers without holding shift? What key is used to toggle computers?

The only bit of advice I can offer is on the vista system open the accessability options and disable the keyboard settings like "sticky keys". Also check your kvm manual and see if you can change your toggle key.