Kr7a-Raid Boot Problems


Junior Member
Nov 12, 2001
Hi, guys I have the following:

AMD XP 1800+ (not OC'ed)
Alpha Pal8045 w/Delta 80cfm
Radeon AIW/Voodoo3
2 256mb Crucial 2100
431W Enermax
Lian Li PC60USB case
Pioneer 106s Slot
Maxtor 60 GB ATA 100 7200RPM
Artic Silver2

I installed everything double and triple checking, and when I power up both the green and yellow LED's light, and I get a "beep....pause.....beeep.....pause....beeep.....pause...beeep"
The bios never comes up and I don't get a signal out to the monitor (but all my fans come on and board checks drives). I know this is a supposide RAM error. But how do you exactly fix this (specifically)? Also, could it be that my Alpha is not seated on the CPU correctly??? Please help...


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
Try workign with a minimum of components first... I personally think it may be because you're using 2 vid cards, and it may be trying to boot to the v3/pci card first.

Try this:

Heatsink (p.s. AMD MBs will boot without good CPU -heatsink contact...)
1 stick of Ram
AIW Radeon
One HD



Junior Member
Nov 12, 2001
I have tried that..using only one video card...thanks though

How hard does one have to insert the RAM to get it to contact?? Also, will blasting the slot with a can of air help???


Senior member
Jan 11, 2000
Ram can be tricky to place. Have you tried re-setting your pieces (forgot your config, but if you're using muliples, try with just one in dimm1)?

Maybe this way: carefully push down one side until it seems close to seated, then rock down the other side (carefully) until it is nearly seated. Now carefully apply pressure on the one side until it is firmly seated (the plastic clip often -but not always- locks when a side is seated). Carefully but firmly seat the other side. NOW, for the coup-de-grace, you need to carefully but firmly apply pressure to the center of the dimm, and outward from the center to bother sides. In my experience, the most common cause of an ill-seated dimm is that the center area has not been fully pressured in and engaged.

Make sure you've grounded yourself against static before you do this. Also, check that divider nodule on the bottom of the dimm slot. If you get the mem reversed, there's gonna be fireworks.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
You shouldn't have to press too hard for the ram to click in... just make sure both tabs on the top and bottom click up fully...

of course, every MB's dimm slots are a bit different, so it could be that the kr7a dimm slots are harder to put ram into..



Junior Member
Nov 12, 2001
Thx for the posts I will try them when i get home and...Will DDR ram "click" into its slot without the clips on?


Nov 23, 2001
Thanks for the posts, guys. They were right, I was listening in on your thread, having the same problems.

I even called abit, they had the same suggestion.

I swapped my 2 sticks of crucial several times, reseated several times, tried slots 1-4 etc. etc.

I finally got past the beeping after having set a stick in there at least a dozen times....try and try again..

Good luck - Iam off to install the OS.



Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000

<< Hi, guys I have the following:

AMD XP 1800+ (not OC'ed)
Alpha Pal8045 w/Delta 80cfm
Radeon AIW/Voodoo3
2 256mb Crucial 2100
431W Enermax
Lian Li PC60USB case
Pioneer 106s Slot
Maxtor 60 GB ATA 100 7200RPM
Artic Silver2

I installed everything double and triple checking, and when I power up both the green and yellow LED's light, and I get a "beep....pause.....beeep.....pause....beeep.....pause...beeep"
The bios never comes up and I don't get a signal out to the monitor (but all my fans come on and board checks drives). I know this is a supposide RAM error. But how do you exactly fix this (specifically)? Also, could it be that my Alpha is not seated on the CPU correctly??? Please help...

OK.........since I don't think you're the same guy........I'll repeat it!:) The problem you are expieriencing may very well be the same problem the KG7's had when they first may very well be a dead, or shorted out AGP slot!:( I had one on my first KG7-RAID and it burned up a GF3 before I found out the problem for sure!!! Do NOT continue trying to reseat the video card if it doesn't work after you try everything will only cause you more grief and possibly a video card! Look it up.....the KG7's had this problem and although my KR7 is working fine it sounds like there may be some out there with the same problem.............:(


Mar 5, 2001
I used to have the same problem when i first installed my kr7. Power would come on, but no vid display. I tried re-seeding the VID card and the RAM, and finally did get a display, but then when i changed the bios and restarted, the display would disappear until i unplugged my power, waited until the LEd's on the mobo turned off, then plugged it back in again. I fixed this by making sure the proc was right in the bios. At first it was set for 500mhz, but i changed it to 950, and it worked fine.

Another problem i had was installing the VIA 4-1 drivers. After installing the drivers after installing win2k, i would get an error before win2k booted that said "ntoskrnl.exe was missing or corrupt" I fixed this by sticking in my win2k cd again, booting from it, then repairing my win2k install using the emergency repair. Now it boots just fine. I am still in the middle of installing all my hardware (installin my audigy drivers now), so i will post any more errors if they come up.

so far i installed the via 4in1 drivers, WIN2k service pack2, the new Det drivers for my geforce, and the audigy rite now.

oh, the alpha does fit on this mobo ( getting 29 degrees idle =)