Klipsch Ultra 5.1 - wewt!


Junior Member
Nov 14, 2004
Hello. I just purchased Klipsch Ultra 5.1's off ebay.. a good $220 shipped to my front door :) Man these things make my old generic 2.1's look and sound worse than garbage. Anyway, I have a Shuttle AN35N Ultra motherboard with a Realtek 650 6-channel integrated sound card. I have 5.1 enabled in control panel for sound options but when I try to play a 5.1 supported DVD it doesn't play in Windows Media Player or PowerDVD. Funny thing is, when I record it using windows sound recorder, the recorded sound plays in 5.1..

Another thing is the center satellite. I'm not getting anything from it. Not in any games (Far Cry has 5.1 enabled but still nothing from it.. and I tried BF1942 too) Anyone have this problem? I tried moving the cables around but still nothing. Maybe it's dead or I need a 5.1 card?

Other than that, this thing rocks. I played it out my window and my friend can hear it more than a block away not even on full blast :D

Edit- The pics!


Old 2.1s: http://speed.supercars.net/pitlane/pics/590329d.jpg


Nov 25, 2003
you need a sound card that has analog Front, Rear, and Center ports. After that, do you have software where you can push test tones through each of your speakers?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2000
"the recorded sound plays in 5.1.. "
So does that mean you're getting sound of your center channel then?
If that's the case your speakers are fine, and there's something not set right in your drivers.


Junior Member
Nov 14, 2004
Oops I made a mistake.. I meant when I play the DVD in Windows Media or PowerDVD I will get it in 2.1 and after I record it and play it using windows sound recorder I get it in 4.1

I just tried my motherboard cd again and there was a test thing for the speakers in one of the folders in the cd.. the center one came on with the tone test but that's the most I've heard of it so far..